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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I can't believe all these games are ripping off this poor Chinese guy. I hope his seven million descendants are getting royalties on all of this!

Chinese history clearly ripped off Dynasty Warriors.

I was mainly talking about the design, which is pretty much identical to trynda but far off from the smite guy
Yeah, all the designs (including the Dynasty Warriors ones) are based on older Wuxia comic books like Weapons of the Gods, which is why everyone feels so comfortable ripping them off: it's like five steps removed from the original source material anyway, you don't even have anyone ripping off the original source material anymore, they're ripping off copies of a copy.


Yeah, all the designs (including the Dynasty Warriors ones) are based on older Wuxia comic books like Weapons of the Gods, which is why everyone feels so comfortable ripping them off: it's like five steps removed from the original source material anyway, you don't even have anyone ripping off the original source material anymore, they're ripping off copies of a copy.

Ah, right, I see.

edit: agreed that it isn't necessarily a bad thing. I like my WK Jarvan and I like Dynasty Warriors.

Silver 1 ranked matches.
Who is expected to win between SHC and SK? Have any of the other promotional series been played yet?

Copenhagen Wolves beat MYM to take MYM's spot yesterday.

As for who's going to win, I like SK for this game. I feel they have the momentum, but I honestly don't know. Too close to call!
I'm hoping SK win because if this is the kind of team composition SHC defaults to under pressure, they're going to be meaningless in LCS anyway. Wow, such Season 3, so dull.

That said, of the two I don't see either one in their present state being better than a 4th place team, so it's probably better for SHC to win. New teams get a temporary "recruitment boost" that often causes them to show up with a different (and better) team than they qualified with, whereas the team SK is running isn't likely to improve much if they re-qualify. There's at least potential that SHC could become a viable team.

At the moment, though? Just a sissy slap fight over who gets to be the likely last-place finisher in EU LCS next season.

Edit: As far as "ripoff" skins go, I actually like them. I wish Riot would cut deals with other companies to make licensed skins based on the things some of their champions are (painfully) obviously based on.


It will be interesting to see what average age represents a skill decline for high level LoL and DotA2 players.

We're seeing a lot of churn still, but at least for now I attribute that considerably to the continuously expanding marketplace for the game. Put more simply: the best players from 2012 were the best players out of, oh, 3,000,000 players, let's say. The best players of 2014, however, will be the best players out of 10,000,000+. As such, the best players from 2012 may be the second or third or tenth best players in the larger player base.

Distinguishing between that effect and skill decline is nearly impossible for now.

I think the oldest NA LCS player was saintvicious who's 24. He stopped playing and is now a coach/analyst. So i'm not sure who the oldest is now.


Has anyone tried bruiser yasuo top? I feel like it would be more effective than full glass cannon yasuo, who literally puts himself in the middle of the fight.
Has anyone tried bruiser yasuo top? I feel like it would be more effective than full glass cannon yasuo, who literally puts himself in the middle of the fight.

Yasuo doesn't have the base damages to make a bruiser build decent.

You want like 3 offensive items, boots and like a defensive item or two. He really needs damage items to be good.


So, Kespa has announced proleague for SC2 with no Ongamenet participation, and as far as I can tell, no news about the proposed LoL side of proleague. Wonder if Ongamenet is playing hardball with Kespa?

Of the 16 teams in champions, 8 of them are Kespa-aligned if you ignore CJ (which owns a chunk of OGN), and KT/SKT are Kespa stalwarts.

About the PBE Evelynn changes, I don't have PBE access, but the Q speed change could possibly make a huge difference. The travel time for the thing goes from 0.25s to 0.4s - running alongside a target and trying to land the Q might not even work anymore, which is a huge shame since you can't actually manually aim the damn thing.

Although if they really rework her, I hope she keeps her hate spike.
I think the second game of the A vs Dig game had a Mundo top.

How is he up there?

The problems he's always had haven't necessarily gone away. He still doesn't have hard CC or good initiation, which makes him much worse in solo queue than professional play, and he can still struggle to make a contribution in proportion to his gold value to a team fight. His split-push is more "annoying" than "dangerous". He still takes longer than other tanks to become a factor, as a Lv6 Mundo with a Sunfire Cape doesn't have the same sort of "oomph" that a Lv6 Renekton or Shyvana has, though the fact that he's a hard-takeoff "tank carry" means he at least gets going faster than Nasus or Tryndamere.

The main thing is that most of his really bad match-ups have been nerfed, so he's at the very least going to be solid in lane. You just might need to run Teleport to get the requisite level of team contribution to make up for being a "meh" split-pusher. You still get great poke, the benefit of high regeneration during sieges, tenacity built into your kit, what is effectively an extra defensive scaling stat no one else has, and deceptively good synergy with "catch" comps for a champion without hard CC, similar to Olaf.

A lot of his competitive value at the moment is in being an easy answer to Shyvana that can still handle a two-vs-one lane effectively. Players who generally have a lot of trouble dealing with Shyvana can usually play him against her without too many problems.


I think the mastery changes broke him or something

I dunno if the nerfs were enough to slow him down a bit but on competitive he's been a monster

2% of total health as regeneration (per 5 of course) for going defensive tree - as if you'd go any other tree with mundo to begin with.

Then the next point in that 2% branch gives him 10% extra spell vamp, regen, etc... when he gets popped below 25% health.

