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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Why does it always have to degenerate into business model whining?

I love Dota but damn do some of it's players think they are special snowflakes because they can get shitty recolored hats for free - no offense to any Dota players here.
Don't let any dota player kid you

Their base hero/champion one is better sure,but Their skin/set business model is actually way worse/manipulative than the League of Legends one
i would have prefered making her ult smaller or just increasing E's cooldown.

What would you think about reducing her auto-attack range? That's actually one of her biggest lane strengths as a support. Do you feel like that would make it too hard to lane against most other mid picks, since she does need to CS with her autos fairly often, especially early game?

I haven't really played mid Zyra since her release week, so I'm admittedly behind on how her play has evolved. I didn't even realize people were still doing it until I saw Pobelter popping out of bushes and 100%-ing people with her like it was nothing.
I don't think even Riot knows what Quinn's kit is good for.

Well, it was clearly designed to be a Vayne-style 'clean-up hitter' ADC, though admittedly it seems to have jumped the rails several times along the way to completion. At the end of the day it's just really hard to find compelling situations where Quinn can do something better than Vayne can. There are a few edge cases, but it's really hard to value them over Vayne's superior kiting and late-game damage.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I got lucky in the placement matches. Went 8-2 only to lose the first 5 in my division.
Can you play against bots as many times as possible or is it just a tutorial thing? Can you level up against bots? How many placement matches are there, and is the match making system good or broken as fuck? How many smurfs are there? How often does someone pick your character? How does kicking other players work, like if I suck too much, can they kick me?


Can you play against bots as many times as possible or is it just a tutorial thing? Can you level up against bots? How many placement matches are there, and is the match making system good or broken as fuck? How many smurfs are there? How often does someone pick your character? How does kicking other players work, like if I suck too much, can they kick me?

You can play against bots as much as you want, and level up by doing it.

10 placement matches, the matchmaking differs from person to person but I think it's decent.
Smurfing shouldn't be much of a problem nowadays.
That depends on how popular your character is.

There is no kicking at all.


Yeah I know. The Arcane line is a joke, not to mention the key system.

i have no idea what an arcane line is

Can you play against bots as many times as possible or is it just a tutorial thing? Can you level up against bots? How many placement matches are there, and is the match making system good or broken as fuck? How many smurfs are there? How often does someone pick your character? How does kicking other players work, like if I suck too much, can they kick me?

placement matches (ranked games) dont exist until level 30 itll take you that long to learn the game anyway. matchmaking is the same as any other moba, LoL compensates better for stacks though.

"coop vs ai" can be done as often as you like


Can you play against bots as many times as possible or is it just a tutorial thing? Can you level up against bots? How many placement matches are there, and is the match making system good or broken as fuck? How many smurfs are there? How often does someone pick your character? How does kicking other players work, like if I suck too much, can they kick me?
Yes, as many as you want.

Yes, as long as it's co-op with people.

Matchmaking is fine. Every once and a while you'll play with or against people way above you. But none of this matters until level 30 when you play ranked.

Smurfs are there, just like Dota. Usually they'll only be in your play bracket for a few matches then get bumped out.

Early on, fairly often because of the limited pool. But normal matches are blind, this you only have to worry about your own teams picks.

You cannot get kicked. Ever.


This junior guy from the skin thread is hilarious. Starts out by bad mouthing everyone in the thread.
Anyway Dota and LoL kids arguing is always like watching two retards f*** a doorknob so have at it folks
He then goes on to partake in said "discussion".


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Aight, thanks for the detailed answers guys! :3


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
is the sc2 thread is now officially the LoL and Dota2 megathread?
It's just me (perhaps) moving to another game but staying active in all communities at once :lol It's not a big deal! Nothing will change :3


Wow. I had no idea Silent night sona even existed. I'm definitely picking this up. Of course now I have 3 skins for her. Too many!

Festival Kassadin?? What is this madness.
Can you play against bots as many times as possible or is it just a tutorial thing? Can you level up against bots? How many placement matches are there, and is the match making system good or broken as fuck? How many smurfs are there? How often does someone pick your character? How does kicking other players work, like if I suck too much, can they kick me?

You can play against bots as much as you want, and will level up playing against bots. I'm not sure what the current rules are - it used to be that after Lv20 you would only be 'credited' for a certain quota of bot games per day, but I think they changed that a while ago - but it's certainly a great option for leveling up early on.

Blind Pick Normals and ARAMs are also options. ARAM has a super-fast turnaround, though it's of limited use for learning the nuances of the actual game. You shouldn't have people acting like dicks to you for being new in ARAM, because it's really just for fun and kind of silly to get upset over losing in one, but... well, online games. There probably will be people raging at you.

Because people believe in Elo Hell - that they're secretly much better than their League/matchmaker rating indicates, but it's just all the plebians holding them down - most people who are in higher leagues are reluctant to smurf. The majority of smurfs are people who believe their main account is in Elo Hell and that they are going to rocket up to their "real" Elo by breaking the chains of that association... in other words, they're mostly pretty crap players that aren't likely to run a clinic on you. You used to see a lot of high-Elo smurfs due to excessively long queue times for 2000+ Elo players, but the League System has made that less of a problem.

You can't be kicked from a team. A player can report you for being an unskilled player after the game ends. As far as I know, reports for unskilled play never result in an actual punitive action unless there's evidence you were intentionally feeding the enemy team or otherwise being unsportsmanlike. I'm actually not sure why the option for them exists; between you and me, I think Riot flags people who make 'Unskilled Player' reports as self-important douchebags and ignores any other reports they send.

