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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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why did i pick riven into pantheon

maybe i should max E first

edit: nvm, pantheon played like wood league. early ignite without all in. spammed every single skill to go oom in 4 mins forcing him to go home (not kidding). played so bad i was getting thrown off.

mind games


haven't played arams at noon in a while and damn if people don't love dodging

this shit feels like challenger queue, 20 minutes til I get in a game and both times it's akali lol


aw yeah we doin this

Jinx (rocket), corki, cait, jinx (mini gz)
graves, draven, ez, kog, mf (up a tier w/ q after), trist
sivir, ashe, lucian (dude has two guns and swings them up after a shot like a dummy), twitch
shit tier is varus and vayne, varus's auto makes me feel gross and vayne has a fucking annoying sound


I was just reported by three people for going Skarner top. I wanted to try it, it seemed fun. I did well my first game against Riven. I think I even went positive. So I went it again.

Was doing okay against Renekton, but then a Fiddle flash feared me, Renekton went in, and, yeah, dead. 0/1 at this point, probably seven minutes or so into the game. Team goes nuts.

"skarner top? gg"
"Who does that? fucking feeder"
"report skarner"

At this point I just ignore it. Whatever, who cares. Then Lee says he's not ganking for a "faggot" Skarner and ignores me. Tower falls, I die again, and now everyone's going absolutely nuts. Shouting in all chat how I'm a "faggot feeder", how I should stop playing and play bots, calling me useless. Seriously, I've never seen a group of people go off so hard in this game. I talk back, saying that it's fun to be unconventional. They won't stop spamming all chat about how I should be reported.

So I'm kinda useless now that I'm negative and behind in creep. The badgering continues. So I say fine, I won't die anymore, and I play insanely passive. Like I barely leave the tower. Of course that makes them mad too. I tell them I'm not playing for people who can't even be civil and that it's unranked and that they shouldn't take it too seriously.

We lost. They reported me. Yes, the Lee Sin spouting that I'm a "faggot" in all chat at least 10 times reported me.

This game.


No doubt. But it's fun and can lead to good times when people push to tower, attack you, then you pull them back in, ignite, and blow them up.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
playing skarner top doesn't sound fun at all vs. most of the popular top laners right now. the sort of thing that would lead to lots of excruciating experiences.


Was listening to this debate on a stream earlier and curious what you guys thought.

As a jungle (or just in general); what is better/which would you prefer. Assuming you can only have one during early game: A 'gamechanger' or 'lanechanger' play.

Gamechanger refers to getting your team an early dragon, or forcing some type of favorable early engagement.

Langechanger refers to securing a gank in a specific lane, so that player can become strong, snowball and hopefully carry.

The streamer (some diamond 1 guy - can't remember his name), was answering a question in which he was asked would he rather get a dragon for his team, or gank the guy in top lane' (in this case) to start snowballing

Ultimately, he said: the lanechanger was better, as it's simply safer then trying to sneak dragon, which is way too risky in most circumstances during high level games. A bunch of people started arguing that there's plenty of games where a particular lane will crush, but your team still loses because they're just bad. Thus, the dragon (or gamechanger play) is more important. Thoughts?
I was just reported by three people for going Skarner top. I wanted to try it, it seemed fun. I did well my first game against Riven. I think I even went positive. So I went it again.

Was doing okay against Renekton, but then a Fiddle flash feared me, Renekton went in, and, yeah, dead. 0/1 at this point, probably seven minutes or so into the game. Team goes nuts.

"skarner top? gg"
"Who does that? fucking feeder"
"report skarner"

At this point I just ignore it. Whatever, who cares. Then Lee says he's not ganking for a "faggot" Skarner and ignores me. Tower falls, I die again, and now everyone's going absolutely nuts. Shouting in all chat how I'm a "faggot feeder", how I should stop playing and play bots, calling me useless. Seriously, I've never seen a group of people go off so hard in this game. I talk back, saying that it's fun to be unconventional. They won't stop spamming all chat about how I should be reported.

So I'm kinda useless now that I'm negative and behind in creep. The badgering continues. So I say fine, I won't die anymore, and I play insanely passive. Like I barely leave the tower. Of course that makes them mad too. I tell them I'm not playing for people who can't even be civil and that it's unranked and that they shouldn't take it too seriously.

We lost. They reported me. Yes, the Lee Sin spouting that I'm a "faggot" in all chat at least 10 times reported me.

This game.

i thought i already saved you from this

remember the fun we had


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
how is that fair
if you pick something that puts your team at a serious disadvantage just expect people to get mad when it goes wrong.
Ultimately, he said: the lanechanger was better, as it's simply safer then trying to sneak dragon, which is way too risky in most circumstances during high level games. A bunch of people started arguing that there's plenty of games where a particular lane will crush, but your team still loses because they're just bad. Thus, the dragon (or gamechanger play) is more important. Thoughts?
100 gold won't stop your team from being bad. in most situations a global objective can only come off a victory somewhere else, so trying to take them in even games inherently creates risk. the value of snowballing top laners is massive and often game changing, especially when it also shuts an entire member of the enemy team out. there are more laners that can carry games now than almost ever before.


Was listening to this debate on a stream earlier and curious what you guys thought.

As a jungle (or just in general); what is better/which would you prefer. Assuming you can only have one during early game: A 'gamechanger' or 'lanechanger' play.

Gamechanger refers to getting your team an early dragon, or forcing some type of favorable early engagement.

Langechanger refers to securing a gank in a specific lane, so that player can become strong, snowball and hopefully carry.

