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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Well, I think this was expected. Just a shame since this match basically means nothing to the actual EU vs NA theme of this tournament since not only is LD completely outclassed, TSM has one of EU's top mid laners, lol.


That cocoon was legendary. Barely hit.

How does elise do top lane? I want to get better at her, she is really fun.

I remember she used to be a monster with her Q. But now with the ascent of super tanks top lane who coincidentally, have no mana costs, she's going to have a lot of trouble doing much of anything there. Basically her laning was overnerfed with her Q mana cost nerfs. No mana costs just too op.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
quickshot and rivington, the casting duo of nightmares. so much worse than i remember too even. zero discussion of wards/vision or item builds.


Just a question, but who actually counters nasus? Ive beaten him with jayce once, but it was normals. I imagine Renek/riven/shyvana would give him trouble.

You can always choose to not counter Nasus specifically in lane, but pick champions who offer more in the teamfight stage while having a decent time against him in lane (Trundle, Kennen, Malphite, etc.)

(The few Darius v, Nasus matches I had went well, for what it's worth)

Alddous1031 said:
No mana costs just too op.

Yep. There aren't enough drawbacks to non-mana users. They need to be nerfed, though to be honest I'd rather have near-across the board mana regen buffs on mana based champions, but that's not Riot's style.


Wither is too strong a move with how much damage he does/how tanky he is. It makes dueling him impossible and at max rank its a massive slow with a near nonexistent downtime.

Just a question, but who actually counters nasus? Ive beaten him with jayce once, but it was normals. I imagine Renek/riven/shyvana would give him trouble.

I've heard Teemo counters him pretty hard. But it's still of my opinion that a good Nasus can't really be countered. He'll just wait for you to push the wave, then farm under tower, even if he takes harass, he gets free lifesteal and if he takes lifesteal quints, with the new masteries he'll be extremely hard to push.


I remember she used to be a monster with her Q. But now with the ascent of super tanks top lane who coincidentally, have no mana costs, she's going to have a lot of trouble doing much of anything there. Basically her laning was overnerfed with her Q mana cost nerfs. No mana costs just too op.

Oh well :( same with jayce.. I feel like most mama based top laners (bar jax/nasus) are severely lacking. Not much of a reason to pick them over riven/shyvana/rengar/renek and mundo. Personally I think mundo is fine. Iirc, he hasn't received any buffs, ever. He's just a bullet sponge.
quickshot and rivington, the casting duo of nightmares. so much worse than i remember too even. zero discussion of wards/vision or item builds.

You kind of have to lay that one at Quickshot's feet since he's (apparently) supposed to be the color commentator in that pairing. Rivington is (and always has been) purely play-by-play.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You kind of have to lay that one at Quickshot's feet since he's (apparently) supposed to be the color commentator in that pairing. Rivington is (and always has been) purely play-by-play.
The play by play was terrible too. Rivington just saying dumb stuff that wasn't happening.


Yep. There aren't enough drawbacks to non-mana users. They need to be nerfed, though to be honest I'd rather have near-across the board mana regen buffs on mana based champions, but that's not Riot's style.

There have been a couple across the board mana regen buffs, the most notorious one happened in S1 though; essentially everyone ran mana regen yellow runes until Riot nerfed them a lot and added the lost amount to all champions passively.

Reducing the mana cost of pretty much all ultimates across the board recently was a buff for mana users as well, since old school champions typically are/were more mana constrained than the recent new champions.

edit: Agreed that manaless champions are tough early though.
How far ahead was tsm? I couldn't tell. Its too small to view on my phone lol. Also dat lb burst on amumu at the end... o_O

They took two top lane towers by 5 minutes as well, pure dominance from the early game.


3 kills on Vayne, 1 on Renekton. NiP might still be ahead in gold, but you do NOT want kills on those two champions, especially Vayne.

EDIT: KMT just took gold lead with that tower.
If Aatrox dumps on Nasus pre-6. Then snowball for easy lane.

Hard if their jungler ganks a lot though.
Many can beat him early pre-6, only a select few can actually consistently put him behind enough for it to really matter. Aatrox isn't one of those if the Susan knows what he should be doing, and his scaling isn't comparable.

Someone already pointed out earlier that it's better to pick a champion that works against him in teamfights rather than in lane.

Just a question, but who actually counters nasus? Ive beaten him with jayce once, but it was normals. I imagine Renek/riven/shyvana would give him trouble.
Renekton isn't much to be concerned about if the Susan chooses to play strictly defensively. Shyvanna's in the same boat (though more of a threat late game than the 'gator) and Riven has a shot with early all-in cheese.

Personally I like picking Trundle against Susan if we're both opting for the farm game (vulnerable to ganks though) where the both of us are biding our time for grouped skirmishes / objective plays (which is where Trundle is stronger). If you're looking for an unorthodox pick though, I'm actually liking top Tristana a lot against him if you can put a tanky champion elsewhere. Range advantage, late game hypercarry, has a jump for Wither during a gank, knockback ult too if she's in a pinch and Grievous Wounds debuff on her E.

How does elise do top lane? I want to get better at her, she is really fun.
I remember she used to be a monster with her Q. But now with the ascent of super tanks top lane who coincidentally, have no mana costs, she's going to have a lot of trouble doing much of anything there. Basically her laning was overnerfed with her Q mana cost nerfs. No mana costs just too op.
Elise top is still really strong, just underrated (as absurd as that sounds) ever since she became a Flavor of the Month jungler. Quite potent against a good number of popular lane champions (be it mid or top), Riven and Renekton being two of them. Her early game itemization hasn't changed much since the nerfs; just need to know when you can start harrassing, which is usually level 3 with two points in Q in the majority of her common match-ups.


