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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Alright, I'm in champ select for what I hope to be my last game of my promos out of bronze. I'll keep this post updated :T

Edit: my botlane is Sivir (me) and Sona against Taric and Tristana. I wanted Taric but nobody at the top would trade him to me. On the upside they are all AD unless that is an AP trist for some crazy reason.
Feels good to play against a Draven, I haven't for the longest time. What do you guys think of ghostblade on Lucian? It feels better than Trinity for me.


I don't like it. I don't feel like you use the attack speed it gives all that much aside from I guess your ult. There are simply better attack speed and movement speed items.

Definitely would never replace Trinity Force in any build. Lucian gets way too much out of Trinity Force to give it up. Big drop in damage and utility.

There's honestly no reason not to go BT, TF, LW, IE, Boots, defensive item on him.

Botrk/Hydra, bonetooth, LW + BC

why would you build assassin Rengar when tang Rengar one-shots carries anyway and survives.


I've been having an issue where I can't get into the game, or see my friends list, but I can do champion select. I decided to try a game and ended up with a leave and I feel bastardly bad about it. Anyone have this problem and what would the fix be?

Checked my firewall, that isn't up, as my friend is on the same network and he has the same problem. My other friend is playing Battlefield 4 without any hitches, so I don't know what the problem could be... :(


Well that sucked. My ENTIRE team just fed and fed and FED in their lanes except for bot (us). I was ahead in CS and kills compared to the enemy ADC, even though she had an early advantage with two jungle ganks while our jungle ignored us.
Well that sucked. My ENTIRE team just fed and fed and FED in their lanes except for bot (us). I was ahead in CS and kills compared to the enemy ADC, even though she had an early advantage with two jungle ganks while our jungle ignored us.

You'll make it next game.

So I played some Karma and she's really fun. What are some good top lane builds for her?

You don't want to bring Karma top.


Everything is moe to me
Well that sucked. My ENTIRE team just fed and fed and FED in their lanes except for bot (us). I was ahead in CS and kills compared to the enemy ADC, even though she had an early advantage with two jungle ganks while our jungle ignored us.
uh, your lane fed and your jungler certainly didnt. That yi was 5/2 b y dying defending an inhib and at nexus.

infact you were 0/3 until yi started ganking for you.


just a regular one shot build

sounds like a way to get owned in lane tho



Edit: The typical Rengar build is max W and go full tank (so sunfire or spirit visage and then maybe get a triforce or a brutalizer or something later on). To be clear that video is from August 29th but the same guy playing it in that video seems to be trying variations on it (Lich Bane instead of triforce - lol).


uh, your lane fed and your jungler certainly didnt.

infact you were 0/3 until yi started ganking for you.

Because I told him that their jungler had been down there twice and he hadn't shown his face once.

I was comparing our lane to the others; we certainly didn't give them +6 kills like they did. And like I said, they had a couple good early ganks but after Yi finally helped relieve some pressure is when I started getting ahead of them.


I don't like it. I don't feel like you use the attack speed it gives all that much aside from I guess your ult. There are simply better attack speed and movement speed items.

Definitely would never replace Trinity Force in any build. Lucian gets way too much out of Trinity Force to give it up. Big drop in damage and utility.
Well you definitely get a drop in utility, you can't push turrets nearly as fast. I would disagree about damage though. You're definitely going to be dealing more damage to tanks with that extra 20% armour pen. Trinity might eventually give you more damage, but Phage and Zeal both suck on Lucian compared to the power of a brutalizer. Your midgame spike will happen a lot sooner with the ghostblade.
So I played some Karma and she's really fun. What are some good top lane builds for her?

Athene and Codex rush then straight AP.

Max RQ. It depends on you and the situation if you want to max W or E next.

I've seen some go with a Seraph build but it really delays your strength (early/midgame).


Everything is moe to me
Because I told him that their jungler had been down there twice and he hadn't shown his face once.

I was comparing our lane to the others; we certainly didn't give them +6 kills like they did. And like I said, they had a couple good early ganks but after Yi finally helped relieve some pressure is when I started getting ahead of them.
yes you did.

botlane died 11 times. thats 39% of your teams death coming from 40% of the team. arguably you were doing worse than the average because cho'gath brings the rest of the team down.

I mean really. when does a game become your fault? how do you look at a 2/5 shen as a 3/5 sivir and say he was feeding and you werent? how do you look at a 5/2 yi who dug you out of the lane you fed into and blame him for not doing it sooner?

nice first blood, shame about the jungler.


yes you did.

botlane died 11 times. thats 39% of your teams death coming from 40% of the team. arguably you were doing worse than the average because cho'gath brings the rest of the team down.

I mean really. when does a game become your fault? how do you look at a 2/5 shen as a 3/5 sivir and say he was feeding and you werent? how do you look at a 5/2 yi who dug you out of the lane you fed into and blame him for not doing it sooner?

nice first blood, shame about the jungler.
u gonna be awake in 2hrs or so?


Everything is moe to me
20 minute ff attempt from purple team, looking good.
lol shyvana killed her own garen with a wraith camp.
on the flipside, your top and jungle are building triforce.
lucy smacktalkin'
oh god the jungle fight against baron'd team. shyv and garen just dove our hero hard.
the league of throws, purple dies and blue inhibs refresh

Had the most intense game as Khazix jungle. Started with me giving up first blood at my red buff for not being diligent "surely the master yi wont invade, who needs to drag it into bush". Yi started 2-0. Our bot lane got destroyed. I clawed my way back to being positive, while their Yi basically died over and over split pushing (he did take towers so arguably worth it). The interesting thing was the teams:

My team:
Vlad top
Lissandra mid
Khazix jungle
Draven adc
Blitz support

Their team:
Vayne top
Ezreal mid
Yi jungle
Varus adc
Leona support

So neither team really had a tank other than leona. Their only ap was ezreal. Our team had ridiculous pick potential.

