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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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hah, people sure are fast

my portuguese is not that good but that doesn't sound right :p


So how do you guys think they're gonna nerf Shyvana? Just played against one and finally saw how much damage she can do while still building full tank. Passive nerf to squish her up a bit or damage reduction?


So how do you guys think they're gonna nerf Shyvana? Just played against one and finally saw how much damage she can do while still building full tank. Passive nerf to squish her up a bit or damage reduction?

Sometimes I think its burnout, sometimes I think its her q.

Are we talking top shyvana?


How's Hearthstone? Just got a beta key.
If you love mtg for the depth of play and interaction you're gonna get frustrated at times
So how do you guys think they're gonna nerf Shyvana? Just played against one and finally saw how much damage she can do while still building full tank. Passive nerf to squish her up a bit or damage reduction?
They'll probably remove armour/mr from human form


So how do you guys think they're gonna nerf Shyvana? Just played against one and finally saw how much damage she can do while still building full tank. Passive nerf to squish her up a bit or damage reduction?
yea, passive is what I'm thinking

also maybe some more nerfs to defensive masteries

I dunno if they need to happen but it's what I'm feeling


I play games on aram with my wacom here and then

it was fun until my wacom drivers broke for the nth time and now I can't set the clicking as I'd want to


how do we break dis cycle

na is drama town n the people have learnt to love it

cos the ppl love drama everybody tries to be a personality in drama town

na will forever suck
Daaamn. He looks so good.

I want him just so that I can fulfil my dream of 100% critical chance. With GP it's hard to get there and usually not worth it. And that Q looks like tons of fun, never mind the wind wall and dash. He's definitely going to be a champion with lots of crazy build patterns.

Incidentally, bip and Merovin carried my planky behind earlier in a very very entertaining game.


(Oh also bip carried me to a ranked win, yay bip. <3)


So after deciding my oath of playing no ranked solo q games in pre-season was garbage, I decided to play my first ranked solo q game after pre-season patch hit:


Stomped so hard on the Ashe+Malphite bot lane, luckily there were no other difficulties as all the other lanes+jungle stomped too. If only I get this lucky in all my series, lol.


Is Maokai still dead?? I only played him once with the new jungle item. I can say its a lot easier on my mana which was a huge concern for him.

Also, Misturugi looks fuckin awesome.


Is Maokai still dead?? I only played him once with the new jungle item. I can say its a lot easier on my mana which was a huge concern for him.

Also, Misturugi looks fuckin awesome.

I mean not really he existed in spirit form until his spirit took over the the tree so he's always been alive
I don't even...

Jungling as Volibear, I gank top twice, getting our Jax out to a 2-0-1 start. Then he complains that I took some cs (no way it was more than 10 cs at best).

As far as I'm concerned, if I'm ganking your lane, I'll take what I like. He continued to be a dick but at least we won with a fed Jax and our Kass mid managing to survive laning phase.

And the game I just played, went with the old gaf favourite Nami, went 3-1-14. What was hilarious was when we got ganked bot lane and our jungler came for the countergank. Our jungler died but it was a 3 for 1. Not only that, but both me and Caitlyn had double buffs. A Nami-Cait lane. With double buffs.

We literally just shoved to their tower and spammed abilities. It was absurd how strong our poke was. Cait was terrible at csing (77 at 15 minutes) but still had a 30+ cs lead on their teemo. Meanwhile, our Syndra crushed mid. Our Jarvan crushed their jungler. Our Kayle top had a slight lead.

One of the easiest games I've had.
I have a question for LoL GAF, if there's a 50:50 chance of someone getting away is it really a KS by the supporter if I go and take it when I can't be sure my ADC manages?

A bit of background: since after hitting Level 30 I felt the people I got matched with outmatched me, I shelved my Ahri and went support with Sona for now. I would say the actual supporting I can do pretty well already, helping to poke, healing and warding the immediate bottom-lane work okay. Things I still have to learn are if and when I should try to "prepare" last-hits for my ADC and counter-warding etc so I'm obviously not a pro yet...

