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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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supp woes
aren't you sweet :3

yea, like the others say, if you're unsure the adc's gonna get it, kill them yourself, people whining about ks aren't really worth listening to anyways.

also don't be too concerned with "wasting" your ult as sona on a single enemy since this being s4 supports have a lot of gold and access to cooldown reduction, it's not as punishing for supports if you don't hit every single ult perfectly. tho in that case it's more of that ashe being shit at the game and life overall than anything else.


I don't want to Jinx anything (hurr durr), but the wins just keep coming. Need 2 more to match my losses, then hopefully from there forward I leave the loss ratio in the dust. 44 LP and counting...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The conditions for Yasuo's ultimate are the thing I like least about him. His team composition can have such a dramatic impact on how powerful he is. Seems like it would be really hard to balance.
aren't you sweet :3

yea, like the others say, if you're unsure the adc's gonna get it, kill them yourself, people whining about ks aren't really worth listening to anyways.

also don't be too concerned with "wasting" your ult as sona on a single enemy since this being s4 supports have a lot of gold and access to cooldown reduction, it's not as punishing for supports if you don't hit every single ult perfectly. tho in that case it's more of that ashe being shit at the game and life overall than anything else.

Ehehe... :p I just always try to be reasonable and honest, I actually got "called out" during matches sometimes because people can't believe I give lane spots willingly to others and all... is it really that uncommon for people being actually nice in LoL? I'm on EUW btw. o.o

And hmm alright, well I always use the Ulti if I try to get away desperately too when I'm in a disadvantage but okay I won't be as hesitant anymore :) And yeah I noticed that supports get way more gold now which is nice, I guess I should invest a bit more in cooldown then :D As for that Ashe, I guess I have to agree, some people just try waaay too hard to come off as perfect and flawless :/ Oh well I can't "fix" people :p


Ehehe... :p I just always try to be reasonable and honest, I actually got "called out" during matches sometimes because people can't believe I give lane spots willingly to others and all... is it really that uncommon for people being actually nice in LoL? I'm on EUW btw. o.o

And hmm alright, well I always use the Ulti if I try to get away desperately too when I'm in a disadvantage but okay I won't be as hesitant anymore :) And yeah I noticed that supports get way more gold now which is nice, I guess I should invest a bit more in cooldown then :D As for that Ashe, I guess I have to agree, some people just try waaay too hard to come off as perfect and flawless :/ Oh well I can't "fix" people :p
yeah, I mean, part of the game is judging when's the best moment to cc people up so it's not always about blowing your ult if there's a 2% chance it'll work but some people worry too much and sometimes hitting one person and blowing her up is just good enough.

but don't be like those taric premature stunners that go about randomly e'ing people and then wonder why their adc gets blown to pieces


Playing on touchpad makes my hands hurt

My old laptop had faulty USB ports though, so a lot of time the mouse would stop working, vayne with touchpad is lolz, not as bad as draven though
yeah, I mean, part of the game is judging when's the best moment to cc people up so it's not always about blowing your ult if there's a 2% chance it'll work but some people worry too much and sometimes hitting one person and blowing her up is just good enough.

but don't be like those taric premature stunners that go about randomly e'ing people and then wonder why their adc gets blown to pieces

Yeah that's true, I always try to let my ADC or Jungler initiate any attacks though atleast when I see enemies being close to our tower I rarely initiate myself which has a pretty random success rate though I suppose that's also part of the learning process of playing with randoms as most of the time I'm playing with friends over Skype. And alright thanks, so it doesn't always have to hit two to be effective... I guess I am one of these people who worry too much but that's why I asked for help and critique :)

As for Taric, I never played has him yet or had one as my supporter but oh dear that sounds quite a bit... worrisome... I will remember that when I play ADC and come across one :p And don't worry I don't stun with Sona on every possible occasion, infact I'm a very careful and thoughtful player, maybe sometimes a bit too much for my own good as I always fear to mess up :p


Ok, wtf. Loading into a game that has nothing but silvers and a gold. I'm the only bronzie D:

Is my MMR getting higher? lol

Normals or ranked? Some people (like myself) don't play normals at all after they start doing ranked. This causes their normal MMR to be way different than their actual skill level.

If it's ranked, you're either getting higher (Congrats) or these people ranked up to Silver/Gold and then proceeded to lose all their MMR (you can't get demoted back a notch).


I really wish they added just a wee bit of ap scaling to lux passive. it'd probably be kind of broken but it'd make her feel so good :3

I can't wait for renekton and riven to be nerfed so I can play champions top.

play lissa top and stomp on fools all day

Yeah that's true, I always try to let my ADC or Jungler initiate any attacks though atleast when I see enemies being close to our tower I rarely initiate myself which has a pretty random success rate though I suppose that's also part of the learning process of playing with randoms as most of the time I'm playing with friends over Skype. And alright thanks, so it doesn't always have to hit two to be effective... I guess I am one of these people who worry too much but that's why I asked for help and critique :)

As for Taric, I never played has him yet or had one as my supporter but oh dear that sounds quite a bit... worrisome... I will remember that when I play ADC and come across one :p And don't worry I don't stun with Sona on every possible occasion, infact I'm a very careful and thoughtful player, maybe sometimes a bit too much for my own good as I always fear to mess up :p
I personally really like to ult unsuspecting people that think "she's not gonna ult just ME" and see them blow up :)
The conditions for Yasuo's ultimate are the thing I like least about him. His team composition can have such a dramatic impact on how powerful he is. Seems like it would be really hard to balance.
They can start by having it actually be just knock-ups rather than every little displacement skill, Hecarim's and Draven's E included. That's way too generous / lenient for an instant, long-range ultimate.