Also, as a jungle Khazix with an abundance of squishy targets, it was a rather fun game for me. I eventually got fed, things went back and forward as the game stretched out although neither team picked up baron. It culminated with us overstaying on one push, leaving me as a fed Khazix (about 15-6 at this point) and our not fed Draven (this is late game however, would've had close to 6 items regardless) in a 2v5 defending our nexus with one turret remaining. Their team was spaced out. I managed to get a triple kill as our Draven and I somehow defended our turret, leaving only a very low HP Varus alive. We then rushed down the mid lane (our minions already reaching their nexus) to end, and I barely got off the last hit on their nexus as their team had spawned, Draven had died, and I had just started being chucked down to 50% hp and ccd.

Finished 18-6. Khazix is an awesome champion.

Wasn't sure how to build him against a team with so much ad. I was telling our team to build defensive items (mainly me and vlad) but only build armor, and then try to focus their ap ezreal out of the fight. Ended up with Hydra/Cleaver/LW/Elder Lizard/Ninja Tabi/Randuins. GA would've arguably been better I guess but who knows. I was able to burst them so quickly it didn't matter.

I think next time I'll consider forgoing boots for another item, with Kha's mobility and his slow I didnt feel like they were really necessary. I could've had a sunfire/thornmail instead.

EDIT: the entire time I've played League I've used unlocked camera, but I was getting seriously disorientated with Khazix and his resets. It was ridiculous, the hardest part was keeping up with the camera.


Jungler came back at around 7 minutes. We threw once and they got two inhibs, the other team threw even harder and we got 3 inhibs then won. Yay.


"Earn 100 points and you will be eligible for promotion. Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division 3". Is that just a general tip message, or will I really skip silver 4?
"Earn 100 points and you will be eligible for promotion. Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division 3". Is that just a general tip message, or will I really skip silver 4?

It will depend your mmr when you qualify for a series.

I hate silver 5 so much more than bronze 1.


"Earn 100 points and you will be eligible for promotion. Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division 3". Is that just a general tip message, or will I really skip silver 4?

i think u will skip, though it probably depends on how many games it takes you, they MIGHT REVOKE THE OFFER


I have to say, Bronze 1 was completely different than the other bronze divisions. Like, night and fucking day.

I rarely saw a rager or a troller. A few AFKs and disconnects, but not in the same volume as before. Everyone was generally much more friendly and jovial while playing, even the opposing team. The skill level seemed a lot higher, too. I was constantly against silvers and golds, but everyone was much cooler and the trolling was a minimum. It existed, but wasn't super common.

Maybe it's because I spent like one day in bronze 1 and just didn't get to see how bad it could get, but it FELT like a huge step up from what I had experienced before that.


I have to say, Bronze 1 was completely different than the other bronze divisions. Like, night and fucking day.

I rarely saw a rager or a troller. A few AFKs and disconnects, but not in the same volume as before. Everyone was generally much more friendly and jovial while playing, even the opposing team. The skill level seemed a lot higher, too. I was constantly against silvers and golds, but everyone was much cooler and the trolling was a minimum. It existed, but wasn't super common.

Maybe it's because I spent like one day in bronze 1 and just didn't get to see how bad it could get, but it FELT like a huge step up from what I had experienced before that.

I had a similar experience in Bronze I. I breezed through it in only one promos, and it was the best promo series in my life. Went 1-1 first, then my freaking power cut out the 3rd game and I was mad as hell. Then my team clutched it through the next two games. Best feeling ever. Bronze I for the win. Silver V sucks ****.


I have to say, Bronze 1 was completely different than the other bronze divisions. Like, night and fucking day.

I rarely saw a rager or a troller. A few AFKs and disconnects, but not in the same volume as before. Everyone was generally much more friendly and jovial while playing, even the opposing team. The skill level seemed a lot higher, too. I was constantly against silvers and golds, but everyone was much cooler and the trolling was a minimum. It existed, but wasn't super common.

Maybe it's because I spent like one day in bronze 1 and just didn't get to see how bad it could get, but it FELT like a huge step up from what I had experienced before that.

maybe its because in bronze 1 people are hopeful that they can make it into silver and are on their bestest behaviour


Just a heads up, if Elo heaven exists, it's in Gold III or Gold II. Most enjoyable divisions I've ever played in.
Silver is truly horrible.

Game I just had I was jungle J4. I fed our mid Zed 4 kills. He proceeds to get caught out at least 10 times throughout the match. Our adc Tristana spends the whole game trying to split push instead of grouping. Eventually we got baron, got inhibs etc. Me and trist are the only ones on our team alive, both at full hp. They have two inhibs down and we have minions on the nexus. The only person on their team up is their jungle Xin (who is very far behind). I'm madly pinging her to help me end the game, but no.... have to destroy the other tower/inhib first. Like wtf was she doing. We could have easily ended: by the time the enemy team respawned and killed us, we had taken down both turrets and got the nexus to 50%.

Some people man.


man I just played with the best shaco ever

like guy was just insane, made the enemy lee sin's life unbearable

it was awesome
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