Just now I got matched with a Ashe and the following happened: Our Jungler Shaco came ganging and we managed to take out their Jungler who was there aswell and the enemy ADC, Jinx too. The enemy support Kayle was on the run, Shaco and Ashe behind me and my speed-buff E was already out. At this point Kayle was already a inch behind her tower and Ashe didn't have her Ulti anymore so being the nearest champion towards Kayle I had to decide if I press Q to finish her off or not. I thought it would be better if I get the kill than her getting away and I really wasn't sure if Ashe could still get her, I had to decide in split-seconds... Long story short I pressed Q, got Kayle and Ashe accursed me of KSing :/

Then a situation that happened a while after, I warded our river bush and went back to Ashe, she was last-hitting when I suddenly saw the enemy Warwick coming in for a gang. I sent a danger ping and run off towards my tower, Ashe still stood there and happily last-hitted as if nothing ever happened... I healed her and gave her a speed-buff, hesitating to use my Ulti on Warwick alone because if Warwick wouldn't have gotten her, Jinx was still in range to finish Ashe off and it was impossible for me to hit both with my Ulti. After this scene Ashe wrote "Noob Sona" "Very noob Sona..." and I was really stumped at what I did wrong o.o

So in my attempt to learn I answered that I can't read minds and if she could tell me what I did wrong since I want to learn all she wrote back though were Spanish curses I assume so yeah I knew this Ashe wouldn't help me improve...

I'm not angry or anything but I wondered if I really might have done something wrong without me realizing so I thought I would ask here since I don't want to make the same error again :)

Well one mistake I admit I caught myself doing was trying to protect the first bot-tower alone instead of heading directly for the second which resulted in me dying but this happened after I was accursed of being a noob :p


I have a question for LoL GAF, if there's a 50:50 chance of someone getting away is it really a KS by the supporter if I go and take it when I can't be sure my ADC manages?

A bit of background, since after hitting Level 30 I felt the people I got matched with outmatched me I shelved my Ahri for now and went support with Sona, the actual supporting I would say I can do pretty well, helping to poke, healing and warding the immediate bottom-lane. Things I still have to learn are if and when I should try to "prepare" last-hits for my ADC and counter-warding etc so I'm obviously not a pro yet...

Just now I got matched with a Ashe and the following happened: Our Jungler Shaco came ganging and we managed to take out their Jungler who was there aswell and Jinx. The enemy support Kayle was on the run, Shaco and Ashe behind me and my speed-buff E was already out. At this point Kayle was already a inch behind her tower and Ashe didn't have her Ulti anymore so being the nearest champion towards Kayle I had to decide if I press Q to finish her off or not. I thought it would be better if I get the kill than her getting away and I really wasn't sure if Ashe could still get her, I really had to decide in split-seconds... Long story short I pressed Q, got Kayle and Ashe accursed me of KSing :/

A situation that happened a while after, I warded our river bush and went back to Ashe, she was last-hitting when I suddenly saw the enemy Warwick come in for a gang, I sent a danger ping and run off towards my tower, Ashe still stood there and happily last-hitted on as if nothing ever happened... I healed her and gave her a speed-buff, hesitating to use my Ulti on Warwick alone because if Warwick wouldn't have gotten her Jinx was still in range to finish Ashe off and it was impossible for me to hit both with my Ulti. After this scene Ashe wrote "Noob Sona" "Very noob Sona..." and I was really stumped at what I did wrong o.o

So in my attempt to learn I answered that I can't read minds and if she could tell me what I did wrong since I want to learn all she wrote back though were Spanish curses I assume so yeah I knew this Ashe wouldn't help me improve...