The streamer (some diamond 1 guy - can't remember his name), was answering a question in which he was asked would he rather get a dragon for his team, or gank the guy in top lane' (in this case) to start snowballing

Ultimately, he said: the lanechanger was better, as it's simply safer then trying to sneak dragon, which is way too risky in most circumstances during high level games. A bunch of people started arguing that there's plenty of games where a particular lane will crush, but your team still loses because they're just bad. Thus, the dragon (or gamechanger play) is more important. Thoughts?
good question, but yea lanechanger just makes much more impact in the game since dragon doesn't really snowballs things anymore, at least in solo queue (dunno about competitive), while if my jungler comes and feeds me a kill I'll ride off that the whole laning phase easy.

so j4 > nasus all day

if you pick something that puts your team at a serious disadvantage just expect people to get mad when it goes wrong.
it's normals


i mean its not like the two are mutually exclusive unless you are talking about ~lvl3 junglesz

also no1 should be a dick in a video game


1-0 in my qualifiers for bronze 1. My team was getting pooped on during laning phase but I was able to roam enough to get my top lane (Olaf) started. At one point Olaf was level 3 against a 7 Volibear, and my one gank got us a kill there and let him start to breathe easier. He ended 14-3 I think.
time is money - benjamin franklin

Then I'd suggest people shouldn't be playing videogames at all. If you're desperate for wins and time-tested team comps, ranked is available. Don't jump into a normal match and expect, much less demand perfect team comps and the most viable champs. If you queue for a normal match without this understanding, you're wasting your OWN time; nobody is wasting it for you.
Then I'd suggest people shouldn't be playing videogames at all. If you're desperate for wins and time-tested team comps, ranked is available. Don't jump into a normal match and expect, much less demand perfect team comps and the most viable champs. If you queue for a normal match without this understanding, you're wasting your OWN time; nobody is wasting it for you.
To be fair, the majority of players doesn't play ranked, you can't ask them of this understanding, normals is their "ranked". When I play normals I give no fucks about anything aside toxic behaviour, but if my state of mind were the norm then League's community wouldn't have such a bad rap.

When I tell people if you want to try new shit do it in ranked I'm dead serious. People will actually try and win through it most of the time.

EDIT - Doesn't mean that I condone people acting like dicks in an online game, but don't expect people to just be fine with you doing whatever just because it's normals since to many of them normals is all they got. Just mute them and don't look back if you have to, you're without a doubt never seeing them again anyways.


Normals are where I go to play a new champion or try a new build.

I took my toplane Urgot into a ranked game with only one bot game under my belt and the laning phase was attrocious. I bounced back and was able to help the team win with a few choice ults on their carry, but my ability in lane phase was wretched.

I also just bought Kha'Zix, so there are a few more normals in my future as I test him out. If I play badly in normals, it's because I'm trying new shit and I don't care if people rag on me for doing poorly.



it's not ok to waste someone's time (this means different things for different ppl), but that's kinda embedded in the idea of a 40 min team game w/ strangers, u will probably see ppl go off harder if someone dying a lot can be connected to a champ they don't normally see tho

i tried something new in ranked last night by accident i didn even know it was ranked


he's not feeding, just playing an unusual champion at a mode meant for casual play

people like easy excuses, that's all there is to it


Everything is moe to me
1-0 in my qualifiers for bronze 1. My team was getting pooped on during laning phase but I was able to roam enough to get my top lane (Olaf) started. At one point Olaf was level 3 against a 7 Volibear, and my one gank got us a kill there and let him start to breathe easier. He ended 14-3 I think.
sivir taric lane in your game 2? gg.


i think normals is just like
dont be a dick man dont do it
and then you slowly press the button and the game exits out and its just MAD at you

but ranked is like
you are on the track to a promotion
you will lose everything


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Then I'd suggest people shouldn't be playing videogames at all. If you're desperate for wins and time-tested team comps, ranked is available. Don't jump into a normal match and expect, much less demand perfect team comps and the most viable champs. If you queue for a normal match without this understanding, you're wasting your OWN time; nobody is wasting it for you.
If you have no desire to win you probably shouldn't be playing a competitive game. Everyone is playing League to have fun. There is a stark difference between running what is optimal and running AP Skarner top. I personally wouldn't want to deal with that on my team. I'm not asking for everyone to be the best, but even basic math theorycrafting stops AP Skarner, who is already a poor solo laner.

Obviously it is not okay for the community to verbally lash out at a player for doing something like that, but it's also a response that does not surprise me.


My hidden MMR for normals is high as fuck. Probably around 1700ish? So, even at level 20 - it's all highly ranked smurfs trying nonstop to win.

In fact, I played on my buddies silver account the other day. Those ranked matches were a joke compared to these games.


eh, normals are open for suboptimal and "just for fun" picks. if you're taking your weird pick seriously then you're playing the mode right and respecting other people's times. if you run 1v3 all #yolo then yea you're trolling your own team and you suck.

I like when people pull out weird shit in my games, I just hate that they always have to "deceive" me by changing picks at the last second.

just so we're friends, winter lulu's is, indeed, one of the coolest splash arts in recent memory

why did i pick riven into pantheon

maybe i should max E first

edit: nvm, pantheon played like wood league. early ignite without all in. spammed every single skill to go oom in 4 mins forcing him to go home (not kidding). played so bad i was getting thrown off.

mind games
I don't really see why Riven should be worried about Pantheon anyways.


Everything is moe to me
Newt had connectivity issues, a random locked screen, and there was a Zed that despite getting fed early kept getting caught out. :\

The udyr sat on him after he left bot lane alone.

really the two big 4v5's you guys had without jax were the game changers, before that zed and jax were pretty far ahead. it was smart of them to take jinx and udyr mid and press down hard.

Bob White

Annie is a terror for short range ADC with no major poke abilities

I've been setting my runes and masteries for AD Annie. It's not the best way to play her but I love seeing 3 of my long range auto attacks take the enemy ADC down to half health before we hit level 2.
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