When you can get two for one value on crit runes with Yasuo and they still aren't insta-picks, something isn't balanced correctly.
I need to buy crit runes for him, but I don't want to buy any runes right now until they do whatever rune balancing they want to do.
I also want cooldown runes but same situation.
Then again, shiv plus IE and I'm at 90% crit chance anyways. Don't know if I need more from runes. I've been getting pretty good value out of attack speed lowering his Q cooldown. Allows me to buy more straight AD.
edit: Looks like I'm laning against a Fizz with Yasuo. I suspect this will not go well.
edit2: not only did it go well, but we won 4v5.. The caitlyn never even connected. Rengar + Yasuo + Yi + Heimer makes a pretty good combo lol. Assassin comp go. Had a little trouble against Fizz. He could troll pole my knockup pretty easy. But I could windwall his fish and the jungle Lee's Q. So I got out of a lot of things that should have killed me. Tried maxing windwall second for the faster shield. I really liked it. Going to max windwall second instead of the E for a bit and make sure it's best. The damage increase on E is negligable if you aren't building any AP and the cooldown is also negligable. maxing windwall meanes faster flow which means more shields. It's a good thing.