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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I just had the worst bug ever, couldn't see minions hp bars because whatever riot did in this patch broke the changes I made to hp bar colors. also I couldn't see anyone's levels lol, it was so weird

so til it's insanely hard to cs with no minion health bars lol

I had a glitch with my hp bars too in the game i played today. Whenever something went below half health, another hp bar would magically appear on top of the real one. Almost impossible to see anything when champions were standing near minions

It made my eyes hurt


diana drew the shortest straw on this one, her skin looks kinda lame unfortunately

I really like tryndamere's skin, I dunno why they keep giving him new skins, everyone hates tryndamere lol

riven's skin's fine, but I wanna see the sword :|

evelynn nerfs sound pretty tough, I don't really play her but half the missile speed on q means she'll be really slow in the jungle, right?

I had a glitch with my hp bars too in the game i played today. Whenever something went below half health, another hp bar would magically appear on top of the real one. Almost impossible to see anything when champions were standing near minions

It made my eyes hurt

you should've screencapped it, it sounds kind of hilarious

Played him vs bots for about a half hour to get a feel for his combos and went live.

I could get used to this. My teammates setups were so good. :3


Man... League's matchmaking!


5 wins, and feeling good.. I decide to LoLKing the game.. Holy shit.

I gotta say, the challenge was awesome and I felt I was learning a bit more than the standard game.


reginaldo wasn't so bad, but tortuga was some tough 3v1 shit no problem

I ran across them again with their new names

didn't go well lol


She's also getting a minor visual update to go with it apparently (along with all the new particles and stuff).
nah from what I gather the particles are for her skin, since it's now using her default skin stuff

I think what I don't like most of all is the face and her hair being dark. bah, in general it's not doing it for me, but I can see myself getting behind it if they give her some cool particles and animations or if the splash art is really nice

yea that's pretty awesome, I really like it

are you getting it?

I feel like I should be able to cancel-stun and cancel-ult to be worthy of owning a riven skin

also popstar crew too good


that tibbers lol


I just had the worst bug ever, couldn't see minions hp bars because whatever riot did in this patch broke the changes I made to hp bar colors. also I couldn't see anyone's levels lol, it was so weird

so til it's insanely hard to cs with no minion health bars lol
Make sure you didn't accidentally press L or something. I think if you keep pressing L, it cycles through health bar visibility, including minion health bars.


More Riven and Tryndamere skins yay! Said no one except Marc Merrill.
Meanwhile Lunar Karma is chilling with Scorched Earth Renekton in oblivion.

Btw that Tryndamere is so ripoff of Guan Yu from Smite they could use his splash.

Not really a massive nerf. A love tap to her jungling and an alright nerf to her DFG burst.
What alright nerf? Changing her E damage to physical is huge. She just became completely useless lategame because this puts her in an extremely awkward itemization spot. Elder Lizard will still be shit on her, hybrid pen just won't be enough, she'll tickle people with that once armor kicks in unless she builds something like LW but with that the rest of her kit will suffer. They're forcing her into being a hybrid champ when hybrid items just flat out suck as a whole.
Yeah I forgot about her lategame DFG burst.

Maybe AD Eve will be the next thing with IE+SotD. >__>
I think it's more likely she'll just be trash tier again. Go full AP? Can't burst anything past 20 minutes. Go full AD? Extremely expensive items, will still fall off because half of your kit will go to shit. Hybrid? Maybe something with both Void Staff and LW will work, but still no burst without DFG E, why even bother?


I don't think evelynn will ever be trash tier in s4 unless that 1750 missile speed nerf has a massive effect on her farming ability.

Triforce - Randuin evelynn will be pretty awesome if her ap path becomes ineffective

Season 1 evelynn builds were also fun
More Riven and Tryndamere skins yay! Said no one except Marc Merrill.
Meanwhile Lunar Karma is chilling with Scorched Earth Renekton in oblivion.

