Off topic, but what is your avatar from?
Lemondogs best lemondogs
Myw Top
ImSoFresh Jungler
ShLaYa Mid
TFS Crazycaps AD
TFS Zeriouz Support
I'm Draven, and I don't do subtle.You are not Rengar, you are not Tryndamere, you are not Shaco. Stop throwing the game for us and GO MID WHEN WE HAVE THE LEAD. ty
You are not Rengar, you are not Tryndamere, you are not Shaco. Stop throwing the game for us and GO MID WHEN WE HAVE THE LEAD. ty
You are not Rengar, you are not Tryndamere, you are not Shaco. Stop throwing the game for us and GO MID WHEN WE HAVE THE LEAD. ty
First ranked game in like 2 months almost.
nasus, shen, udyr, singed, shyvana, olaf, darius, zed all can split push really well. But if you have the numbers advantage just push the mid lane and end the game.
this is so america
How is Bear Cavalry Sejuani American? Teams Spirit Anivia or bust.
thats volibear
since everyone is just going to make me go ad carry all the time i'll just learn mf i guess.
twitch sucks right now. can't do anything with the range he has. mf seems good right now to me.What? No, why?
Learn a proper ADC.
I thought you like Twitch? Twitch is better than MF.
twitch sucks right now. can't do anything with the range he has. mf seems good right now to me.
What, join the Sivir waifu clubi think miss fortune still gets decent single target damage out. reason i like her is that she can deal with lane bullies and still transition well into mid/late game. i don't think she's very unsafe either, you just need proper positioning. i have no interest in varus/draven/jinx/lucian so...yeah.
Both irrelevant junglers. Anyone could make that mistake.
Everything is freelo in Bronze.Volibear is freelo in bronze. I dont know why I haven't picked him up yet.
What, join the Sivir waifu club
This. Played a game on her last night. Made some bad mistakes and missed some spell shields, but she is fun and powerful.
...and on her way to morello town of nerfs
Hey guys, Nami is still good.
while in a wikipedia hole
found out the singer in linkin park has a son called draven
Hey guys, Nami is still good.
How's Hearthstone? Just got a beta key.
is it supposed to be a private video?