I'm not angry or anything but I wondered if I really might have done something wrong without me realizing so I thought I would ask here since I don't want to make the same error again :)

Well one mistake I admit I caught myself doing was trying to protect the first bot-tower alone instead of heading directly for the second which resulted in me dying but this happened after I was accursed of being a noob :p
Can't help people being stupid. You pinged and ran, she ignored it.

People are just dumb.


I have a question for LoL GAF, if there's a 50:50 chance of someone getting away is it really a KS by the supporter if I go and take it when I can't be sure my ADC manages?

A bit of background: since after hitting Level 30 I felt the people I got matched with outmatched me, I shelved my Ahri and went support with Sona for now. I would say the actual supporting I can do pretty well already, helping to poke, healing and warding the immediate bottom-lane work okay. Things I still have to learn are if and when I should try to "prepare" last-hits for my ADC and counter-warding etc so I'm obviously not a pro yet...

Just now I got matched with a Ashe and the following happened: Our Jungler Shaco came ganging and we managed to take out their Jungler who was there aswell and the enemy ADC, Jinx too. The enemy support Kayle was on the run, Shaco and Ashe behind me and my speed-buff E was already out. At this point Kayle was already a inch behind her tower and Ashe didn't have her Ulti anymore so being the nearest champion towards Kayle I had to decide if I press Q to finish her off or not. I thought it would be better if I get the kill than her getting away and I really wasn't sure if Ashe could still get her, I had to decide in split-seconds... Long story short I pressed Q, got Kayle and Ashe accursed me of KSing :/

Then a situation that happened a while after, I warded our river bush and went back to Ashe, she was last-hitting when I suddenly saw the enemy Warwick coming in for a gang. I sent a danger ping and run off towards my tower, Ashe still stood there and happily last-hitted as if nothing ever happened... I healed her and gave her a speed-buff, hesitating to use my Ulti on Warwick alone because if Warwick wouldn't have gotten her, Jinx was still in range to finish Ashe off and it was impossible for me to hit both with my Ulti. After this scene Ashe wrote "Noob Sona" "Very noob Sona..." and I was really stumped at what I did wrong o.o

So in my attempt to learn I answered that I can't read minds and if she could tell me what I did wrong since I want to learn all she wrote back though were Spanish curses I assume so yeah I knew this Ashe wouldn't help me improve...

I'm not angry or anything but I wondered if I really might have done something wrong without me realizing so I thought I would ask here since I don't want to make the same error again :)

Well one mistake I admit I caught myself doing was trying to protect the first bot-tower alone instead of heading directly for the second which resulted in me dying but this happened after I was accursed of being a noob :p
yeah theres no kill stealing unless its blatant and calculated. you kill secured that kayle.
also, there are assist streaks now in this game.

re: ww gank. yeah you were in the right, but it sounds like you couldve used a slow power chord on the warwick? then stand near the ashe so that if he ults her, you can ult both him and the jinx
Can't help people being stupid. You pinged and ran, she ignored it.

People are just dumb.

Ehehe I guess... :p To me it just appeared as if Ashe expected something very specific from in that situation that I had no clue of D:

yeah theres no kill stealing unless its blatant and calculated. you kill secured that kayle.
also, there are assist streaks now in this game.

re: ww gank. yeah you were in the right, but it sounds like you couldve used a slow power chord on the warwick? then stand near the ashe so that if he ults her, you can ult both him and the jinx

Alright that relieves me a little I didn't really know about assist streaks yet :eek: And I admit that I sometimes might be a little early on "securing" but it really wasn't the case this time and I never do it with the intention of upping my own count, I just don't want anyone to get away, especially after gangs or team-fights when things get chaotic...

Re what I bolded: That was exactly the kind of answer I was after thanks! :D It all went a bit quick and I can't remember right now if I hit Warwick with a slow but what you say makes perfect sense, that was a possibility of me using I haven't even considered in that situation :eek: You're right, instead of moving myself in a position for a double-ulti I could have waited till the enemies line up... and it's definitely something I will try to calculate from now on :D Afterall you can't get better if nobody shows you your faults :)
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