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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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It feels odd to get randomly normal queued into 4 other dudes who queued together and instantly locks everything but ADC. I wanted to play Support but oh well.

edit: 11/1/3 Vayne. 22min surrender. Got a triple with no deaths at like 5 mins into the game because Taric was great. lol'd at his setup giving him 80armor at Lv1 even though he started with a Relic Shield. He was shrugging off Yi, Graves and Blitz.


i mean i already played him on pbe. it'll be funny to see him on live servers. i think he'll become one of the more popular junglers again.

Yep. Still funny seeing all the people bitch in reddit and the official forums about how he's even worse.
You know who works extremely well with Karma?

Expensive though. I find it hard to pass up on Shiv, especially because it makea him such a good pusher.

I should try metagolem Yasuo once. 36% crit from Atma doesnt sound shabby.


I wonder if Trinity will be a decent buy on Yasuo. Sounds perfect on paper.

I'd like to say that it has too many awkward wasted stats for the cost, especially given his sharp scaling in general. And, for that matter, the cost of it combined with his power curve doesn't feel like they match up very well.
I'd like to say that it has too many awkward wasted stats for the cost, especially given his sharp scaling in general. And, for that matter, the cost of it combined with his power curve doesn't feel like they match up very well.
What's wasted aside from Mana?


After literally 3 months without playing, I've played a few ranked games after some ARAM/Dominion to catch up.

I'm actually having fun with this game. I can't remember the last time I liked it this much, but it sure wasn't in this year or 2012 even. I think it's got something to do with the changes in vision, game feels much more fluent and interesting now and I can honestly enjoy any role I get to play, even support!

Not sure it's worth to start climbing in ranked again if they're gonna reset it and I'll lose all progress though.

Whatever, this game is fun again. Fuck the previous ward/support systems, let them remain buried eternally.


Ever since the vision changes I feel like I have become even more horrible in virtually all roles, so maybe we traded places. I feel like there are some sort of changes that I just don't conceptually grasp, maybe the timings on when to attack or how to do damage or when to farm/pressure.

I also continue to believe that compared to my games before the vision change, hardly ANYONE buys wards anymore. Support with vision stone is still fairly common, but other than that it feels like once every 3 games a non-support will buy a green ward and I will be shocked and love them.


After playing a top lane match yesterday and remembering my other once in a blue top lane experiences, I think its time I find myself a mentor.

Top is the only lane that I don't own many champions for or know any of the matchups. Im usually not surprised by jungle ganks up there but I know my trades need work and perhaps my overall patience with the laning phase.
Of the champs I own I would be interesting in bringing my lee sin,shyvana and riven up there.
Anyone want to add me in game and play a few customs next week?


Ever since the vision changes I feel like I have become even more horrible in virtually all roles, so maybe we traded places. I feel like there are some sort of changes that I just don't conceptually grasp, maybe the timings on when to attack or how to do damage or when to farm/pressure.

I also continue to believe that compared to my games before the vision change, hardly ANYONE buys wards anymore. Support with vision stone is still fairly common, but other than that it feels like once every 3 games a non-support will buy a green ward and I will be shocked and love them.

I feel like I'm in the same boat. I hate the new vision changes as a support main. I'm limited to 3 wards, pinks are insta cleared by the enemy team, and the stealth revealing trinket (the red one) takes forever to come off CD. I'm mid-Plat, and seeing other players regularly warding is still not common enough. I feel very inefficient in terms of team vision. Hopefully people get on board with helping ward as the season moves on and people become more familiar with the new vision changes.


First impressions of Yasou?

I've not seen him do good so far.

I'm talking about it with a friend and I believe one of his big hindrances is that he needs 3 stacks to get a tornado going. Makes it hard to pull off in a gank or it takes a while in a team fight.

I think they should make it so if you use Dash Q, it gives you one Steel Tempest stack per champion hit. That way in big skirmishes you can get going faster.

Cause most of the Yasuo ults I,ve seen so far were a result of Alistar or Blitzcrank picks, not because of his Nado.
I've not seen him do good so far.

I'm talking about it with a friend and I believe one of his big hindrances is that he needs 3 stacks to get a tornado going. Makes it hard to pull off in a gank or it takes a while in a team fight.

I think they should make it so if you use Dash Q, it gives you one Steel Tempest stack per champion hit. That way in big skirmishes you can get going faster.

Cause most of the Yasuo ults I,ve seen so far were a result of Alistar or Blitzcrank picks, not because of his Nado.

Hmm. Maybe I'll hold off. Jinx was an instabuy for me when seeing her. Yauso hasn't made me leap yet. Will wait for more impressions.


How does he fare top?

alright as long as he has sustain and hp

you could go 21 offense but he has terrible base hp, gotta be real careful and hope they don't know how his Q works (just don't stand in front of his model)

his dash can actually be good for juking for days but you gotta be careful
well got a teammate with him finally. He went 3/9/something as expected but it was interesting.

his chase potential is insane with that dash. he dashes through 2 or 3 minions and he's suddenly right on top of you. the wind knock up seemed like it would be pretty good but dude kept wasting them or missing them entirely.

Does the wind knockup have a expiration on it? In other words, does it go away if you don't use it in a few seconds like Riven's Q? That would explain why he was just throwing it out for no reason if so.

Otherwise, a teammate even picked wu kong for him. I don't think he successfully combo'd off of wu or his tornado the entire match. But he did look fun so I'm tempted despite the feeding. His alternate skin is kinda lame as to me (though the harmonica playing is pretty cool), but it'd only 487 IP over the champ cost if I get him with RP, so it is a consideration .

