Rest of the patch notes:
this is kinda big for the pantman. I like itPantheon
W - Aegis of Zeonia
Now can be cast on enemy minions and jungle monsters
this is kinda big for the pantman. I like it
inb4 Pantheons misfiring W onto minions and then dying horribly
No more supports soloing me, weeeAssist gold rewards no longer scale up with game time (now 50% of kill reward from 50-80% of kill reward depending on game time)
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
Now has Conservation passive (instead of Bounty Hunter passive)
Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Now has Conservation passive (instead of Bounty Hunter passive)
It will no longer induce Lady Gragas videos, too big of a nerf.terrifiy should now be called scare or something
Just too much armour... I couldn't even dent them...That last game, the throws
Just too much armour... I couldn't even dent them...
after many, many series, i'm finally in plat V! wooohoooooo!!!
Yeah, no real defense masteries nerf, sad
Sivir just kinda sucks at tank killing though
Just too much armour... I couldn't even dent them...
That last game, the throws
Don't think it would have made a difference tbh. Overall we just had too much AD damage, and not enough AP.kinda felt like if i spent cc on akali or rengar the other one would still ruin everyone.
we needed people to buy the greater ward totem, but i only thought of it in the very last teamfight -.-
Don't think it would have made a difference tbh. Overall we just had too much AD damage, and not enough AP.
I feel he has a higher chance at succeeding by laning against squishies (read: go mid rather than facing the average top champion) and by having most of his items be damage-oriented. Think assassin builds.Is wukong a good top laner?
I wouldn't call that the definite reason we lost, but it probably was a factor. There's way no way I could survive being dived by both Rengar and Akali and AP well AP trist.IMO, not having pinks was definitely why you lost. If you don't vis ward akali, she just zones half your team for 5 seconds, while your tanks just die
I wouldn't call that the definite reason we lost, but it probably was a factor. There's way no way I could survive being dived by both Rengar and Akali and AP well AP trist.
Two ranked games as Taric this preseason, two wins. It's official, he's broken. Statistics don't lie.
bip carries so hard guys
oh look their jungle trynd just hit 30 and doesn't have a full runepage. YISSS
Edit: That was a fast win. Demolished them with an 8-1 Shy
Game 2: Sivir and Leona vs Varus and Janna. Hmm. They also have Eve.
2nd game: We did a 4 man invade into their blue to shut Eve down early. I say 4 man because Ahri didn't connect until like 13 minutes into the game. We killed her, then I routed in between their outer and inner turrets and sniped a low Varus before getting out safely.
Destroyed their botlane, Ahri finally reconnected, and we got her going. By the end my Sivir was 13-4 and Ahri was 8-0. When we were 4v5 we just played defensively, bulked up, and destroyed them. Too bad I have to go shopping now or I'd do my third game :T
after many, many series, i'm finally in plat V! wooohoooooo!!!
after many, many series, i'm finally in plat V! wooohoooooo!!!
Feels good to play against a Draven, I haven't for the longest time. What do you guys think of ghostblade on Lucian? It feels better than Trinity for me.
Feels good to play against a Draven, I haven't for the longest time. What do you guys think of ghostblade on Lucian? It feels better than Trinity for me.
Ok, rengar is on my permaban status now, just ridiculous, he's worse than kass. With the new vision changes, you just die, even if you're a fed ADC/mid
that sounds fun
time to play rengar
what build is this
just a regular one shot build
sounds like a way to get owned in lane tho