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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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not really when lucian's whole thing is super safe poke and free double shot procs regardless.
Not talking about poke, I'm referring to targeting the Q on someone.

The change made him extremely easy to play. You just E auto Q auto and they're already at half health.


Wouldn't the effectiveness of the q be reliant on the enemy, and not the Lucian player? If the enemy is good, they could juke it. Its a targeted skillshot.

Both. If you were a good Lucian player, you would be able to find opportunities where the enemy can't dodge it. When they're last hitting a minion for example.


I don't have especially high hopes for Cloud 9 given that Fnatic already proved themselves to be a better team and have measurably improved since their last meeting, whereas Cloud 9 have been relatively static. That said, it's possible the drumming they got on the world stage knocked them off - well, you know - and got them back in the lab working on stepping up their game.

There's also the open question of who the current patch changes better benefits. They were both teams that were very comfortable and happy playing on Season 3 (and demonstrably less so on Season 2), but for very different reasons. I definitely feel that the current mid meta is to xPeke's clear advantage and it seems likely sOAZ will adapt better to the toplane meta shift than Balls, but aside from that it's a bit of a toss-up; last time I saw Rekkles playing he had adapted very poorly to the meta shift, but I don't expect Fnatic's bottom lane has actually gleaned much from it, either. The jungle changes feel slightly more in Meteos's favor, though, given that he's always been farm-heavy and fancied himself a carry compared to others.

I'd still give it to Fnatic overall, but it should at least be worth watching, unlike the two NA/EU sets we've had so far. Those were practically just showmatches to let the big dogs roll out their flashy new rosters against total jobbers. (Big ups to Dig, though, when it comes to taking the fall so other teams can get over, they're top notch.)

Idk if my heart can take another C9 loss /: when are the games?
Oh, you'll be fine. They haven't even had their first roster shake-up yet, they're practically cherry as far as providing huge disappointment to fans goes. Try being a CLG or Curse fan, those shmucks don't even routinely keep themselves clear of relegation! Or an Azubu Blaze fan, having to watch Frost roll out and lose the world championships to a one-and-done Taiwan team all because of a horse-shit blind pick game on a broken Rengar patch...

Ahem. Anyway, I believe the remainder of the Battle of the Atlantic games (and the NA Promotion/Relegation matches) will be Friday through Sunday, so the 20th to the 22nd, probably slightly later starting time than when they were in the EU? (The EU side games were 9:00 AM PST starting bell, so probably 11 AM or noon-ish?) As far as I know they're keeping to the one BoA and one Promo set per day schedule.


ok today I won 2/2. smashed lane both times, so we won, though my lane opponents played really bad both times and I got smart junglers

I really enjoy being able to play thresh now that everybody's so concerned with banning evelynn and kass and shit

Idk if my heart can take another C9 loss /: when are the games?
next saturday I think. maybe next sunday
I've practiced a little Kha'Zix jungle, first ranked GO

I went in without practice. Im currently 11-0 with him.

SILVER 3 baby!

Of course the only promo game I lost was when I went with Volibear jungle instead of Kha. I had such a good run of games when I first got Voli but it's been ages since I recaptured the magic.


So is yasuo good? Bad? My friend insists he's god awful, but I feel like in the right team comp, he's godly.

Well, I've been watching my friend experiment with him, and he's having better and better results. It really just seems that Yasuo needs that much more practice and effort than other champions to be efficient.

Which makes you wonder why then you'd pick Yasuo if you can do similar things 10x easier on other champs, but eh.

Speaking of Yasuo, does Ravenous Hydra work with his Q?


Well, I've been watching my friend experiment with him, and he's having better and better results. It really just seems that Yasuo needs that much more practice and effort than other champions to be efficient.

Which makes you wonder why then you'd pick Yasuo if you can do similar things 10x easier on other champs, but eh.

Speaking of Yasuo, does Ravenous Hydra work with his Q?
Just bought Vi and Sivir. Any tips?

Sivir is pretty simple as far as adc's go. How good you are is basically determined by how well you use your spell shield. Her q is just a typical skill shot and you can spam w for easy harass and to push the lane. Her ult is pretty self explanatory, great to initiate teamfights if you're backed up at your turret or something, really helps if you have champs like Udyr/Shyvana/Olaf/Volibear/Mundo/Renekton/Nasus that can get kited.

No idea on Vi.

How to counter Riven, pls? facks me hard every game...

In top lane: pick a tank with strong laning. Shyvana, Renekton, Garen work well. Darius is one of the few champions that can out trade a Riven pretty easily, but is very prone to being ganked because he has no escapes and pushes the wave with his q. Jax is a good pick into a Riven since his e can dodge Riven's autos preventing her proc'ing her passive.

Basically I like to play passive against a Riven. You have to respect a Riven's damage. At my elo, most Rivens try way too hard to go all in and get kills, often if you just kite them while minions beat on them and trade back you will win trades easily. You will want to build early armor against her if you're not stomping lane obviously. A Shyvana can wreck her especially if she can get some early kills and pick up a quick chain vest.

In mid: typically I've had Riven picked against me when playing someone like Zed. I just give up trying to get kills on her, play completely passive and farm as much as I can, hoping she does something stupid or my jungler can help.
How do you kill a Shyvana with 4500hp and 200 armor in 3v3's with a comp of Jax, Yauso, and Shyvana?

you fucking don't. they went triple botrk for ya boy but it just wasn't enough.
So i have decided to just stop playing ranked. I just don't have the time to dedicate to increasing my rank and solo queue ranked is a nightmare. In games where people disconn or troll you are just stuck with it knowing a loss is coming. At least in normals if ya gonna lose you can at least try and have so fun with it because what ever.

