just played with a trundle that at level 7 literally said "I lost, bye bye" and ragequit. guy was platinum and everything lol
so we decided to turtle and see about making that trundle waste the most amount of time possible. I was dumping on the lissandra pretty hard before the trundle qq'd and our jungle vi was brighter than most so we held out like 35 minutes or something.
crazy, never had someone so blatantly ragequit.
I've always wanted to. Build?
tbh I just do whatever. you'l see me build something like double dorans + seekers (unless against like elise or maybe nasus in which case I'd want chalice to be as annoying as possible) + haunting guise + sorc shoes a lot at top lane then just see what feels right. I don't buy dfg early like I'd do with mid lizzy because you're not roaming and bursting squishies when playing top so it's kind of a waste rushing it, I guess, though definitively buy it later on since it's super fun on her. at some point get morellos/athenes since cdr is awesome.
so yea, basically the same as mid lizzy, eventually get void staff, deathcap, etc., you're not really changing how you play her as you might do with annie, just being really fucking annoying in lane and then in teamfights you go and blow up the enemy babies.
it works really well for me for some reason, I always end up towerdiving renektons and shens heh
edit: I go 21/9/0 with ap quints, double pen reds, armor yellows and ap/lvl blues (or mr blues if against ap). r>q>w>e.
thing about it is not so much making autos matter that more but having some kind of fun buff for her that rewards building ap like ziggs' does. it'd still be dumb to buy lich bane on her but having 600 ap and getting like a 100 more damage on your ult passive proc is fun :3
I dunno, I don't think lux is necessarily weak but I just can't justify playing her over my other mids
yeah I don't disagree that ziggs is broken