You will probably have, on average, two people threaten to report you in any given game you played. They will most likely have no logical reason for doing so, or even express reasons that are not reportable/punishable ("He had first pick and picked a mid, but I called mid first and I'm really loud!", "He picked Teemo, you aren't allowed to pick Teemo!", etc.). Feel free to ignore them, the algorithm for reporting gives their reports so little "weight" that they become effectively insignificant. As long as you aren't doing anything that's actually against the rules, it won't amount to anything.

There are ten placement matches, though despite the "League" trappings there is still an underlying Elo system, so the system's "confidence" in your matchmaker rating will tend to remain relatively low for some time, allowing for quite a bit of upward mobility early on even if you have poor luck in your placement matches. The matchmaking is pretty decent, though obviously early on when it doesn't "know" you it can be a real grab-bag affair.

Oh yeah, and have fun!


- Lilballz was reported for elo-boosting(playing ranked on others' account)
- Confirmed after investigation done by Garena Staff
- Lilballz admitted the incident and received penalty (Account suspension and Ineligible for competing in Garena-hosted tournaments for a year)
- Lilballz claimed that he played on his friend's account for the reason that he couldn't bear the long queue time (on high elos).
- Lilballz officially announced retirement, but will still be assisting in training TPA/TPS along with their current coach Fluidwind(叉燒)


Second-rate Anihawk
Why does it always have to degenerate into business model whining?

I love Dota but damn do some of it's players think they are special snowflakes because they can get shitty recolored hats for free - no offense to any Dota players here.


Our hats stay the same color.

Gotta keep that artistic integrity.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Thanks a lot Imperfected!
Not sure if jinx is fun to play because of her kit or just because she's OP as fuck (in shit elo.)

Reminds me of the Diana release, i'm shitting on people left and right.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
How often does something get nerfed?
I don't think she's OP at all. She's a hyper carry yes, but she's somewhat underwhelming in lane, lane bullies have a field day with her.

That being said if she snowballs you're in deep shit. She's as borderline OP as it gets.


How often does something get nerfed?

It's every changing. Things get buffed and nerfed pretty much every patch. Severe instances get pushed out pretty quick (there have been items that have been overbuffed and almost immediately nerfed) but often it's weeks to months before things get toned back.
New Xerath's a beast. He's probably too good right now.

Tear is a must, his mana costs are ridiculous if you don't have tear, although his passive is excellent.

I wish there was a bit more flair to his ult particles. It's the same problem I have with jayce's auto or Lucian's W, they just look really piddly and not powerful.

Haven't tried Heimer yet.

And as for Jinx, her kit is just super fun.


Dies Jinx seem viable in a solo lane? Her kit looks awesome but I'm not a fan of playing adc. Unfortunately I bought the skin bundle without realizing they dropped the adventure time dance in for Mafia Jinx. Huge mistake.
I wouldn't put her in a solo lane. She has Nidalee-like harass which depends a lot on positioning but having no escapes will make it rough.
Dies Jinx seem viable in a solo lane? Her kit looks awesome but I'm not a fan of playing adc. Unfortunately I bought the skin bundle without realizing they dropped the adventure time dance in for Mafia Jinx. Huge mistake.

Mafia Jynx's dance is way better.

As much fun as she is right now her model is downright garbage. Literally the worst looking new champ since i play this game.
How often does something get nerfed?

There's usually constant small balance adjustments as opposed to massive Blizzard-style "X is now shit-tier forever!" changes, though lately there have been a few more conspicuously large balance swings, mostly regarding items and champion remakes as opposed to tweaking existing champions.

New champions are subject to more and larger changes soon after release, though, as is the nature of the beast. The actual speed of changes is fairly reasonable; they usually give things enough time to suss out properly before going in to tune the balance, rather than jumping on a "problem" the moment it appears, but usually still relatively timely.

Unless it's Ryze, and then it takes three years for people to realize that maybe a faceroll on-click tutorial champion shouldn't actually be tournament tier.


New Xerath's a beast. He's probably too good right now.

Tear is a must, his mana costs are ridiculous if you don't have tear, although his passive is excellent.

I wish there was a bit more flair to his ult particles. It's the same problem I have with jayce's auto or Lucian's W, they just look really piddly and not powerful.

Haven't tried Heimer yet.

And as for Jinx, her kit is just super fun.

How much is the item that makes him level 20?


I wouldn't put her in a solo lane. She has Nidalee-like harass which depends a lot on positioning but having no escapes will make it rough.

Kinda what I thought, but I'll be damned if it stops me from trying. I need to get used to ADC though.

Mafia Jynx's dance is way better.

As much fun as she is right now her model is downright garbage. Literally the worst looking new champ since i play this game.

Idk I thought classic Jinx's dance was pretty funny. I'll probably play with the Mafia skin most of the time since I have it but I'll have to wonder what could have been while I spam dance.


Tragic victim of fan death
I can sort of.... sort of.... sort of... rationalize building Hurricane on Cait but why would you rush that item on her? Also, why build brutalizer? WHY?!!!!!


New Xerath seems pretty amazing, but those particles are hideous. I'm sure that dinky ult is just a placeholder, but are they gonna switch out the ones they put in for his regular abilities too?
Zzzzzz all high ELO streamers in challenger tryhard mode for the end of the season, no one using or allowing Jinx to be used.

Come on guuuuuuys, live la vida loca a little will ya
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