I can't wait for renekton and riven to be nerfed so I can play champions top.
Learn to trade better because they're both perfectly manageable. And Renekton hates E > W maxing top lane Quinns, for what it's worth.

oh hey Yasuo champion spotlight you can actually watch.

That was a really informative spotlight for newer or less experienced players, surprisingly. Big improvement over older ones.
I really wish they added just a wee bit of ap scaling to lux passive. it'd probably be kind of broken but it'd make her feel so good :3



just played with a trundle that at level 7 literally said "I lost, bye bye" and ragequit. guy was platinum and everything lol

so we decided to turtle and see about making that trundle waste the most amount of time possible. I was dumping on the lissandra pretty hard before the trundle qq'd and our jungle vi was brighter than most so we held out like 35 minutes or something.

crazy, never had someone so blatantly ragequit.

I've always wanted to. Build?
tbh I just do whatever. you'l see me build something like double dorans + seekers (unless against like elise or maybe nasus in which case I'd want chalice to be as annoying as possible) + haunting guise + sorc shoes a lot at top lane then just see what feels right. I don't buy dfg early like I'd do with mid lizzy because you're not roaming and bursting squishies when playing top so it's kind of a waste rushing it, I guess, though definitively buy it later on since it's super fun on her. at some point get morellos/athenes since cdr is awesome.

so yea, basically the same as mid lizzy, eventually get void staff, deathcap, etc., you're not really changing how you play her as you might do with annie, just being really fucking annoying in lane and then in teamfights you go and blow up the enemy babies.

it works really well for me for some reason, I always end up towerdiving renektons and shens heh

edit: I go 21/9/0 with ap quints, double pen reds, armor yellows and ap/lvl blues (or mr blues if against ap). r>q>w>e.

thing about it is not so much making autos matter that more but having some kind of fun buff for her that rewards building ap like ziggs' does. it'd still be dumb to buy lich bane on her but having 600 ap and getting like a 100 more damage on your ult passive proc is fun :3

I dunno, I don't think lux is necessarily weak but I just can't justify playing her over my other mids

yeah I don't disagree that ziggs is broken :mad:


I can't wait for renekton and riven to be nerfed so I can play champions top.

I mean, they'll just get replaced by the next flavor of their types of laners. You're better off just learning the match-up and learning the lane rather than waiting for nerfs that won't solve the core problem.


I mean, they'll just get replaced by the next flavor of their types of laners. You're better off just learning the match-up and learning the lane rather than waiting for nerfs that won't solve the core problem.
Omg Quinn so stronk rito nerf!


Meh, I just severely dislike knee-jerk reactions to champions (or items or whatever). Be irritated or whatever but learn to take a step back and find the problem and think things through about it.


hate knee jerk reactions, but hate people who just give up and blame the champion/riot rather than trying to overcome the challenge more!


I kinda hate that riven (and yasuo, vlad, rengar, katarina, etc.) does not have a resource, even energy, to manage most of all

at the same time I don't know if riven with resources could exist, but it just feels wrong.

also I just had a katarina whine to me about lux having no mana issues lol. like, lux's e costs 130 mana, give me fucking break


Riven's biggest problem is her tankiness (her shield) scales off AD. I think I've made this point before.

I can't think of another champion who's defensive/mobile ability scales off AD. Not Rengar, Fiora, Yi, Lee, Udyr...not to mention it has 100% bonus AD scaling. It needs to scale off AP.


I kinda hate that riven (and yasuo, vlad, rengar, katarina, etc.) does not have a resource, even energy, to manage most of all

at the same time I don't know if riven with resources could exist, but it just feels wrong.

Riven with a mana cost would probably be a useless champion. Unless the mana cost is so irrelevant that it's like she's manaless. Yasuo is quite similar since his Q is pretty much putting his auto-attack on Q instead of A.

Riven's biggest problem is her tankiness (her shield) scales off AD. I think I've made this point before.

I can't think of another champion who's defensive/mobile ability scales off AD. Not Rengar, Fiora, Yi...not to mention it has 100% bonus AD scaling. It needs to scale off AP.

The 100% is a little excessive but it's honestly not the end of the world: She aggressively scales with AD alone. Defensive stats don't really help her do her job and raw AD doesn't make her immortal even with it's current state. Riven's biggest issue is she perfectly highlights how big a stat lead can mean: It doesn't take much for her being ahead to be really felt. Conversely, it's pretty easy to keep her down once she's down due to her scaling anyway.


