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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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these mothafuckas in normals. I swear.

I get a Yauso and Gangplank vs a Sejunai and Voli who build all tank. Armor and HP stackin.

Yet neither of them gets an IE or a LW despite my repeated requests. They then go on to say, "Sej/Voli so stacked." Well no shit. You didn't buy any damage items (PD's and Shiv's mostly and a BoTRK).

GAF, pls.
My friends do this also. There are alteast two stacked tanks on their team yet they will not buy a LW till their 5-6th item.
offensive items can be good on renekton. don't hate.

No I totally agree. But when the other team has IE's built, maybe it's time to prioritize that Omen.

Or how about when you see it under construction. :(

We ended up winning. I convinced them to get armor for their next items and magically everything became easier.



that team had all their damage items up BEFORE my team decided to get their Omens. They were getting melted in team fights. The only reason that match was close is because of the order in which they bought their items (though some of those items are hella questionable on those champs regardless). I went Wraith because I assumed with a Nasus and Renek, we had all the tank we'd need. As soon as I saw the PD first item on Nasus and Cleaver on Renek, I regretted my decision to not get Golem instead.
PD on Nasus......



Imagine my bitterness when I checked his inventory moments after Gangplank's shiv/crit proc took half his HP and saw nothing but that PD and Boots of Swiftness.


That Eve skin... Oh god...

hush you.

Twisted Treeline though.

not an acceptable build there either. might I add that Nasus and Renek had 792 wins and 964 wins, respectively. Maybe they were bored and wanted to do something dumb. I don't know. They didn't say much.


That Riven nerf seems like it'll be almost impossible to dive in and trade hits with steamrolly champs early in the game to stop them from steamrolling (ie, Nasus). Guess I'll just do Olaf as his counter only now.

Edit: Oh the ratio thing. Nevermind. We'll have to see.


Olaf gonna be op.

Anyways, added a few of the LMQ guys so I can spec their games haha. Honestly, I see them becoming quite dominant
Oceania servers just came up 10 minutes ago. First ranked game about to start. We have a Yasuo. Even though the update literally just came through. First game Yasuo in ranked. Our only tank is Thresh with me as Kha jungle.

I was mistaken, I thought I could trust my team not to pick him when he's been live on the server for 10 minutes and we desperately needed a tank with Khazix and Leblanc already locked in.

EDIT: aaaaand he's afk


Try Lux. Low IP entry level and not too hard to pick up. Otherwise Kayle is a good choice but slightly more nuanced.

I've actually played Lux already and enjoy her quite a bit, but she's a tad bit squishy for my play style (although more likely I am just bad).

Although there is nothing more satisfying for me in this game then hitting her ult on fleeing enemy players :D


I've actually played Lux already and enjoy her quite a bit, but she's a tad bit squishy for my play style (although more likely I am just bad).

Although there is nothing more satisfying for me in this game then hitting her ult on fleeing enemy players :D
I like you

and yea lux is actually the squishiest champion in the game, even tho her shield is really strong, and she's kind of a slowpoke so unless you really really like the way she laughs it's :|

you might want to try ori. she's kinda like lux in that she's a pokey aoe mage but she's got a badass NOPE shield that makes assassins cry under their beds at night. also she's glados and has a murdering ball


LOLGAF, I'd like to declare myself a beginner to intermediate player seeking champion advice. Any suggestions for a good bursty mage I could play as mid? I've been having a blast with Annie but I'd like to try some more champions.

If you want burst, there's nothing better than Fizz and AP Trist. Gogogogogoggogogog


does hybrid kayle works anymore?

Just build Nashor, Zehyr, IE, and about to build gunblade.

It's not bad, but unless your team is full ap or something, it's usually better to just build straight out AP Kayle. That Lich Bane is so damn good on her it's insane. If you're going hybrid, I would build a Trinity Force just to have some semblance of the burst that AP Kayle has.


I personally kind of hate these late game monsters that put so much pressure on you to destroy in lane. all the vaynes and karthuses and nasus and kassadin and shit, I don't like them at all

I mean it's fun to dump on a karthus but it's so sad to lose because you ran out of time. I'm being a bit simplistic but it always ends up feeling like that

By contrast, I find laning phase extremely boring and much prefer late game team fights, and as such I'm always annoyed by early game champions that end the game before the match even gets interesting.

Not saying my preferences are correct, mind you. Just giving a different opinion.


It's not bad, but unless your team is full ap or something, it's usually better to just build straight out AP Kayle. That Lich Bane is so damn good on her it's insane. If you're going hybrid, I would build a Trinity Force just to have some semblance of the burst that AP Kayle has.

I don't trust my ad :(


By contrast, I find laning phase extremely boring and much prefer late game team fights, and as such I'm always annoyed by early game champions that end the game before the match even gets interesting.

Not saying my preferences are correct, mind you. Just giving a different opinion.
nah I agree, not necessarily about late game teamfights being TEH BEST but about deciding shit 5 minutes in being kind of lame.

I play mid so mid game is my fave, just roaming about with the jungler and stealing buffs or diving fools, big ass dragon fights that are decided by maybe me getting to level 11 or buying that last part of my core item before the other mid, etc. it's my time to shine so it's lots of fun

late game is when adcs get all the spotlight so bleghhhhhhhhhh

so like I always say my preferences are correcter than most people's and the only champions that are perfectly balanced are my favorites


I play ADC on SR whenever I can, but I chose the role because I prefer late game rather than the other way around -- starting by preferring ADC and then deciding that late game is better to suit that preference.

My ultimate solution was simply to play Dominion, which gets me to team fights much more rapidly.


I play ADC on SR whenever I can, but I chose the role because I prefer late game rather than the other way around -- starting by preferring ADC and then deciding that late game is better to suit that preference.

My ultimate solution was simply to play Dominion, which gets me to team fights much more rapidly.
yea I never really liked dominion all that much and when I moved to the south american server they just removed it and forgot it existed :p

tbh I do like dem late game baron dances and whatnot but I'd rather just end stuff sooner. if games get to late game it usually means for me that we've been slacking off and given them time to recover and suddenly I gotta depend heavily on some afk farming dude from bottom lane I've never seen all game and couldn't bother to come do dragon before getting that last caster minion and ehh, I'm not too excited...

but I've got years of being abused as a support in me so you know I'm resentful :p

I really wish you could play support in any other lane lol
I want the Riven nerf suggested on reddit instead. Increase all cooldowns by 3-5 seconds. Make her passive also reduce cooldowns by 0.5 - 1 second per basic attack. Double when shield is up.


Im trying to get a good build crafted for top yasuo. I was thinking shiv or PD, ie(although I heard this was cost inefficient due to his passive reducing by 10℅, hydra, LW, randuins or spirit visage and warmogs.

Id rush hydra and shiv.
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