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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Nunu bot lane in Dominion is absolutely silly. Give me until level 8 to ramp up (which in Dom is only 3-4 minutes) and I'm essentially unmoveable from lane. Once I hit about 14, I begin to push relentlessly unless the other laner gets assistance.

Counters are few, but the two I've run in to thus far are Riven and particularly Talon.


Indeed, the lane opponent needs to run something that can reliably all-in a Nunu to be able to stop him from lane, such as Riven/Talon, or he will just keep outsustaining the opponent.
Gotta pick up the Sivir skin and Snow Day Ziggs.
Also Shamrock Malphite half off on Christmas Eve. Best Christmas present you can give to a friend. Only 260 RP.


I literally shouted WHAT THE FUCK in the first 5 minutes of that last game. I roamed top as Amumu for a gank, latched onto Shyv (in the MIDDLE of the lane mind you, right next to Aatrox) got her down to half before she started to run. Got her down to what had to fucking be 1%, and she made it to tower.

What happened? Aatrox stayed and farmed in mid. ONE q, ONE e, SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and he would have killed her.

He was at 3/4 health and still had his passive :\


I literally shouted WHAT THE FUCK in the first 5 minutes of that last game. I roamed top as Amumu for a gank, latched onto Shyv (in the MIDDLE of the lane mind you, right next to Aatrox) got her down to half before she started to run. Got her down to what had to fucking be 1%, and she made it to tower.

What happened? Aatrox stayed and farmed in mid. ONE q, ONE e, SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and he would have killed her.

He was at 3/4 health and still had his passive :\

Haha, reminds me of a couple of our own friends who just got to lvl 30 and we are playing together as 5 premades. I tend to do the "what the fuck you doing" when they make a easy mistake.



Malz mid barely spoke any english. Top lane was afk until their top laner was level 5. I made my first gank top when our laner came back and put our GP back into the game.

Farm up, Malz asks for a gank. I go into the sidebrush, he targets her, and I go in. I get her low and she gets to tower... Malz is just CSing.


Malz proceeds to blame entire team for getting behind, especially me. Ignore the fact that I HAD to help our toplane a lot because he was behind, and helped get our bottom lane ahead (4-0 on ADC early on).

Then he just starts taking my blue. I might not have mentioned but I'm Eve, and I rely on blue a LOT early. He didn't even ask. I normally give bluebuff to any midlaner who wants it, and offer it, but he just straight up took it and said "fk u".

These people.


LoLGaf! Played for the first time last night with some of my friends (they're pretty good). This is my first MOBA ever. Any champions you guys used when you first started?
i really liked annie and sivir when i started
as a bonus, sivir is pretty cool right now.

You mean like the manga or the fighting game? Because the fighting game isn't great other than being a companion piece to the manga. I mean, it's "great" because it has beat-for-beat perfect manga panel inserts in the fights, not because it's actually very well put together as a game.

Anyway, to me, Quantic has a loser's philosophy. A winner's philosophy is to say, "Because we lost, we need to train harder and make the necessary adjustments to become a better team. We need to practice against the best teams until we can beat them."

A loser's philosophy is to say, "Because we lost, we should go find weaker teams to play against who we can beat."

I'll admit, I'd rather have them than Dignitas or Velocity, and probably even Curse or CLG. I wouldn't really rather have them than the other Challenger teams they were competing against, though. I suppose a better way of putting it than, "I don't want to see them in NA" is "There are three teams in the Challenger circuit I'd rather see make it into LCS than them" because I'd still take them over the busted, complacent-ass teams we have wasting spots here.
the anime.
it got better tho. was gonna question uralls tastes

and how do you feel about TMQ TIAN CI
NA - the proper global region

quantic come back and save us pls
LoLGaf! Played for the first time last night with some of my friends (they're pretty good). This is my first MOBA ever. Any champions you guys used when you first started?

