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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Because people find the champion fun?

Edit: and a well placed wind wall could turn the tides of a team fight.
Trying to shove the square into the round role isn't doing anyone any favors.

And wind wall will only do anything in team fights if the other team has blockable skills. If something like Renek + Vi jumps at your carries you got nothing.


Trying to shove the square into the round role isn't doing anyone any favors.

And wind wall will only do anything in team fights if the other team has blockable skills. If something like Renek + Vi jumps at your carries you got nothing.

Well has anyone tried building him beefier? Who knows, maybe it works really well. Wind wall could stop an Ashe/jinx/Lucian ult.


Everything is moe to me
Trying to shove the square into the round role isn't doing anyone any favors.

And wind wall will only do anything in team fights if the other team has blockable skills. If something like Renek + Vi jumps at your carries you got nothing.

yusuo dashes through your team, dealing tens of damage and then sits around for 8 seconds before he gets to try out his fiora impression.

deadnames said:
Well has anyone tried building him beefier?
resistances would be nice on him because of his shield passive, but the problem with that is that he's not really a threat to anything.

I think tank yusuo could work if his Q built up charges rather than needing to be chained together because then he could reliably take an enemy carry out of the action unless he was dealt with.


all the division 5s are shit pits

they'll fix it in the new season but people that suck end up staying there in limbo forever

then again division doesn't have anything to do with matchmaking so ehhh


Everything is moe to me
built lizard on vi, went 0/2/2
sold lizard for golem, finished game 5/4/13

im sorry elogods, i will never stray from the path again.

How is Viktor?
I've seen an experienced Viktor do really well (even against stronger mid laners in comparison, like Orianna) and consistently at that with a Rylai's - Liandry's - Void Staff build. Not that exact build order and you could also throw a Zhonya's into the mix, but those were his core items coupled with the red augment upgrade. Similar to what you'd see on a Brand, in other words.

Have fun using Viktor with smartcast.
Smartcast is overrated. Only a small number of champions really 'need' it (like Ryze and Cassiopea). Beyond that it's merely a nice convenience in specific circumstances.

God, why are most of the players that play Ranked fucking retarded? Hell I've been stuck in Silver V for ages cause I keep ending up with these tards who have absolutely no idea how to play.
I tend to go for ADC, love the role and I'm pretty good at it. The problem lies in the fact that I usually end up with someone who's completely incapable of playing the game. A lot of the times I get players who troll pick simply because they are last pick. Hell, I had a freaking soraka mid who did nothing but tower hug, not calling ss and not picking up any farm.
Not calling SS is a good habit if anything. Nothing but a crutch born out of misguided courtesy for solo queue players who don't have any map awareness.

Regardless, don't call others bad when you're having trouble beating players that are in a division where everyone has no idea what they're doing. You're even playing ADC: slap the shit out of the opposing lane with better trades and actually carry the game (far from difficult in Silver).


I'm not even sure I understand how elo hell is supposed to operate. Over a large enough sample size, surely the skill of your team mates would regress to mean.


elo hell is just negativity bias coupled with a lot of bad habits that actually got to the point that worsened your own skill at the game

like crab said, depending on mias in the end just hurts your map awareness. or focusing in what others did wrong instead of what you could've done better. or whining about not getting the role you wanted instead of just learning to support, etc.

I mean vent if you want but the only thing you can really control is your own ability to carry games, and not even in that trick2g "get out of bronze" way, just make a bunch of smart decisions and by simply doing better than the guy in the other team you're just raising the odds you'll win

it sucks but it's more about accepting you're not special and you'll have to grind it out like the rest of us than anything else.

edit: it's also a lot about how you see it. my last ranked game I had a sion mid and malzahar top and the enemy team had a bunch of crazy scary teamfight picks like shen, leona, yi and karthus. and just like whatever, I don't really care for their picks but I'll just do my thing, let them do theirs, and they ended up wrecking face and we won very easy, we played the game well and never even got to opiate's adored teamfighting :p I could've just whined about their picks being crazy (they're not even that crazy but eh...) but whatever, it doesn't really help and I won my lane and did my shit landing a bunch of hooks and that's it.
idk I think I'm starting to get the hang of this guy.

also fuck being melee in lane against Heimer.

