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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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So how's Yasuo? Weak, fine, strong?

he's either facerolling or getting shit on. very little in-between.

He really, really needs his items. If he can finish his Shiv and IE in a reasonable amount of time, he's a problem. If he can't, he has a hard time finding a place.

I saw pretty effective play that rushed armor (fast Omen).

A couple of damage items and some survivability and he wrecks faces.


I wouldn't mind if sunfire cape dies

imagine if champions would have to buy damage items to deal damage!

Are you implying that any "tank" item should have nothing but tank stats, and any "damage" item should have nothing but damage stats?

Let's say I got an item with a huge amount of health, a good amount of armor, and some AP. This could result in exactly the same result for someone like Amumu, who might replace the 40 DPS from Sunfire with 40 DPS from tears. Now swap that idea and put AD instead. Do you object to those sorts of items?


Are you implying that any "tank" item should have nothing but tank stats, and any "damage" item should have nothing but damage stats?

Let's say I got an item with a huge amount of health, a good amount of armor, and some AP. This could result in exactly the same result for someone like Amumu, who might replace the 40 DPS from Sunfire with 40 DPS from tears. Now swap that idea and put AD instead. Do you object to those sorts of items?

I dont think that's what he meant by that. I think what he was trying to say is that it gives too much armor and free damage.


Tank items that also deal more damage are more interesting when soaking up damage is part of what made them deal damage in the first place, think stuff like Odyn's Veil and Thornmail. That's way more interesting to me than Sunfire's passive, or Atma's health damage scaling.


Hey le bip, writing here so you can see it's the fucking shitty Riot EUW servers. 3 minutes trying to reconnect while my internet functions perfectly and nothing.

Uninstalling soon.


Are you implying that any "tank" item should have nothing but tank stats, and any "damage" item should have nothing but damage stats?

Let's say I got an item with a huge amount of health, a good amount of armor, and some AP. This could result in exactly the same result for someone like Amumu, who might replace the 40 DPS from Sunfire with 40 DPS from tears. Now swap that idea and put AD instead. Do you object to those sorts of items?
I think I get where you're coming from, and my comment was just some fun poking but to actually do some talking I really don't like champions like rengar and renekton bursting people off a sunfire cape+their base damages (and maybe what? brutalizer or a doran's tops?).

I dunno where that problem comes from, if it's renek having too high base damages or sunfire cape passive being too strong or tank stats being too good or whatever, I'm sure any of you smart guys can figure it out for me, but it's the eternal issue with bruisers, which is why I like pure tanks much better.

it's annoying, I spend thousands of gold to be able to kill people and you spend the same amount in tankiness and you can still kill me. and I get it, you should be able to kill me if you get in melee range, but not immediately with foolproof cc and gapclosers.

I'd love for bruisers to have to build half tank half damage. make their kits less about free stats and base damages and more about scaling and I'll be fine with it.

which is why I don't really mind riven so much. she might burst me in a sec but if I get a good combo on her she's dead


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tank items that also deal more damage are more interesting when soaking up damage is part of what made them deal damage in the first place, think stuff like Odyn's Veil and Thornmail. That's way more interesting to me than Sunfire's passive, or Atma's health damage scaling.
Soaking up damage is what makes Sunfire work. By design you need to be in a position where you take damage to dish it back out, and the longer you put yourself in a dangerous situation the more damage it does.


I'm not even pretending to know what I'm talking about btw, I don't play top lane, and I'm not really planning on changing that any day soon. just expressing random thoughts off my hatred for rengar

I'm sure he meant to say 45.
nah, it gives 5 more armor than a chain vest that gives 40

that was the point


It just sucks that you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by not picking a meatwall top laner who can win lane via healing and insane base damage. Really, there's no reason to play Jayce/Liss/Aatrox/Kennen whoever when you can just pick shyvana or renekton.


It just sucks that you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by not picking a meatwall top laner who can win lane via healing and insane base damage. Really, there's no reason to play Jayce/Liss/Aatrox/Kennen whoever when you can just pick shyvana or renekton.
That's a good thing.


Soaking up damage is what makes Sunfire work. By design you need to be in a position where you take damage to dish it back out, and the longer you put yourself in a dangerous situation the more damage it does.

Sunfire works even if you don't take a single shred of damage. So no, soaking up damage is not what makes Sunfire work - it'll do that regardless. Requiring actually taking damage would allow tank/damage items to be stronger and more interesting than a pittance of magic damage per second.

That's a good thing.