To get you started:

Top - Garen (tank), Tryndamere (does a lot of damage, not a tank)
Jungle - Don't worry about it yet, but Udyr and Amumu are pretty easy champions to learn
Mid - Annie and Ryze are your main options for a cheap price
Support - Soraka or Annie
ADC (aka "Marksman") - Sivir or Ashe


DotA is also good! When it comes to games as similar as DotA and LoL, friends make a considerable difference.

Absolutely. I was always a dota guy, but I got annoyed with the people I played with around the same time some of my friends started playing league. So that was that.


LoLGaf! Played for the first time last night with some of my friends (they're pretty good). This is my first MOBA ever. Any champions you guys used when you first started?

Nasus top lane.

Jax top lane

Lee Sin top lane/jungle.

Talon Mid

Swain mid.

EZ wins.
If you're willing to wait a little on your IP Sona is pretty easy (support)

Also Teemo is about 1k IP and is pretty easy to play. Moreover he can fulfill different roles.


Everything is moe to me
Then he just starts taking my blue. I might not have mentioned but I'm Eve, and I rely on blue a LOT early. He didn't even ask. I normally give bluebuff to any midlaner who wants it, and offer it, but he just straight up took it and said "fk u".

These people.
smite that shit, man.
and just in case he forgets, smite some of his cannon minions too.


Where is Type2 these days? I need that Poppy jungle build. :)

edit: Yay snow skins. I may buy Annie skin. Getting pretty decent with her as support.

I want the ice shyvana though.

Elder lizard>trinity force
Sometimes I go elder>cutlass>trinity

I guess there was an issue with the true damage being amped by her ult that got resolved. Wonder if thats where some excess strength came from.

You can also go ancient golem>tabi>talisman>w/e tank items and transition to late game that way.
I can talk more about it after work.


Elder lizard>trinity force
Sometimes I go elder>cutlass>trinity

I guess there was an issue with the true damage being amped by her ult that got resolved. Wonder if thats where some excess strength came from.

You can also go ancient golem>tabi>talisman>w/e tank items and transition to late game that way.
I can talk more about it after work.

I'm in my promos to silver 1. Carry me later plz.


Neo Member
LoLGaf! Played for the first time last night with some of my friends (they're pretty good). This is my first MOBA ever. Any champions you guys used when you first started?

Personally for ADC I'd do Sivir or Tristana for the escape abilities to help in lane and the easy of use. I started with Vayne, but I had friends that I had played with as well so they were good to support me.

Mid lane I would go with Annie or Morgana both are good solid champs with simple and effective combos that deal lots of damage.

Top lane has a lot to offer lane wise depending on how you like to play. I think Garen is a solid choice, as well as pantheon (he helps if you get someone in lane with poke), lastly I would probably go with Xin Zhao. All good champions with some forgiveness with simple combos that are really effective.


Nunu bot lane in Dominion is absolutely silly. Give me until level 8 to ramp up (which in Dom is only 3-4 minutes) and I'm essentially unmoveable from lane. Once I hit about 14, I begin to push relentlessly unless the other laner gets assistance.

Counters are few, but the two I've run in to thus far are Riven and particularly Talon.

Particularly nasty against all of the common burly sustain/ap picks that flood dom-bot. All of those tears you are causing; I heartily approve!!

Now riot release a new mage so ill stop spamming Karma only!


Elder lizard>trinity force
Sometimes I go elder>cutlass>trinity

I guess there was an issue with the true damage being amped by her ult that got resolved. Wonder if thats where some excess strength came from.

You can also go ancient golem>tabi>talisman>w/e tank items and transition to late game that way.
I can talk more about it after work.

Nice :) I figured trinity was a must with her. Cutlass for sticking.

I've been playing nothing but Yasuo but when I don't get him or midlane I've been experimenting a little. Poppy jungle sounds like a good next step lol.

I've been in my promos out of Gold V for like 2 weeks. I just haven't bothered playing ranked. I probably should while Shyvana is still freelo. Make my placements into gold again that much easier.


Nice :) I figured trinity was a must with her. Cutlass for sticking.