So normals and ARAM for me I think.

On another note I discover the uber fun that is mundo support. Tanky supports are my new love I think.
How do you kill a Shyvana with 4500hp and 200 armor in 3v3's with a comp of Jax, Yauso, and Shyvana?
i cant imagine how a shyvana would kill a riven early.

At my level it's because Rivens get really cocky and act like minions don't exist. At higher levels I'd imagine jungler help might be required.

You know that Shyvana is OP when not even a Shyvana can kill her.

I also thought he meant that.

Mundo is just as ridiculous. When our whole team comps top with the goon squad to take out a mundo at our inner turret, and we manage to land 945 abilities and 56 slows, we should be able to kill him.
Ugh. Awful night on ranked towards the end of last nigh and hit a five loss streak with two of them as support games with 22 assists a piece.
Ugh. Awful night on ranked towards the end of last nigh and hit a five loss streak with two of them as support games with 22 assists a piece.

That sucks. I had a three loss streak myself. 1 was due to two late starters from connection issues and one from an udre jungle that would sprint across the map and start fights when people weren't near by then complain that everyone didn't somehow teleport to his location and support him.

Why I think solo ranked is not for me. The stronger need to win ruins the fun completely in such games.

On a side note. Would sion be a viable tanky support with the new changes. I think its possible but no where as good as Mundo or taric.


I've been enjoying Yasuo.


That last game was a 4v5 the entire game too (part of why I was building more tanky)

Playing him midlane or toplane. I WILL jungle him again now that I have a better handle on his kit. Initial clear times suck so bad though.

I can see the low winrate. He's not easy. The Q is a skillshot and in a hectic fight it's easy to miss and you can lose stacks for the knockup proc. I definitely believe they need to increase the time he can build stacks as a QoL improvement. He's squishy and doesn't have high base damages. He can have surprising damage early but the midgame seems pretty weak. His builds are weird too. I've had best luck with shiv into IE but raw AD does a LOT. It's not hard to get 90+ crit chance.

They could also make his E->Q AE attack a little smoother to execute. I keep missing it. I saw Bischu playing him last night and he seemed fine with it. Though he had 27 ping and I have 116. I think that makes a difference.

Yasuo shines either in a 1v1 with minions around or in a teamfight with a good knockup/CC comp. Malphite ult into Yasuo ult is so cool. 1v1 you can concentrate on building stacks for the execute and really aim that Q.

I had a fed Lucian try and 1v1 me. I dodged around him not even attacking until I stacked my Q on minions, then landed a knockup and ult'd. From there it's just E through things and Q him. The Q cooldown pretty much makes it a skillshot auto. It's a little weird.

windwall is pretty awesome. Fortunately they made it an instant cast so you can do some cool things with it. It is so satisfying blocking a Lee Q or a Fizz ult.



jungle routes should be tailored to your available ganks, imo. First buff with smite, small camp, next buff with smite, judge whether you can make a gank at this point, if not, farm up.

I tend to only hit wraith or double golems (almost never double golems tbh) when I have 40g on my gold item to gain from it. after 10 minutes the "path" becomes wherever I'm closest to.


What should be the jungle route as well now? My jungling has been uber weak since the changes.

Neko's pretty correct.

Start a buff camp, smite->wolves->next buff camp, smite again->wraiths->golems->back.

If you see a gank opportunity in there then jump on it, but be careful not to waste too much time. Now junglers don't have the level advantage and there's more immediate vision so the possibility of counter ganking is high. Also early kills are worth less than they used to be.

Despite the new jungle xp, it's pretty easy to fall behind if you fail gank too much. Camps are harder and take longer to clear. Getting that first jungle item asap is important. The curve favors the farming jungler a little more in the mid game. A shyvana, for example, could be a level or two up on bot lane by midgame but won't have that advantage early.


Teemo support so much fun. Srsly. Try it.

Me and Ez were overextended and their jungler was on his way, so Ez shifted out and they all started closing in on me. Stealthed on a bush, Caitlyn laid 1 Q across it that hit me but I stayed put. They gave up because Cait was out of mana and the only one with AOE, so they started pushing in and zoning out Ez, leaving Caitlyn alone in back. Our Shaco pops in, I take out like half of Cait's health and blind her with a Q and an auto, Shaco finishes her off, the other two run into a shroom I had down and it turns into a triple.

Our Garen dc'd at 5 minutes (came back at 45 for some reason), but we were winning most the game because we were catching them out and they came into every team fight at half health because of shrooms. Other team couldn't do baron either because it would take 45 seconds and running through 8 shrooms to get there.

That was good.


I feel like riot tried to make sure that yasuo isn't completely broken

Also hydra is so good on yasuo. Q into hydra into a basic is so good. Granted I've only done it on bots, lol.


That was over too fast :(

Near the end I kept wanting to retreat from top but Elise kept pinging people as they came up :T

I vodded that shit. Prolly will have it uploaded later.


I feel like riot tried to make sure that yasuo isn't completely broken

Also hydra is so good on yasuo. Q into hydra into a basic is so good. Granted I've only done it on bots, lol.

I want to build a hydra. I really do but shiv + IE has been working so well and if the game isn't over by then I usually find the need to build a defensive item.

Attackspeed first is almost mandatory for the Q cooldown.
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