Moments hunter
Neo Member
I feel bad for nip
fnatic stomping c9 will make me happy again
Hyrqbot does not have his drive I remember...
I feel bad for nip
fnatic stomping c9 will make me happy again
so i haven't played since S3, what did i miss. i see a lucian in competitive play, that's interesting. 2v1s eh? still popular, junglers still around.
ADCs have been replaced with Marksmen, and Junglers have been replaced with Foresters. It's utter pandemonium.
Lucian is the most popular ADC pick right now, though Jinx is also seeing a fair amount of play. You get to see a bit of Sivir for a while until the tournament patch catches up to Live, though she's often going to be banned. Taric's back, and Karma has really grown as a support choice, but otherwise we haven't seen the cats and dogs living together situation everyone was predicting/hoping for in the support role.
Mundo's a pretty big deal in the Top, now. Shyvana's still huge. Rengar's big but globally disabled at the moment. Olaf's made some waves in the jungle, though it's Evelyn who's been the big grab there, despite a somewhat dubious professional win rate.
Orianna still in like 80% of pro games at mid, at least in Korea and NA. Looks like she's slightly less popular in EU, but still very much in attendance.
Out goes Ninja in Pajamas.
To add to the above, Ziggs is really popular in midlane now.
Imagine the disappointment of the 3 Lemondogs players switching to NiP and giving up those guaranteed LCS places.
Yeah, Ziggs is a pretty big deal. Syndra's hit-or-miss, though she's certainly seeing more play, if not an excessively large amount; being disabled for weeks in OGN has kind of defrayed her impact, I think.
As for the LDs, with two newly-qualified teams in EU LCS there's a fair chance their better players will get picked up during the recruitment drive. These teams generally get a good chance to flesh out their roster once they've qualified and everyone who isn't qualified comes looking for a spot. One or two might end up padding the roster of KMT themselves, even.
Now we just need to get rid of Curse.Out goes Ninja in Pajamas.
As I'm not intelligent enough to know, can someone answer me this. Did NiP choke (badly) or did KMT play them like a fiddle? As NiP didn't seem to have anything to offer at any point, which I wasn't expecting.
so i haven't played since S3, what did i miss. i see a lucian in competitive play, that's interesting. 2v1s eh? still popular, junglers still around.
I wouldn't even wipe my behind with Taric.
When does elo decay start to occur? I'm afraid I've gone down to bronze 5 :"("""""""" I haven't played a game in two weeks...
I think I've heard it's after 28 days.
Ahhh... Relief. I still have a week to play before degrading.
Ahhh... Relief. I still have a week to play before degrading.
Are you still in bronze? There's no decay there if that's the case.
Wither is too strong a move with how much damage he does/how tanky he is. It makes dueling him impossible and at max rank its a massive slow with a near nonexistent downtime.
Just a question, but who actually counters nasus? Ive beaten him with jayce once, but it was normals. I imagine Renek/riven/shyvana would give him trouble.
As I'm not intelligent enough to know, can someone answer me this. Did NiP choke (badly) or did KMT play them like a fiddle? As NiP didn't seem to have anything to offer at any point, which I wasn't expecting.
It's been a slow climb but I'm only a few games away from getting Gold 1. Started out Silver IV at the start of this season. Hopefully I can get Plat.
Too soon to tell I think.So is yasuo good? Bad? My friend insists he's god awful, but I feel like in the right team comp, he's godly.
Too soon to tell I think.
He does have a 36% win rate though
So is yasuo good? Bad? My friend insists he's god awful, but I feel like in the right team comp, he's godly.
Thats what I was saying. The winrate.. Yeah, I can see that being a problem, but yasuo takes skill. He's not just a champion people can pick up and stomp with on their first games.
Isn't that true for everyone lol.
Even Riven.
Well there's no denying some champs have more depth to their kit.
Also what if people are building him wrong? Why not make him more tanky and not full glass cannon?
Kha'zix jungle is doing me wonders at the moment. Last win got me 20 LP.... up to 99 LP in silver 4.
Could I be finally starting to get some momentum?
The start of season 3, or pre-season 4?
What's the usual winrate of champs when they come out? I feel like it wouldnt be that great because of all the people trying them out for the first time.
Channel 1 lolgaf shame .Channel 4 LoLGAF got to play with hi im gosu today.
Channel 4 LoL GAF got to play with hi im gosu today.
So is yasuo good? Bad? My friend insists he's god awful, but I feel like in the right team comp, he's godly.
Dear god.
Consecutive 3v3 matches someone picks and adc and builds. First a Graves then a Lucian. What the hell is going on. So bad.Runnan's --> Cleaver
People thought Lucian was garbage too. You have to wait before anyone really figures out a champion.
Cloud 9 is playing Fnatic? They better not lose..
Lucian was garbage before the Q change. I don't think Yasuo will be bad though, that ult sure isn't weak.People thought Lucian was garbage too. You have to wait before anyone really figures out a champion.
it honestly wasn't that big of a change.Lucian was garbage before the Q change.
Lucian was garbage before the Q change. I don't think Yasuo will be bad though, that ult sure isn't weak.
Even one missed Q is significant honestly wasn't that big of a change.
Not talking about harassing through minions.only if you were shit at aiming it.
only if you were shit at aiming it.
not really when lucian's whole thing is super safe poke and free double shot procs regardless.Even one missed Q is significant though.