How would you build him? I know life steal works with trynd really well

Dimb, while you're answering this one...is he a candidate for the Legolas build? Or does he really want the crits asap like a Trynd?

yeah, if he doesn't use it, it will fade auto

his W is amazing for going in and getting out on fools, got ganked by rammus and wukong and escaped with it

you can kinda tell it was the same dude who made riven, but yasuo is more situational instead of faceroll dashing everywhere

understood. yea he definitely feels like the kind of guy you want to build a team around where Riven "just works". If that makes sense. You really want to have a J4/Wu/Alistar/Cho on the team. Not necessary, but it makes things much easier.


well got a teammate with him finally. He went 3/9/something as expected but it was interesting.

his chase potential is insane with that dash. he dashes through 2 or 3 minions and he's suddenly right on top of you. the wind knock up seemed like it would be pretty good but dude kept wasting them or missing them entirely.

Does the wind knockup have a expiration on it? In other words, does it go away if you don't use it in a few seconds like Riven's Q? That would explain why he was just throwing it out for no reason if so.

Otherwise, a teammate even picked wu kong for him. I don't think he successfully combo'd off of wu or his tornado the entire match. But he did look fun so I'm tempted despite the feeding. His alternate skin is kinda lame as to me (though the harmonica playing is pretty cool), but it'd only 487 IP over the champ cost if I get him with RP, so it is a consideration .

yeah, if he doesn't use it, it will fade auto

his W is amazing for going in and getting out on fools, got ganked by rammus and wukong and escaped with it

you can kinda tell it was the same dude who made riven, but yasuo is more situational instead of faceroll dashing everywhere
I like how MYM doesn't buy armor against a Shyvana-Lee-Kha'Zix-Caitlyn team. Probably wouldn't help, right? (Please remove them from LCS Wolves.)


i guarantee you this is not how he will be played.

well i'm talking about runes + masteries, I heard somewhere that his passive doesn't scale with crit runes

otherwise yeah just build IE/whatever/whatever/ad crit and then rands or somethin


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
phantom dancer sucks right now on pretty much everyone. better just to take shiv for clear/burst. i would run stuff like ghostblade/IEdge/shiv for damage. other stuff is situational. if you aren't going to build him for damage you will get wrecked by better tanks i would think though.
Khazix jungle is so strong right now. I basically never play Khazix, but I pulled him out twice in the jungle now and I've gone 18-6 and 17-2. It's ridiculous. Qualified for another series to get into silver 4. If I win it will be the third time I've been in that division.

And tips on Khazix builds? Is it ever worth building a bit tankier ala Rengar? I've been going Elder Lizard + Last Whisper + Black Cleaver + Hydra and then boots and heading towards a ga.

Thoughts on Manamune on him? I have never built it so far because I figure I would rather do more damage immediately to help my snowball, and I'm usually fine mana wise if I have blue buff.
And tips on Khazix builds? Is it ever worth building a bit tankier ala Rengar? I've been going Elder Lizard + Last Whisper + Black Cleaver + Hydra and then boots and heading towards a ga.

Thoughts on Manamune on him? I have never built it so far because I figure I would rather do more damage immediately to help my snowball, and I'm usually fine mana wise if I have blue buff.

"Defensive" items on Kha'Zix are usually a Hexdrinker (generally never upgraded because Maw's got really poor gold efficiency and a bad upgrade path) and Guardian Angel. You can also use defensive boots (Merc's/Tabi) in place of Lucidity in a lot of situations.

You never build as a "real" tank though, no. If you have Wings evolved and Guardian Angel you can jump out on revive and then start looking to pick off stragglers. The other defensive items just don't work very well with Kha, though you could maybe find some situational uses for Banshee's Veil against pick comps or long-range siege teams.

Manamune is pretty rarely built these days in general, and even less so on Kha. The item was always worse on him than the real stalwarts for it (Blue Ezreal, Jayce, etc.), so the nerfs to it hit a lot harder for him. Besides, Manamune was from the old "spikespam" Kha build days, and you really shouldn't be playing him like that anymore.


I played Yasao jungle and mid. Mid I did quite well. Only fell off because we had a disconnect and it was 4v5 from 20min on. We were winning quite handily before then.

The ult is REAL hard to get going in a small skirmish. I almost wish it was like Annie where you could charge the Q and just hold onto it but the timer makes that impossible.

He doesnt' seem OP at least.
I played Yasao jungle and mid. Mid I did quite well. Only fell off because we had a disconnect and it was 4v5 from 20min on. We were winning quite handily before then.

The ult is REAL hard to get going in a small skirmish. I almost wish it was like Annie where you could charge the Q and just hold onto it but the timer makes that impossible.

He doesnt' seem OP at least.

yea. watched a couple of diamond/challenger level matches and...meh. which is to say, seems pretty balanced.


I agree that Yasuo will need lots of damage/crit/aspd items, but after watching gameplay with him, I definitely believe that at some point, he will need defensive items or be relegated to cleanup duty only.


My brother, who got to Platinum mostly playing Yi and Annie, says that Yasuo feels and contributes a lot like Yi.

He says he needs the tank to soak up CC then he ults it and wrecks face, like Yi waiting a second then Q'ing in to wreck havoc.


every time i play yasuo my team trolls me for some reason

did league even get MORE salty to people who play on release?
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