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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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So predictions on how Yasuo will be? I've heard my friends talking about taking him jungle, and I tried to tell them that I think that is a garbage role for someone who is weak early, has no innate sustain, and only has one non-reliable cc that requires him to charge it up.


So predictions on how Yasuo will be? I've heard my friends talking about taking him jungle, and I tried to tell them that I think that is a garbage role for someone who is weak early, has no innate sustain, and only has one non-reliable cc that requires him to charge it up.
surprisingly balanced imo but the wall will be really fucking annoying to play against heh

I look forward to facing him.

I was gonna buy him but I think I'll just buy lulu so I own all the supports :3


surprisingly balanced imo but the wall will be really fucking annoying to play against heh

I look forward to facing him.

I was gonna buy him but I think I'll just buy lulu so I own all the supports :3

Yeah, the wall seems like it will be very dependent on the enemy comp. If they rely on lots of projectiles, that wall will make or break teamfights. I think Yasuo will make Miss Fortune cry every teamfight, lol.





anyone tried zilean on s4 yet?

also that girl is hot dam fine looking (too bad no ahri cosplayers can't get the tails to be the right kind of fluffy) but let it be known that it was you not me who's perving out in this thread


8 am here. Only time the server wont crash.

Meh OGN matchups today
Looking forward to promotionals and alliance beating up Dignitas.
anyone tried zilean on s4 yet?

also that girl is hot dam fine looking (too bad no ahri cosplayers can't get the tails to be the right kind of fluffy) but let it be known that it was you not me who's perving out in this thread
Yuri Seo is a host? On Korean SNL
Well you definitely get a drop in utility, you can't push turrets nearly as fast. I would disagree about damage though. You're definitely going to be dealing more damage to tanks with that extra 20% armour pen. Trinity might eventually give you more damage, but Phage and Zeal both suck on Lucian compared to the power of a brutalizer. Your midgame spike will happen a lot sooner with the ghostblade.

Since when does brutalizer have 20% armour pen? It's 20 flat armour pen. Nowhere near as powerful.

Sheen proc more than likely does more damage. I'd have to work it out to bee certain, but I'm pretty sure in all circumstances I'd want the trinity force.
I had a similar experience in Bronze I. I breezed through it in only one promos, and it was the best promo series in my life. Went 1-1 first, then my freaking power cut out the 3rd game and I was mad as hell. Then my team clutched it through the next two games. Best feeling ever. Bronze I for the win. Silver V sucks ****.

Silver V has been tough going. Placed in Silver IV so never saw Bronze I, but god the rage and feeding and posturing just gets so painful at times. I'm sure it's the same at all levels, to a degree, but it seems to be mostly S5 people complaining about it. :/

incoming EUW crash

I wish this weren't such a reasonable thing to say every update. -.-

we drafted in xcloser so we could finally win a game.

mission success!

xcloser is clearly pick or ban in NA
Feels good to play against a Draven, I haven't for the longest time. What do you guys think of ghostblade on Lucian? It feels better than Trinity for me.
It isn't. I don't have the exact math right now, but most of Lucian's damage is loaded into his passive, that with sheen procs is what makes him so strong.

There's also the fact that Ghostblade is a terrible, terrible item. Extremely gold inneficient, mediocre mid tier items for adcs, and unless you're using it's active literally every single time it's up then you're just wasting gold and losing stats. Also, flat pen is a terrible stat for carries right now, 20 arpen will increase the damage on your physical stuff by like 8% - which is great for bruisers who have silly base damages and innate tankiness - but simply buying a BF Sword will give you more damage than a Brutalizer in any situation for like 150 more gold.

Ghostblade is basically itemizing to make his ult less bad while Trinity is itemizing to make what makes him strong stronger.
Maybe I should main support. Had some really good support games recently. Just had a game with Taric support and was 2-3-18 and my Caitlyn got very fed. Had a game the other day with Nami and was about 3-1-20 and had a really good game with Janna where I finished 0-0-18.

Taric is so easy to play though. I think whenever I get the feeling that we have a decent adc in our lobby (eg. not a vayne) I should support.

Also I bought Gragas, any tips for him? I check probuilds and most people seem to like Athenes and then your typical AP items. Is a tankier RoA/Rylais build viable?

His q confuses me, I feel like if my cursor is outside of the maximum range it should roll the barrel max range in that direction, but it would only work if my cursor was inside the max range marker.
Tanky Gragas is viable but it's basically plan B, you do that if you're getting destroyed in lane or teamfights and need to stay relevant, otherwise just go straight raw AP after Athene's.
So I played some Karma and she's really fun. What are some good top lane builds for her?
Chalice if you can get away with some early MR against a no-resource champion like Renekton, after that focus on getting some survivability (whilst increasing your damage) through items like Seeker's Armguard and Haunting Guise. Unholy Grail - you can delay this though - and Hourglass would be core items, and afterwards you focus on either more raw damage (Deathcap) or some extra durability thrown in the mix since your teamfight utility is stupid high by default. I've seen some Karma mains throw around Rylai's + Liandry's + Void Staff (not in that specific order) as a build worth considering in the event they need to be more 'tanky' post-Hourglass, but I haven't had the chance to try this out myself yet in a prolonged match. Your mileage may vary.

Don't get Tear / Seraph on her though. Completely unnecessary items on her regardless of lane since she never has mana issues and it would only drastically weaken her laning phase.