That's nuts for a guy you stack health on anyways. It used to be 3% so I guessed they nerfed it recently.


well, played ranked again for the first time in like a month and first game we're 7-0, a drag and two turrets and trynda and thresh manage to throw that in the most spectacular fashion

second game their syndra ragequits after she gets ganked for the fourth time or something

it's good to be back


That's stupid...you pick him to block projectiles with his wind wall duh. Gotta protect dat carry.


From watching Newt's game, it was almost worthless. Wind wall goes up, enemy team just backs up so they have to chase through their own windwall just to keep up, thus negating its presence.
Tried PBE Eve. Q definitely feels slower. It's more avoidable if you're trying to chase from a 90 degree angle (eg you come from river, enemy runs back to tower). I guess that's what they're trying to accomplish so your W passive doesn't kick in as easily. Doesn't feel so bad.


after playing normals for so long, it's so weird to play ranked again

like, mid laner skill level is a lot better, I had a lot more trouble laning and can't really say I really won lane on any of the matches. that's cool, it's a challenge and kind of stressful, but definitively a step up from normals.

but all the rest feels so random and out of my control, it's just random skirmishes until one side is now winning. wish someone thought hey let's splitpush or pick someone off in a brursh or something instead of forcing me into every engage available. it's much worse than normals since the premades are bigger and people generally at least throw in packs or something

in the end ranked is ranked and the only thing you can control is if you smash your lane or not, and I didn't, so I get what I deserve :p

also important lesson learned is that I hate barrier on mid laners
I feel like jungle is the easiest role to carry from. Last two jungle games I've had I snowballed mid in both games.

With Khazix you can snowball yourself too, and then just wreck the other team.

EDIT: also need to be smart about which lane you snowball. Game before last I snowballed our mid J4, probably not the best decision. Even though our top was extremely fed. Just threw it so hard.
I started getting griefed yesterday for "not dying for the team, Thresh".

Context: bad 4v5 engagement I actively pinged to back away from and began moving away. Throw in lantern as a last attempt to persuade Ahri/Cait to GTFO. The other three of the team still carry on 3v5.

Try to explain to them i'm not dying for no reason. Still get the same response.

Sigh, couldn't shove Nasus out of the lane as Aatrox. I kept bullying him so he was low health, but their Elise ganked top like 10297321085419-50 times. I have never felt sick of getting ganked.
I was kinda wondering why I even made a dent on him even after he got Frozen Heart.

What do people build on traditional supports nowadays? I end up having too many actives and still zero AP. I had Pink, Mobility, Talisman, Sightstone, Locket and Warden->Randuin last game (their Pantheon was hyperfed). I get all my items in nearly every game. I thought maybe I should try building some AP but the low ratios on Nami are disheartening.


If Aatrox dumps on Nasus pre-6. Then snowball for easy lane.

Hard if their jungler ganks a lot though.

Exactly. You can cheese nasus out if you hit level 2 before him. Hell, you could probably cheese him if you hit level two at the same time. He probably wouldnt take a point in wither, and his q cool down is too high to really do anything to you early on. Although you'd need to go full mozzarella every time he came to lane.
Exactly. You can cheese nasus out if you hit level 2 before him. Hell, you could probably cheese him if you hit level two at the same time. He probably wouldnt take a point in wither, and his q cool down is too high to really do anything to you early on. Although you'd need to go full mozzarella every time he came to lane.
What Nasus would not put points in W at 2 lol?

The moment he gets wither is the moment Aatrox starts losing. Hell, when I go Nasus Vs Aatrox I don't even bother with E, I just level up W second faster. The damage doesn't matter, I just need to use it to stop Aatrox from doing anything to me, and once Nasus gets a Glacial Shroud and some stacks Aatrox can do literally nothing.

Doge is just fucking stupid. The level 2 cheese is the one single shot Aatrox has to gain dominance of the lane, otherwise he'll just get rekt.
So it appears there is a permanent camera lock bug in the client... along with the other shit fuck of issues too. Only way I can stop it is by restarting game.


What Nasus would not put points in W at 2 lol?

The moment he gets wither is the moment Aatrox starts losing. Hell, when I go Nasus Vs Aatrox I don't even bother with E, I just level up W second faster. The damage doesn't matter, I just need to use it to stop Aatrox from doing anything to me, and once Nasus gets a Glacial Shroud and some stacks Aatrox can do literally nothing.

Doge is just fucking stupid. The level 2 cheese is the one single shot Aatrox has to gain dominance of the lane, otherwise he'll just get rekt.

Wither is too strong a move with how much damage he does/how tanky he is. It makes dueling him impossible and at max rank its a massive slow with a near nonexistent downtime.

Just a question, but who actually counters nasus? Ive beaten him with jayce once, but it was normals. I imagine Renek/riven/shyvana would give him trouble.
Anyone with a strong early game. Riven, Rumble, Teemo, Jayce and Garen make his laning miserable. Maybe Olaf too. Champs who can still harass him under his own tower gets bonus points.

So it appears there is a permanent camera lock bug in the client... along with the other shit fuck of issues too. Only way I can stop it is by restarting game.
This has happened to me many (rare) times throughout the years. One fix is to die. :/


Bronze players everywhere will wonder why no other team has come up with this OP strategy. If only they could have picked Blitzcrank instead of Annie.
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