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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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And you can't see why he'd be a bad jungler?

Yi was an incredible jungler after his remake :)

This is a CertainlyT champion. He's going to be strong.

edit: I could be wrong. But I was one of the few talking about Aatrox jungle too. His kit certainly leaned that way.


Does rappel work on enemy minions anymore? can't seem to do it..Failed to rappel to the minion like 4 times in 1 game..haha


Yi was an incredible jungler after his remake :)

Please don't do that to people. Clearing fast doesn't make a champion a good jungler. Maybe if the test server Bloodrazor come out it mght be worth playing in longer games. Just because CertainlyT is about to have another broken champ at release doesn't mean he can jungle. No one took Thresh jungle seriously or Darius, even if the latter could actually pull it off depending on the team composition.
Yi was an incredible jungler after his remake :)

This is a CertainlyT champion. He's going to be strong.

edit: I could be wrong. But I was one of the few talking about Aatrox jungle too. His kit certainly leaned that way.
Aatrox has a ranged slow a knockup and a revive passive on top of sustain, an attack speed steroid and being overall kinda tanky, his kit screams decent jungler.

Yasuo has no CC unless you duel him for like 10 seconds and has probably one of the worst early games in the game, no steroids, no sustain, no nothing. How do those even compare? lol


0-2 in my promos for bronze 1. Second game, guy swore up and down that he had Aatrox and that he'd get me Amumu to jungle with. Come time to trade and he's like "wait you can't trade if he's free?"

smh. I don't play Aatrox, I don't know how to Aatrox.


That face when vVv refuses to remake even with all the lag because they were winning, but then COG ends up beating them anyway. LOL.


Please don't do that to people. Clearing fast doesn't make a champion a good jungler.

But you see, Yi WAS fuckin broken after his remake. Clearing fast does have its advantages. You could easily become a split pushing god in solo queue and reach mid/late game status earlier to pressure objectives and successfully dive more with your gold advantages over the enemy jungler. Yi could keep up with top/mid laner exp and if he was able to occasionally farm some lane minions with some map awareness, he would be able to melt teams with his alpha strike crits.

Junglers in season 3 were all for early-mid game. Any junglers that played well and snowballed would transition into a better late game. Any junglers that could farm and gank well were immediately nerfed to oblivion because people were always afraid of them.

Although I agree that yasuo will be a bad jungler, discrediting clear speed is a big no-no. Especially when you play as a counter jungler.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
like half the junglers in the game aren't viable right now because their clear speed sucks.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
someone forgot to tell riot mundo has permaslow and must be unfun for other players. rework incoming.
After 265 Nautilus games I'm finally learning Vi... wow this is a change. So much fun being able to do damage and not rely on the team to follow up on my ganks. Soloing dragon is great too.


But you see, Yi WAS fuckin broken after his remake. Clearing fast does have its advantages. You could easily become a split pushing god in solo queue and reach mid/late game status earlier to pressure objectives and successfully dive more with your gold advantages over the enemy jungler. Yi could keep up with top/mid laner exp and if he was able to occasionally farm some lane minions with some map awareness, he would be able to melt teams with his alpha strike crits.

I forgot that Yi was actually changed a bit following the remake release, my bad. But I'm not entirely sure this disproves my point - that he had to be broken to do what you're describing?

Also, while garath mentions later on that remake Yi was strong, his initial post that started this seems to be implying that current Yi is a good jungler. I disagree, and my experience with S4 Yis hasn't changed my perception.

Although I agree that yasuo will be a bad jungler, discrediting clear speed is a big no-no. Especially when you play as a counter jungler.

Sure, but you have to bring something else to the table. I'm not trying to discredit clear speed, Shyvana and Udyr(Phoenix) have excellent clear speeds but can do more than Yi.


Mid laner gets ganked and killed three times in the first 10 minutes of the game then rage quits after telling me to go fuck myself for not helpin him.


It's preseason and the other 9 people in the room were chatting it up in all chat telling jokes and laughing.

Meh. It was a fun game with lots of baron dancing but man, a 4v5 is just shitty no matter how you see it.



god tier splash


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
mustache poro is adorable

too bad actual skin is crap
  • by far the best spell effects on any lulu skin
  • best companion that also has visible directional facing
  • not stupid dreadlocks
  • lulu
how is this even remotely crap


  • by far the best spell effects on any lulu skin
  • best companion that also has visible directional facing
  • not stupid dreadlocks
  • lulu
how is this even remotely crap


her face looks like crap

bonus: if I could remove one champion from the game it would be lee sin. I'd trade it for ryze and zed and nidalee buffs. I'd trade it for lux's e. I wish they sent him to the special league where he could play with other disabled champions and leave me alone.


I don't really understand how you would even see Lulu's face in normal gameplay zoomed all the way out. As far as I'm aware even with a huge monitor, zooming in is going to make things unplayable. And of all the champions you might decide to zoom in on, to look at their face...Lulu? And even with all that said, it looks reasonable to me.

The splash art is quite good.


her face looks like crap

bonus: if I could remove one champion from the game it would be lee sin. I'd trade it for ryze and zed and nidalee buffs. I'd trade it for lux's e. I wish they sent him to the special league where he could play with other disabled champions and leave me alone.
Lee Sin is such a cool champ. If any champ needs to be removed, it's Corki. Super unorginal concept, annoying voice, annoying game play mechanics.

how is this even remotely crap
Dimb finally gets a Lulu skin he can tolerate.

bonus: if I could remove one champion from the game it would be lee sin. I'd trade it for ryze and zed and nidalee buffs. I'd trade it for lux's e. I wish they sent him to the special league where he could play with other disabled champions and leave me alone.[/QUOTE]


Lee Sin:

- funnest champion in the game
- most skill requiring kit
- can be amazing with a good player, terrible with a poor player
- has tons of cool skins
- skins have amazing synergy, allowing for really great plays to be made

Are you a Garen main or something? :P

For real though, if I had to remove a champ from the game first I would remove the infinite scaling from Nasus/Veigar/Thresh just because it's a stupid idea full stop, and then would remove Riven. Riven simply feels like a champion from another genre of video game. Like if you put Dante into the game. Her kit just makes no sense compared to other champions. Especially her q.
Lulu's face on that splashart is creepy as fuck. Approaching Lollipoppy levels there.

Yeah, as someone who mained Janna last wekk, Lux is not doing it for me. I think I have realised that way too late, but good riddance. She is far too slow and her initial power seems to be very useful during the beginning of the match, once the other champs reach their potential, I am just a toast. I think I might as well buy Janna before I forget my skill with her.
Whoever recommended Lux to you when you asked for a champion similar to Janna couldn't have picked someone worse. Their skillsets are nothing alike and she never worked for the role. Lux is still good, just... never as a support.

Try Nami and Lulu instead when they're free.

If any champ needs to be removed, it's Corki. Super unorginal concept, annoying voice, annoying game play mechanics.
Olaf is pretty great against jungle Eve. Counterjungled and absolutely crushed her. I tried peeking at her red at start but it looks like she went blue->red. Whatever. Walked back to my red as she ganked mid. Was taking my red when she tried dueling me at Lv2. Worst mistake she could have done, especially when I started Dblade. Camped the crap out of her so she couldn't do any good ganks since she was 3-4 levels behind everyone.

How good is Fizz Jungle? Looking for an AP damage jungler and I don't care for fiddles
IDK about Fizz, but jungle Gragas is legit good. Clear times shot waaay up after his E got reworked a bit. He's a bit mana intensive though.

Eve is broken and will definitely get nerfed/reworked a bit.
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