There have been a couple across the board mana regen buffs, the most notorious one happened in S1 though; essentially everyone ran mana regen yellow runes until Riot nerfed them a lot and added the lost amount to all champions passively.

edit: Agreed that manaless champions are tough early though.

Actually, on that note, Riot still has to implement the rune changes, right? Xypherous said something to the effect of reducing rune values and increase champ values in exchange. So if base armor values increase and armor seals are reduced, maybe the mana regen runes become an actual option. A marginal reduction in the cost of blue pots (5-10g) might help as well, but I'm thinking strictly top lane where it seems that the mana v. manaless problem is the most problematic.

I don't mind manaless champs being tough early, that's ok. My issue is that most scale well into the late game regardless and many manaless schemes aren't as gated as Riot seems to think they are.
You can throw in champion select if you're NiP, apparently. Though this composition could have worked if they had capitalized on their Lv6 advantage and got massively far ahead. They're a slow-burning, passive team, though; they might as well just surrender if they're going to take a Lv6 powerplay team and let their opponents run with a late game composition.

If you're running Renekton-Amumu-Lucian-Annie vs. Jax-Kayle-Caitlyn and don't even jockey for a Lv6 objective then you threw the game before it even started. Complete conceptual failure at champion select.

Edit: Though what I was specifically referring to is that I've seen 10 Amumu picks in professional and semi-professional European play this weekend, and every fucking one of them has lost badly. Maybe dial back the enthusiasm for midget mummies a tad.
Nah, they're still going to win. They're playing like utter shit, but the difference in late game power between the compositions is huge enough they can afford it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nah, they're still going to win. They're playing like utter shit, but the difference in late game power between the compositions is huge enough they can afford it.
you're underestimating the late game power of annie, amumu, lucian, and riven.
you're underestimating the late game power of annie, amumu, lucian, and riven.

It's a pure defensive Annie and Amumu, they actually pretty much stop scaling. They actually get less relevant as people gain defensive stats (preventing a 100-0 burst during their CC) and itemized cleanses (like that QSS right there). Lucian scales better than Caitlyn for a while, but at Lv18 with a 6-item build he doesn't. Riven's outscaled entirely by Jax.

If I underestimate anything, it's Celaver's ability to get himself caught in the most ridiculously stupid positions when he's playing an ultra-safe carry.
i mean that's just now how the game works.

Annie and Amumu have incredible value at the "break levels" for their ultimates because of base damages and utility on the ultimates. Neither one has inherently strong scaling with defensive stats. If they're building purely defensive they have power spikes at each level where they can put a point into their ultimate, but then almost completely plateau afterwards.

In particular, a six item Annie with nothing but defensive stats vs. a six item anything is pretty much a complete joke. You're talking about champions who have multiplicative scaling off a half dozen stats (Jax, Kayle, and Cait) vs. champions who are stacking stats that barely even scale due to their kits.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Annie and Amumu have incredible value at the "break levels" for their ultimates because of base damages and utility on the ultimates. Neither one has inherently strong scaling with defensive stats. If they're building purely defensive they have power spikes at each level where they can put a point into their ultimate, but then almost completely plateau afterwards.

In particular, a six item Annie with nothing but defensive stats vs. a six item anything is pretty much a complete joke. You're talking about champions who have multiplicative scaling off a half dozen stats (Jax, Kayle, and Cait) vs. champions who are stacking stats that barely even scale due to their kits.
it is an impossible task to burst down most of the team they were facing with kayle. building offensive stats on those two champions would have solved nothing. NIP lost because they are a bad team who couldn't control the map even when they had a positional advantage.

defensive stats still scale well into the late game, and most defensive items still provide offensive bonuses. hard cc also scales better into the late game when people blow up faster. living longer to put out more hard cc means a better chance to win.


Well I don't really feel bad for NiP. Didn't they choose to play KMT? 3 of their members also could've just stayed in LD and had a guaranteed spot, but they left sooo...

I always feel bad for losing teams, I'm like my mom or something

'cept c9, I fucking hate c9
NIP lost because they are a bad team who couldn't control the map even when they had a positional advantage.

Well, we can agree on that much, at least. I still don't think they had a viable victory condition (barring epic throws) once the game hit 45 minutes, but they actually got a couple of pretty impressively big throws out of KMT and still didn't go anywhere with it, so there's definitely some huge problems with objective capitalization and map movement in evidence.
so i haven't played since S3, what did i miss. i see a lucian in competitive play, that's interesting. 2v1s eh? still popular, junglers still around.
so i haven't played since S3, what did i miss. i see a lucian in competitive play, that's interesting. 2v1s eh? still popular, junglers still around.

ADCs have been replaced with Marksmen, and Junglers have been replaced with Foresters. It's utter pandemonium.

Lucian is the most popular ADC pick right now, though Jinx is also seeing a fair amount of play. You get to see a bit of Sivir for a while until the tournament patch catches up to Live, though she's often going to be banned. Taric's back, and Karma has really grown as a support choice, but otherwise we haven't seen the cats and dogs living together situation everyone was predicting/hoping for in the support role.

Mundo's a pretty big deal in the Top, now. Shyvana's still huge. Rengar's big but globally disabled at the moment. Olaf's made some waves in the jungle, though it's Evelyn who's been the big grab there, despite a somewhat dubious professional win rate.

Orianna still in like 80% of pro games at mid, at least in Korea and NA. Looks like she's slightly less popular in EU, but still very much in attendance.
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