I've been playing nothing but Yasuo but when I don't get him or midlane I've been experimenting a little. Poppy jungle sounds like a good next step lol.

I've been in my promos out of Gold V for like 2 weeks. I just haven't bothered playing ranked. I probably should while Shyvana is still freelo. Make my placements into gold again that much easier.

She is very versatile in that you can built last whisper or void staff. Botrk or hexatech. Infinity edge and static shiv are great together as well. I haven't messed around with deathfire much since I don't think she needs it but lichbane works too.

I want to try trinity on the new eve. Seems like phage will help her stick on people and the e scales off ad now. I'm hoping she still has a role in this game.


I can do Wednesday after 4PST. I've only been playing ranked whenever somebody asks me to and winning. I believe I'm one game off of promos myself.

I probably wont be on Wednesday night. I have two basketball games for my league that night.

But ya, we should get some games in soon. Either ranked or normals, doesn't matter to me.
Eve's AP and bonus AD ratios were roughly always the same. When she got nerf hammered into the ground at the start of S3 I thought of trying some AD eve since AP doesn't really make her ult that much stronger anymore. AD Eve could still make full use of the shield.


Her E has always scaled off of AD.
Did they try to make it magic based in an earlier pbe or was the scaling just upped? I wanted to speak about her role in the game a bit. Early on she has the dmg and surprise factor. While late game you rely on good flanks to set up team fights. Will she still be able to burst someone down with her before she drops? I also play her mid occasionally so that should give me a good chance to see what her new burst is like.

I want to know how auto attack reliant she will be with this missle speed need.

Edit: ah I see she scaled off both but they are moving e to scale purely off ad with a higher ratio.


I'm doing it. Poppy jungle coming up.

Couldn't decide on a runepage so went with my Elise/Sejuani one. Attackspeed/ap.

This should be entertaining. I've never even played her.


LoLGaf! Played for the first time last night with some of my friends (they're pretty good). This is my first MOBA ever. Any champions you guys used when you first started?

back when I started I played a lot of malphite top, graves adc, leona support and when I finally found courage (for some reason I found mid to be pretty scary) I bought annie and played her mid.

I don't play jungle so no idea about that :p
Edit: ah I see she scaled off both but they are moving e to scale purely off ad with a higher ratio.
That's not what they are doing. They're changing the damage typing so her E is affected by armor instead of MR at the same time it won't be amped by DFG.

Also Trinity will still be pretty pointless on her. Well, she'll be pointless as a whole but you get the point.
Jungle Poppy is fine especially with the new (still in PBE?) spirit passives which really helps with mana. QWQE. Problem is still the awkward ganks.



Who needs items when you're Varus? Someone manged to have 2nd most dmg as well.


Only real problem with jungle Poppy is how atrocious her first clear is. I feel like hanging myself before I get a few levels in.


That was painfully slow. Worse than Yasuo with lifesteal runes. It's like Shen speed. Maybe even slower.

Game was hilariously bad. Troll mid Lulu and troll Zed support didn't give me a chance to get going. Plus a Yasuo top that just kept feeding Xin.

So unfortunate. I think I would have lost that game with any jungler. I was so behind the entire game.

edit: Oh and her mana costs. Holy shit.


Is it worth my time as a jungler to attempt a gank that only forces the opposing laner to recall and lose creeps?

Game was hilariously bad. Troll mid Lulu and troll Zed support didn't give me a chance to get going. Plus a Yasuo top that just kept feeding Xin.

Now I don't know how champion select went down, but I find it interesting that you call unorthodox picks by your teammates as "troll" while you went poppy jungle, having never played poppy ever before.
Is it worth my time as a jungler to attempt a gank that only forces the opposing laner to recall and lose creeps?
Losing creeps = losing gold and XP. That means your laner will be at an advantage when they get back, depending on that advantage they can probably lose lane right there - imagine it like this, you force someone to back vs Riven at almost level 5, by the time they get back Riven is 6 and they didn't have enough gold to buy a chain vest, so they run back and pretty much die immediatly.