That champs listed by Deadnames are way more interesting to play as and against that most current top tier top laners. So yeah, massively disagree.
It just sucks that you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by not picking a meatwall top laner who can win lane via healing and insane base damage. Really, there's no reason to play Jayce/Liss/Aatrox/Kennen whoever when you can just pick shyvana or renekton.

I will continue to pick and win with top Jayce. :p

I'm getting better at poking bruisers, but I often find that as long as I farm and thus break even I'll get the items I need to wreck the top laner and everyone else midgame and lategame. I play still tend him like an ADC (defensively, farmer) until I get my first major item. I just don't like the ton of risk that comes with jumping the on current popular top lane tanks early game. I'm just not good at winning those early trades yet.


yea I just play lizzy, annie and pantheon top and don't even bother with trying to learn what works

that's for other more manly than me people to do

well I do think pant gives me a little man cred doe


Everything is moe to me
It just sucks that you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by not picking a meatwall top laner who can win lane via healing and insane base damage. Really, there's no reason to play Jayce/Liss/Aatrox/Kennen whoever when you can just pick shyvana or renekton.
pretty sure kennen ruins renektons day most of the time.
Tank items that also deal more damage are more interesting when soaking up damage is part of what made them deal damage in the first place, think stuff like Odyn's Veil and Thornmail. That's way more interesting to me than Sunfire's passive, or Atma's health damage scaling.

I can feel that opinion.

I personally just don't like sunfire because on AD champs a little MR makes it useless.
Are you implying that any "tank" item should have nothing but tank stats, and any "damage" item should have nothing but damage stats?
To answer your question: if it means that people would stop buying a trap of a defensive item for all eternity, yes.

I dont think that's what he meant by that. I think what he was trying to say is that it gives too much armor and free damage.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sunfire works even if you don't take a single shred of damage. So no, soaking up damage is not what makes Sunfire work - it'll do that regardless. Requiring actually taking damage would allow tank/damage items to be stronger and more interesting than a pittance of magic damage per second.
the point is not that sunfire is a direct take damage -> damage returned, simply that it requires a range that opens up damage on to you, and is most effective with other tanky stats because the longer you live and are battling the enemy the more damage it does.

also rene just dashes in towards kennen and wins.
Sunfire works even if you don't take a single shred of damage. So no, soaking up damage is not what makes Sunfire work - it'll do that regardless. Requiring actually taking damage would allow tank/damage items to be stronger and more interesting than a pittance of magic damage per second.
I think he meant work as in "this item is only worth buying if you're actively in the middle of the enemy team getting hit"


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
just press e. rene's dash is shit, there's lots of time to react to it.
not really. a double dash covers ground much quicker. easy for rene to control the way vs. kennen and sustain through harass, and he can easily rush visage. if you are using e to get away from kennen you are losing the lane. once you come back it's really hard to control things and not get zoned.
The Sunfire Cape nerf may be a bit heavy (I like the idea of the damage being level-based, but I'd rather see it scale to being slightly higher at max level rather than lower across the board), and the real intention behind it is to remove the Lv6-ish powerplay for champions like Renekton and Shyvana showing up to a dragon fight and having a huge power spike that no one can contend with at that point.

You're still probably going to see it built in any vs. AD toplane match-up because it's still built out of the two most attractive items to buy in that match-up (Giant's Belt and Chain Vest), though I imagine people will give a first-build Randuin's a little extra consideration. People had already mostly switched to first-build Spirit Visage for the vs. AP toplane matches, so no real change there.
In my mind I thought we'd suck in team-fights (we did - thanks, Lux). We managed to pull through eventually
Liandry's Nami

Didn't think people still banned Fizz and Vayne. Huh.

Fizz is still an annoyance. At least if you ban Vayne you stop any baddies on your team taking her and of course, that's ignoring her god-tier status if she's in the right hands.


the point is not that sunfire is a direct take damage -> damage returned, simply that it requires a range that opens up damage on to you, and is most effective with other tanky stats because the longer you live and are battling the enemy the more damage it does.

I understand that, and it's what I'm taking exception to when I say I don't like it as a tanky damage item. The fact that the damage portion is, for lack of a better term at the moment, "always on" means that it has to be toned down to the little damage it does now. I find its current implementation frankly lazy. Ditto other tanky damage items like Atma's, Maw, and even Wit's End.

Stone Ocean said:
I think he meant work as in "this item is only worth buying if you're actively in the middle of the enemy team getting hit"

I meant work as in it requires little interaction and even less thought to use. There's lots of "damage items for tanks" options that could have more counterplay and interaction that would be way more fun to use because power could be added to them. But Riot thinks most LoL players are too dumb to use actives or understand cause & effect.
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