Here's my priority list

-Make pink wards more effective against stealth champions (Evelynn)
-Nerf Sivir
-Nerf Taric
-Give traditional supports more power
-Reduce the strength of point and click CC (Fiddle/Annie)
-Slight nerf to Shyvanna
-Slight nerf to Lucian
-Slightly reduce AD ratio on Riven E.


Riven with a mana cost would probably be a useless champion. Unless the mana cost is so irrelevant that it's like she's manaless. Yasuo is quite similar since his Q is pretty much putting his auto-attack on Q instead of A.
maybe, but not necessarily

like, look at olaf. only two spells cost any mana, but it forces him to sustain and manage and whatever.

I'd like to see what'd happen on mana costs on her w and e, and q and ult are still manaless.

I'm not saying this is her problem, just that I don't like resourceless champions
Why don't more people bring silence against a Riven if they're so worried about her? :/ A silenced Riven is a sitting duck.

This is just all part of the regular FotM rotation. People want Shyv and Riven nerfed because they're popular right now, or got dumpstered in a few games. You can't even make the excuse that other top laners got nerfed. Literally nothing changed with some other popular top laners last season (eg Renekton, Rumble, Jax) for a very very long time. A few got love taps with their laning (Aatrox, Nasus). You still see them played. Other top laners disappeared because of legit nerfs (almost everything Shen, Zac blobs, etc).

There weren't many big changes to factors outside the champions themselves except for Rengar due to reduced true vision. Some say Mundo sees more use because of Second Wind, but it's a tiny bonus that only kicks in for a very brief period.


I'd rather them try to find more non-nerf solutions to top lane. That is, itemization and other gameplay tweaks instead. Like, if you nerf Riven, she'll just get replaced with more Lee Sin or Jax picks. Other things that can bully you out at Level 2/3 with a well timed all-in and force the lane into an item race that they'll win simply by virtue of their scaling potential.

Why don't more people bring silence against a Riven if they're so worried about her? :/ A silenced Riven is a sitting duck.

Because most the things that can silence can't fight her anyway.

maybe, but not necessarily

like, look at olaf. only two spells cost any mana, but it forces him to sustain and manage and whatever.

I mean, Olaf is pretty functionally different. His primary mana concern is his ranged harass.

I dunno. I like the resourceless champions so I'm fairly biased in this~ I just don't find that them being resourceless makes a huge deal compared to proper casters.
Because most the things that can silence can't fight her anyway.
Doesn't have to lane with her though. Jungle Cho, Kass elsewhere, 2v1 with Soraka, anything. A good number of complaints I hear is about her shield with a low ish cooldown and high scaling making her tanky in extended fights. Silence shuts her tankiness and damage output down for a while.

And yes I'd rather Riot just buff others, especially with regards to traditional supports. We see mage supports more often now, because a good number of traditional supports got nerfed to put them more in line with their gold-starved power. Fidd's already getting nerfed. Annie will surely follow, either through her stun duration or how frequently it comes up (eg requiring targets hit for W).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
idc about riven, but ad carry, top lane, and jungle are all super stagnant with an extremely small pool of regular picks and it's a problem that needs to be looked into.


I need 3 more wins to have a completely green page on lolking, get that nasty 1 loss off that page.. 76LP. Bronze 1 easier than any other bronze confirmed. Also, I'm being matched with silvers and golds now.
So after a three game win streak playing Taric support (really like him and def has a big impact in team fights) I play a game where some guy says he us terrible at ADC. I ask if he is good support and if so I'll ADC. He says yes so I go trist.

He picks Lux. Ugh. I say please not lux. He just says she is a good support (but I know he will just play like an ap carry).

Surprise surprise I get no peal or shield. She build sight stone then ap items and spends her time trying to get killing blows and ignoring any of their team trying to dive me. We lose.

I really should not be nice and let people play support when u get first pick on it.

Lesson learned I guess. Played some ARAM after to cool off. Tore it up as Alister. Still love supporting as him.


So after a three game win streak playing Taric support (really like him and def has a big impact in team fights) I play a game where some guy says he us terrible at ADC. I ask if he is good support and if so I'll ADC. He says yes so I go trist. Surprise surprise I get no peal or shield. She build sight stone then ap items and spends her time trying to get killing blows and ignoring any of their team trying to dive me. We lose.
This isn't really something unusual anymore.


I knew my winstreak had to end... sucks that it was when I was Amumu jungle. Our Shyvana top straight up told us to fuck off end game when we told her we needed to group, because they were grouping and pushing our shit in.

And our Kass's build... yeesh. Yes Kass, you're supposed to focus their tanks instead of rift walk and assassinate their squishies... that's exactly what you were supposed to be doing. Good job! ... :T


I knew my winstreak had to end... sucks that it was when I was Amumu jungle. Our Shyvana top straight up told us to fuck off end game when we told her we needed to group, because they were grouping and pushing our shit in.

And our Kass's build... yeesh. Yes Kass, you're supposed to focus their tanks instead of rift walk and assassinate their squishies... that's exactly what you were supposed to be doing. Good job! ... :T

Which league are you in and what server do you play on?
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