Nobody bursts like LeBlanc tho. Real talk.
How is Viktor?
I'm thinking about trying a new champ and it has been a long time since the last time I saw a Viktor. (I have seen a lot more Udyr's, Sion's and Poppy's than Viktor's.)
How is Viktor?
I'm thinking about trying a new champ and it has been a long time since the last time I saw a Viktor. (I have seen a lot more Udyr's, Sion's and Poppy's than Viktor's.)
push him a lot so he can't just set 2/3 turrets and afk poke you under turret. try to use your aoe to hit his turrets and just kill them asap.How do you play against Heimer? Two games in a row my mid got bodied. The 2nd game I jungled and couldn't really gank because his turrets were putting heavy damage on us.
push him a lot so he can't just set 2/3 turrets and afk poke you under turret. try to use your aoe to hit his turrets and just kill them asap.
it's what's worked best for me, it's kinda the same as ziggs or nidalee, the moment you're stuck under turret you're fucked
Have fun using Viktor with smartcast.
-_-so draven says "i dont do subtle" haha I get it!
Have fun using Viktor with smartcast.
CJ Blaze completely turned a match with one Nidalee spear gibbing SKT1 ADC.
Hold Q release QHave fun using Viktor with smartcast.
God, why are most of the players that play Ranked fucking retarded? Hell I've been stuck in Silver V for ages cause I keep ending up with these tards who have absolutely no idea how to play.
If you've been in silver 5 for "ages" it's not because of "tards". If you are a positive, non toxic, non feeding, non afking player, there is a 5/9 chance that if there is a feeder/afk/troll in your game they will be on the other team and so you will slowly rise in elo.
Just find a playstyle that works for you. Maybe play Shyvana jungle, farm up a storm and then dive bot at level 6. Maybe play Khazix jungle and camp mid all game, take all the kills, and then carry teamfights. Maybe just spam Taric support and don't feed. I'd wager that would do you more good in silver than the majority of roles, pretty hard to screw up Taric support.
Nah, I've found more unskilled players in Silver V than I did anywhere in bronze. I've noticed a lot of players who don't even have complete rune pages. They either got lucky in their quals and skipped Bronze, or got carried by a friend into silver.
thats not his point
theres 9 other players in the game
only 4 are on your team, 5 are on the enemie's
the power of statistics are on your side
so that means you invade their buffs every time right, since their mid wont be there on time or respond to pings.1. As Jungler, my bluebuff is generally yours as a mid AP champ. Pinging it, asking if they want it, etc, all goes ignored.
If you've been in silver 5 for "ages" it's not because of "tards". If you are a positive, non toxic, non feeding, non afking player, there is a 5/9 chance that if there is a feeder/afk/troll in your game they will be on the other team and so you will slowly rise in elo.
Just find a playstyle that works for you. Maybe play Shyvana jungle, farm up a storm and then dive bot at level 6. Maybe play Khazix jungle and camp mid all game, take all the kills, and then carry teamfights. Maybe just spam Taric support and don't feed. I'd wager that would do you more good in silver than the majority of roles, pretty hard to screw up Taric support.
I'm just gonna chip in here on the S5 debate. I have the same experience now that I've started to climb bronze. I'd rather get teamed up with people who are also climbing bronze 2 and 1, instead of with S5 who are stuck there because they somehow managed to get out of bronze.
You sound like the kind of player I'd rather not team up with though nekofrog, all your posts are complains about other players. Maybe just focus on your own play, encourage teamplay and help people who are falling behind in lanes instead of flaming away (which I kinda have a feeling you do in games). In my experience, when you stop flaming and keep encouraging people, a lot of games can be turned around in mid/late because the other team often start flaming/blaiming and people start roaming on their own.
so that means you invade their buffs every time right, since their mid wont be there on time or respond to pings.
Look at all these ribbonless ragaholics talking about staying positive.
i'm so positive i'm toxic about how positive i am.
I tend to go for ADC, love the role and I'm pretty good at it. The problem lies in the fact that I usually end up with someone who's completely incapable of playing the game. A lot of the times I get players who troll pick simply because they are last pick. Hell, I had a freaking soraka mid who did nothing but tower hug, not calling ss and not picking up any farm.
Nice assumptions. I'm usually the most positive person on my team (to the point where I get called unrealistic, need to just give up, etc).
I always assume that the jungler opposite to me is better than me, so no not every time.
Look at all these ribbonless ragaholics talking about staying positive.
i'm so positive i'm toxic about how positive i am.
You need to maintain your positive attitude to keep your ribbon. Apparently.
The other teams also get trolls like soraka mid. You probably would rationalize it at the time as "oh well we were winning anyway" and forget that it happened.
Sad at the Riven nerfs. Where are the Mundo nerfs? First time playing against a Mundo top and he gets like 100 free AD from a super spammable skill WTF? W/e i'll keep spamming river while i can!
Yasuo just doesnt do anything noteworthy.
Yasuo just doesnt do anything noteworthy.
There are other bruisers with higher mobility and better why bother to do that?I feel like yasuo fails when built as a melee carry. The other ones like trynd, yi, and fiora all have some sort of invincibility frames. Yasuo has none. He needs to get right into the action to build up a whirlwind. Thats why I'm thinking of building him like a bruiser. Can do decent damage and can survive in a team fight.
There are other bruisers with higher mobility and better why bother to do that?