As long as you don't overcommit to do so - like blowing up flash before they do or taking too long to gank - making them recall is always a good thing, if you have nothing better to do go for it.


Now I don't know how champion select went down, but I find it interesting that you call unorthodox picks by your teammates as "troll" while you went poppy jungle, having never played poppy ever before.

It was blind pick. I let them know it was my first time Poppy but I was an experienced jungler.

I only say troll because that was their words lol. The other two admitted they were trolling about 12 min into the game. I have no problems with unorthodox picks but the only ones putting in any effort was the Trist, me and Yasuo. None were succeeding though.

Is it worth my time as a jungler to attempt a gank that only forces the opposing laner to recall and lose creeps?

Depends. Did you spend a lot of time doing it? Is the laner you are helping the type that will now run with that small lead?

Chances are no, it's not worth. By revealing yourself you've opened up to other lanes getting pressured with no jungle presence or getting counter jungled.

Easier said than done, but really only try to gank if it's a counter gank, or you are likely to succeed getting a kill or summoners.



That was painfully slow. Worse than Yasuo with lifesteal runes. It's like Shen speed. Maybe even slower.

Game was hilariously bad. Troll mid Lulu and troll Zed support didn't give me a chance to get going. Plus a Yasuo top that just kept feeding Xin.

So unfortunate. I think I would have lost that game with any jungler. I was so behind the entire game.

edit: Oh and her mana costs. Holy shit.
Looking my mastery page for her I'm leaveyouapreview. You can run ap and hybrid pen and start q. Or ap/ad. Her first clear isn't that bad if you have that. Sheen is pretty important for mana woes.
Also using the w effectively from camp to camp so that it stays stacked helps!
Pure ad runes or ad/hybrid pen may have the best first clear.
Riven nerfs, Shyvana and Nasus love taps (sigh):

Wither ( W ) range reduced to 500 from 700 [ will need to confirm in game )
( R ) tool tip no longer lists increasing cast ranges.

Broken Wings ( Q ) - 1st and 2nd use damage lowered to 10/30/50/70/90 from 30/55/80/105/130
Broken Wings ( Q ) - 3rd use damage lowered to 10/30/50/70/90 from 30/55/80/105/130
Valor ( E ) shield duration lowered to 1.5 from 2.5

Q might have ratio changes.

Burnout ( W ) damage lowered to 20/35/50/65/80 from 25/40/55/70/85
Flame Breath ( E ) damage reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 from 80/115/150/185/220



God. What is it with these afternoon games. I have a vacation day today so I don't normally play at this time, but this is some ugly stuff. Starting to feel like Nekofrog.


I was going to say RIP Riven but that's not so bad in the grand scheme of things when combined with the bAD -> tAD change (~43-~78 damage gained so it's still a small net loss of around). Surprised it was 1.5s and not 1.0s for Valor though.

Edit: Well, that's assuming it stays .75, anyway.

Fudged the math and it changed.


Moobeat @moobeat
The Riven Q #PBE change is 1st, 2nd, 3rd use damage lowered to 10/30/50/70/90 ( +.4 total AD ) from 30/55/80/105/130 ( +.7 bonus AD )

That's not a love tap.


They're going to take forever to hand Nasus the nerf he deserves: loses a portion of Q stacks on death. Just nuke that dumbass doge already. Liking the Wither nerf though. I will enjoy making the match a living hell for all Nasii when I pick Tristana or Jinx. And Burnout was nerfed by *drumroll* 35 damage over 7 seconds. Jesus Christ Riot...


Just cursory math, ~7-8 damage per hit lost off her starting build Rank 1 Q and ~50 damage off her Rank 5 Q with Hydra+Brutalizer (and the damage difference goes up as more AD is added) with the .4 tAD ratio. At .5 tAD, she'll pretty much be even to before at Level 1 and "only" lose ~30 damage per Rank 5 Q at the same build as above.

Well, it'll be frustrating but eh, could probably still make it work. Probably won't stop the QQing, however.
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