You don't want to bring Karma top.
? I thought it was supposed to be really good
She's an awesome supp and midlaner but I feel like she lacks tankyness for top.
She may work though but It 's not her best role imo.
Karma is more than fine top. Secretly she's the next Nunu top, except you can't really shove minions in her face to make her lose some CS / make her choose between staying and following like you could against Nunu. Very few melee laners outright beat her (her worst case scenario is one of them equalizing the lane) and if you die as Karma against a melee in a 1 vs 1 situation, it's usually nothing but your own fault given the trade potential she has. Her Q is also on a low enough cooldown and mana cost to make it difficult for the enemy to push the lane against her tower, especially once she gets a mana-related item like Chalice.

EDIT: something I forgot to mention is the amazing gank synergy she has top lane with any half-decent jungler, to further help her case.
Chalice if you can get away with some early MR against a no-resource champion like Renekton, after that focus on getting some survivability (whilst increasing your damage) through items like Seeker's Armguard and Haunting Guise. Unholy Grail - you can delay this though - and Hourglass would be core items, and afterwards you focus on either more raw damage (Deathcap) or some extra durability thrown in the mix since your teamfight utility is stupid high by default. I've seen some Karma mains throw around Rylai's + Liandry's + Void Staff (not in that specific order) as a build worth considering in the event they need to be more 'tanky' post-Hourglass, but I haven't had the chance to try this out myself yet in a prolonged match. Your mileage may vary.

Don't get Tear / Seraph on her though. Completely unnecessary items on her regardless of lane since she never has mana issues and it would only drastically weaken her laning phase.

Karma is more than fine top. Secretly she's the next Nunu top, except you can't really shove minions in her face to make her lose some CS / make her choose between staying and following like you could against Nunu. Very few melee laners outright beat her (her worst case scenario is one of them equalizing the lane) and if you die as Karma against a melee in a 1 vs 1 situation, it's usually nothing but your own fault given the trade potential she has. Her Q is also on a low enough cooldown and mana cost to make it difficult for the enemy to push the lane against her tower, especially once she gets a mana-related item like Chalice.

Hmmmm... Interesting. I agree that Karma doesn't die 1v1 except if you did some big error. between her poke and her insane flee speed kinda hard to catch her.
I'll try to bring her top to see.

As for build (mid) I generally take Athenes > Rabadon > Liandry > Void staff and the magic pen boots (no idea of their names). What would you say about this build?
Hmmmm... Interesting. I agree that Karma doesn't die 1v1 except if you did some big error. between her poke and her insane flee speed kinda hard to catch her.
I'll try to bring her top to see.

As for build (mid) I generally take Athenes > Rabadon > Liandry > Void staff and the magic pen boots (no idea of their names). What would you say about this build?
Q poke + AA's + shield/mobility + 20% (with an additional 20% when Mantra'd) healing based off of missing health = make melee cry. Shit is even more grueling if they have no dash to close the gap with or to move away after their combo.

There are better items to buy than Liandry's if you're mid Karma, considering I only purchase that for top lane if I need to be a tanky anti-bruiser for teamfights in conjunction with her overall utility. You'll be your team's primary source of AP damage when laning mid after all, so I'd replace it with Hourglass or maybe a Deathfire Grasp. I say "maybe" because I haven't had the chance to get a good impression of the latter yet. Unholy Grail can be delayed for more damage too like a faster Deathcap, unless you feel the CDR boost is urgent.


Imo the problem with Liss as a tanky initiator is that she can't do anything that AP Liss can't do, and does it at a fraction of the damage.
Had a some fun last night. Played a game as Nasus and got 2 kills in lane against Mundo. Made some stupid plays late, but did pretty well other than that holding the other team while my team got towers on the other side of the map.

Then duo'd with my friend bot (I was Sivir, he was Karma). First game was rough. Winning lane barely then made a couple little mistakes and got caught. Our other lanes didn't do too well and we ended up losing. Second game was great, though. I actually carried as ADC (along with our mid Kat who did really well, but had a few more deaths). Feelsgoodman.png.

I'm really curious how the Taric and Sivir nerfs are going to play out.
Tales of Freelo:

*Pick and Ban*

Me: don't ban Yasuo let them take him
First pick: ..but he's op
Me: don't worry they won't know how to play him
First pick: ... We'll see

Game is basically 5v4
We throw again and again don't even matter
Bonus we got 2 deco o we're 3v5 for 5min the time they reconnect => we pushed 2 towers during this time.

Achievement unlocked; Freelo!

I love new champ releases ^^


Maybe I should main support. Had some really good support games recently. Just had a game with Taric support and was 2-3-18 and my Caitlyn got very fed. Had a game the other day with Nami and was about 3-1-20 and had a really good game with Janna where I finished 0-0-18.

Taric is so easy to play though. I think whenever I get the feeling that we have a decent adc in our lobby (eg. not a vayne) I should support.

Also I bought Gragas, any tips for him? I check probuilds and most people seem to like Athenes and then your typical AP items. Is a tankier RoA/Rylais build viable?

His q confuses me, I feel like if my cursor is outside of the maximum range it should roll the barrel max range in that direction, but it would only work if my cursor was inside the max range marker.

Top Grag is not bad with RoA. Health syncs with his passive and his W and against tops you have to melee to get kills more often than mids. Regardless you need something with NLR as your 2nd item. His ratios are too good not to.

But Grail or Nomicon is always his core item. Nomicon is good against AD mids but against an AP the MR from Chalice > Grail is just what the doctor ordered.
So apparently the Skarner rework is in this patch.

So Riot either forgot to mention it, or it accidentally went live with a patch it shouldn't have.

Either way... lol.


How reliable/easy to use is Yasuo's ult? I haven't played him, but it just seems like it would be a big hassle to work up to/capitalize on. That wall is probably gonna end up being so broken in practice that it won't matter though.
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