Btw that Tryndamere is so ripoff of Guan Yu from Smite they could use his splash.


You mean Guan Yu, the ancient Chinese warrior, just like Zhao Yun (which Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao is based off) and Lu Bu (Warring Kingdoms J4).

Nice try bro.
More Riven and Tryndamere skins yay! Said no one except Marc Merrill.
Meanwhile Lunar Karma is chilling with Scorched Earth Renekton in oblivion.

Btw that Tryndamere is so ripoff of Guan Yu from Smite they could use his splash.


Guan Yu is a huge hero. Almost makes me want to spend money to buy Tryn and the skin.

You mean Guan Yu, the ancient Chinese warrior, just like Zhao Yun (which Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao is based off) and Lu Bu (Warring Kingdoms J4).

Nice try bro.

Beaten. Didn't see your post when I commented :$
More Riven and Tryndamere skins yay! Said no one except Marc Merrill.
Meanwhile Lunar Karma is chilling with Scorched Earth Renekton in oblivion.

Btw that Tryndamere is so ripoff of Guan Yu from Smite they could use his splash.


well SMITE has a guy called wukong and it's a monkey too. what a ripoff!!!

Ugh. Getting real mad at this game again. Lost a game against a team with 4 ADCs and 1 support Lux. Played support J4 because Leb had all the signs of a bad player (too trolly/chatty in lobby) so I wanted to do some experiments. Turns out Leb is Plat 2. Did nothing but whinewhinewhine about losing against AD Trist. Me and Varus demolished the hell out of our lane. I roamed with our jungle Lee and got kills whenever. Got every single dragon.

Leb still kept whinewhinewhining about not getting kills. Tries to take blue without assistance and with nearby enemies. Gets killed again, so she started throwing. Teemo started trolololing. Enemy Trist got ultra fed. I started to melt under 4 ADCs even with Tabi, Randuin and Sunfire.

It should have been such an easy match but people kept throwing.


When you can get two for one value on crit runes with Yasuo and they still aren't insta-picks, something isn't balanced correctly.


When you can get two for one value on crit runes with Yasuo and they still aren't insta-picks, something isn't balanced correctly.

I need to buy crit runes for him, but I don't want to buy any runes right now until they do whatever rune balancing they want to do.

I also want cooldown runes but same situation.

Then again, shiv plus IE and I'm at 90% crit chance anyways. Don't know if I need more from runes. I've been getting pretty good value out of attack speed lowering his Q cooldown. Allows me to buy more straight AD.

edit: Looks like I'm laning against a Fizz with Yasuo. I suspect this will not go well.

edit2: not only did it go well, but we won 4v5.. The caitlyn never even connected. Rengar + Yasuo + Yi + Heimer makes a pretty good combo lol. Assassin comp go. Had a little trouble against Fizz. He could troll pole my knockup pretty easy. But I could windwall his fish and the jungle Lee's Q. So I got out of a lot of things that should have killed me. Tried maxing windwall second for the faster shield. I really liked it. Going to max windwall second instead of the E for a bit and make sure it's best. The damage increase on E is negligable if you aren't building any AP and the cooldown is also negligable. maxing windwall meanes faster flow which means more shields. It's a good thing.
I tried full crit runes + armor yellows. 28% crit chance at Lv1 (44% with Brawler).

Then I realize Tryn can do similar without the runes anyway.
Yeah I forgot about her lategame DFG burst.

Maybe AD Eve will be the next thing with IE+SotD. >__>

Phreak always wanted people to play her as AD, so I blame him.

Predicting a complete blow-out for Alliance, even having never actually seen them play with this roster. Dignitas, lulz.
Nah, fairly certain he said hybrid worked best back in her spotlight.

Of course that was before word spread that old DFG was utterly broken.


They were making a Karma skin for this lunar revel, but apparently it was so shitty that they scrapped it altogether.


At least they will try to repair that dissapointing Diana skin. I think that Riven looks fantastic, getting it immediately.
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