.Edit: Can someone explain to me why I see supports take Relic Shield? The description reads that the passive kicks in if you slay the minion (unlikely as support). buying it so early with the aim of the final item seems dumb, to me.
I've been going with Ancient Coin as my first item of those gold generation ones yet everyone else appears to go Relic Shield.
Gold passive still works for ranged champions with a normal last-hit, Execute passive does not.
Some people man. We had a Tryndamere laning top against a Riven. His summoners are cleanse and ghost. I was already skeptical. Starts with cloth 5, nothing wrong with that. I'm pinging him that I'm coming to gank after I hit my level 3 at wolves.
*First blood*
Apparently when you dont have any offensive summoner spells and you know you have a gank coming, the best thing to do is go all in before the jungler can get there.
Was a good lesson for me in that I should've just ditched his lane and helped elsewhere instead. I questioned him about taking cleanse, he said it was to cleanse off ignite. Fair enough. Doesn't sound like the best summoner to take for an early all in. Especially against a Riven who started with a Dorans blade.
People just don't think at my elo :/
Ghost - Cleanse is perfectly fine on Tryn, your smug "some people don't think!" remark is misplaced all things considering. His pre-mature all-in on the other hand...
That said, Tryndamere is fucked early on against a good Riven no matter what he does.
Riven is the definition of faceroll. She barely needs skill at all.
Trade effectively and wahey, you already won the lane if she supposedly is a no-skill champion. Simple, really.
I don't think there's any secret about Riven being too string right now.
I don't really think she's too strong outside of her shield cooldown once she gets items.
2. Got Elise on sale last night and got in a few games with her. I like her, but I felt lost a few times between how to handle teamfights and being inexperienced as a jungler. I want to get in some more games with her, though.
Garath covered most of it already, so the only tips I can offer are "never buy Sunfire Cape on her" and a suggestion to play her in lane for a while if you're still adjusting to the timing + range of her combo.
Elise is one of the higher skillcap champs. The cocoon is very potent but has a fairly short range and the hitbox isn't as forgiving as say Morgana's binding.
You also have to manage the different forms and keep track of cooldowns in both forms. Her rappel is also very clunky now. If you misclick slightly you can get unintended results. Like not jumping on someone because you clicked on the ground instead of an enemy or jumping on someone when you intended on just hanging, etc etc. And it has a weird delay going up and down. It used to be MUCH smoother before they nerfed the range.
Agreed on her being a high skillcap champion. As an Elise main though, her rappel really hasn't gotten any clunkier in the way you describe it. There is no increased delay with ascending / descending after her nerfs, as throughout those patches I have little issues with on-reaction rappels to key skills or to latch on to my intended target (barring misclicks into nothing) much like before. What has gotten a lot worse though due to the range reduction, is the ability to chase after someone post-mobility skill (Flash included) if an enemy tries to escape over a wall. Previously you'd still land close to them (arguably bullshit to be fair), but nowadays you just land where they used to be even if they still remain within the circle.