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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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so i haven't played since S3, what did i miss. i see a lucian in competitive play, that's interesting. 2v1s eh? still popular, junglers still around.

ADCs have been replaced with Marksmen, and Junglers have been replaced with Foresters. It's utter pandemonium.

Lucian is the most popular ADC pick right now, though Jinx is also seeing a fair amount of play. You get to see a bit of Sivir for a while until the tournament patch catches up to Live, though she's often going to be banned. Taric's back, and Karma has really grown as a support choice, but otherwise we haven't seen the cats and dogs living together situation everyone was predicting/hoping for in the support role.

Mundo's a pretty big deal in the Top, now. Shyvana's still huge. Rengar's big but globally disabled at the moment. Olaf's made some waves in the jungle, though it's Evelyn who's been the big grab there, despite a somewhat dubious professional win rate.

Orianna still in like 80% of pro games at mid, at least in Korea and NA. Looks like she's slightly less popular in EU, but still very much in attendance.

To add to the above, Ziggs is really popular in midlane now.


Imagine the disappointment of the 3 Lemondogs players that switched to NiP and gave up those guaranteed LCS places.
To add to the above, Ziggs is really popular in midlane now.


Imagine the disappointment of the 3 Lemondogs players switching to NiP and giving up those guaranteed LCS places.

Yeah, Ziggs is a pretty big deal. Syndra's hit-or-miss, though she's certainly seeing more play, if not an excessively large amount; being disabled for weeks in OGN has kind of defrayed her impact, I think.

As for the LDs, with two newly-qualified teams in EU LCS there's a fair chance their better players will get picked up during the recruitment drive. These teams generally get a good chance to flesh out their roster once they've qualified and everyone who isn't qualified comes looking for a spot. One or two might end up padding the roster of KMT themselves, even.
Scarizard knows what's up:



Neo Member
As I'm not intelligent enough to know, can someone answer me this. Did NiP choke (badly) or did KMT play them like a fiddle? As NiP didn't seem to have anything to offer at any point, which I wasn't expecting.


Yeah, Ziggs is a pretty big deal. Syndra's hit-or-miss, though she's certainly seeing more play, if not an excessively large amount; being disabled for weeks in OGN has kind of defrayed her impact, I think.

As for the LDs, with two newly-qualified teams in EU LCS there's a fair chance their better players will get picked up during the recruitment drive. These teams generally get a good chance to flesh out their roster once they've qualified and everyone who isn't qualified comes looking for a spot. One or two might end up padding the roster of KMT themselves, even.

Indeed. At least some of them should be able to find a place.
As I'm not intelligent enough to know, can someone answer me this. Did NiP choke (badly) or did KMT play them like a fiddle? As NiP didn't seem to have anything to offer at any point, which I wasn't expecting.


NiP didn't look like they even turned up.

KMT had them down, prepared a strategy and executed it practically perfectly.
It's been a slow climb but I'm only a few games away from getting Gold 1. Started out Silver IV at the start of this season. Hopefully I can get Plat.


Wither is too strong a move with how much damage he does/how tanky he is. It makes dueling him impossible and at max rank its a massive slow with a near nonexistent downtime.

Just a question, but who actually counters nasus? Ive beaten him with jayce once, but it was normals. I imagine Renek/riven/shyvana would give him trouble.

Just find a Nasus player who is bad, like me. I tried playing him a bunch to try to relax, but would just get crushed. Riven for example, can ignore the slow, doesn't need the attack speed to do damage, and can gain early advantage against a bad Nasus.

Junglers ganking early can beat a bad Nasus.

Freezing a minion wave where a bad Nasus has to extend beats him.

Then all those games after dying a bunch, the early advantage laner could take the tower, roam other lanes, kill my teammates by being fed, get my team to rage, and push for surrender/win.

If it's a good Nasus I'm not sure. I haven't yet figured out how to be one. :p I don't think I own health regen quints though.

I also have extreme difficulty against teams with like 3-5 AOE slow/kiting abilities, or tons of other CC that can prevent Nasus from getting to them.


As I'm not intelligent enough to know, can someone answer me this. Did NiP choke (badly) or did KMT play them like a fiddle? As NiP didn't seem to have anything to offer at any point, which I wasn't expecting.

In my opinion, Overpow made NiP his *****.


So is yasuo good? Bad? My friend insists he's god awful, but I feel like in the right team comp, he's godly.

It might be too soon. But I read a pretty informative post from someone who claims to be an expert on melee ADCs(which Yasuo is designed to be), saying that Yasuo's kit, is pretty terrible for being a melee ADC, as he has no way of sticking to his target for a long enough time to kill them unless he takes a long ass time to set up or someone sets up for him.


What's the usual winrate of champs when they come out? I feel like it wouldnt be that great because of all the people trying them out for the first time.


Well there's no denying some champs have more depth to their kit.

Also what if people are building him wrong? Why not make him more tanky and not full glass cannon?

Well, that could be it, but that would just be bad design on Riot's part. CertainlyT stated that Yasuo is designed to be a melee ADC, therefore like Trynd, Yi, etc. If he doesn't function when built similarly to these guys, then it's not really the community's fault as much as it is Riot's for having bad designers.
The start of season 3, or pre-season 4?

Since the start of season 3. Still an impressive climb for me as I stayed in Silver until the end of this summer and I don't play that consistently. LoLKing has me at 1790 points right now, which is about 300 higher than I ever was with the elo system.
What's the usual winrate of champs when they come out? I feel like it wouldnt be that great because of all the people trying them out for the first time.

It actually isn't that bad, usually. Yes, people are still learning the champions when they're new and playing them sub-optimally, but people are also having to learn to play against them and often make mistakes they wouldn't if they had experience playing against that champion.

Though, the latter factors in more heavily with champions who have abilities that are very "surprising" to people at first, with Thresh being the most obvious example. Thresh was freelo out the ass back when he was new because for every dumb teammate who didn't click the lantern you had a dozen opponents who just had no concept of the sort of terrible, cruel things he could do to their supple buttocks.

Yasuo should be able to surprise people with some of his capabilities, so if his winrate is that low it's probably not the greatest sign.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
So is yasuo good? Bad? My friend insists he's god awful, but I feel like in the right team comp, he's godly.

People thought Lucian was garbage too. You have to wait before anyone really figures out a champion.
Dear god.

Consecutive 3v3 matches someone picks and adc and builds
Runnan's --> Cleaver
. First a Graves then a Lucian. What the hell is going on. So bad.
I don't have especially high hopes for Cloud 9 given that Fnatic already proved themselves to be a better team and have measurably improved since their last meeting, whereas Cloud 9 have been relatively static. That said, it's possible the drumming they got on the world stage knocked them off - well, you know - and got them back in the lab working on stepping up their game.

There's also the open question of who the current patch changes better benefits. They were both teams that were very comfortable and happy playing on Season 3 (and demonstrably less so on Season 2), but for very different reasons. I definitely feel that the current mid meta is to xPeke's clear advantage and it seems likely sOAZ will adapt better to the toplane meta shift than Balls, but aside from that it's a bit of a toss-up; last time I saw Rekkles playing he had adapted very poorly to the meta shift, but I don't expect Fnatic's bottom lane has actually gleaned much from it, either. The jungle changes feel slightly more in Meteos's favor, though, given that he's always been farm-heavy and fancied himself a carry compared to others.

I'd still give it to Fnatic overall, but it should at least be worth watching, unlike the two NA/EU sets we've had so far. Those were practically just showmatches to let the big dogs roll out their flashy new rosters against total jobbers. (Big ups to Dig, though, when it comes to taking the fall so other teams can get over, they're top notch.)
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