Stop talking about ribbons plz. I've never had one.
I had 300+ teamwork at one point back when players actually used the system, still no ribbon.

I like that Riot designed a system like this, but the initial criteria were too high and they haven't done anything with it afterwards. Just endless "internal experiments" that haven't amounted to noteable improvements (if any), so in the end it's nothing more than a wasted opportunity currently.
What are your thoughts on Trinity Force with Yasuo? Did you build it after IE?

I built it after IE and Shiv. I left lane with like 3k gold cos, you know, Heimer :/ So I had the luxury of going IE first, then Shiv.

I haven't made my mind up on it because at that stage I wasn't really noticing it, aside from having the 100% crit chance. All the movement and attack speed was nice cos it meant my Q was only on a 1.33 second cooldown.

I think it's good if you're crazy farmed, but you don't do enough damage if you're not way ahead. I would prioritise IE and Shiv over it definitely.


I had 300+ teamwork at one point back when players actually used the system, still no ribbon.

I like that Riot designed a system like this, but the initial criteria were too high and they haven't done anything with it afterwards. Just endless "internal experiments" that haven't amounted to noteable improvements (if any), so in the end it's nothing more than a wasted opportunity currently.

The system fell apart once people figured out ribbons are entirely cosmetic with zero tangible rewards and will remain that way.


What's the shortcut to fill out rune pages without having to drag them? Just saw someone on a stream do that and I had no idea you could do that. I'm at work so I can't randomly try different keys.


I had 300+ teamwork at one point back when players actually used the system, still no ribbon.

I like that Riot designed a system like this, but the initial criteria were too high and they haven't done anything with it afterwards. Just endless "internal experiments" that haven't amounted to noteable improvements (if any), so in the end it's nothing more than a wasted opportunity currently.

I got a yellow (green?) ribbon awhile ago and I've managed to hold onto it. I still get a couple points of honor every few games

I see so few ribbons anymore it's a wonder. I get comments on it sometimes. Usually not favorable lol.

I still give out honor for good teammates.
I'm not even sure I understand how elo hell is supposed to operate. Over a large enough sample size, surely the skill of your team mates would regress to mean.
Sometimes a string of bad luck.

I remember seeing a link to the lolking of some other Gold dude many months ago. His Elo was on a straight landslide. All losses on match history, playing nothing but Fizz.

Except he got fed. Every. Single. Match. Something like 12/3 on average and still lose. Couldnt help but laugh.

But on a veeeeery large sample luck becomes too insignificant to affect placement.


Sometimes a string of bad luck.

I remember seeing a link to the lolking of some other Gold dude many months ago. His Elo was on a straight landslide. All losses on match history, playing nothing but Fizz.

Except he got fed. Every. Single. Match. Something like 12/3 on average and still lose. Couldnt help but laugh.

Right, sure, in a sample size of 10 or 20 or even 40 games, weird things can happen. Randomness tends to be clumpy.

I'm assuming "ELO hell" refers to more than just "I had bad games this last week." I assume it's a persistent condition and not a temporary string of losses or a sudden drop in ELO.

But on a veeeeery large sample luck becomes too insignificant to affect placement.

Ah, this got edited in. We generally agree, but we might disagree on how large "veeeeery large" is. I would say that randomness tends to even out within 150-200 games with small margins of error.


I mean if you get dropped into the lowest depths of bronze whether you deserve being there or not I'm sure it must be hell

like, I have friends that never even pretended to understand the game and just went straight to ranked for some reason, got placed in bronze 5 right away (lol) and they ain't complaining

now playing a game with them gives you pretty crazy stuff, I played normals with them and I had a jungle elise never do red buff and just come to one of the mid brushes, stay in it for like a minute, throw a w, then leave.

like it can drive you insane


Everything is moe to me
I mean if you get dropped into the lowest depths of bronze whether you deserve being there or not I'm sure it must be hell

like, I have friends that never even pretended to understand the game and just went straight to ranked for some reason, got placed in bronze 5 right away (lol) and they ain't complaining

now playing a game with them gives you pretty crazy stuff, I played normals with them and I had a jungle elise never do red buff and just come to one of the mid brushes, stay in it for like a minute, throw a w, then leave.

like it can drive you insane

yeah but wouldnt you be 30/0 every game.
Right, sure, in a sample size of 10 or 20 or even 40 games, weird things can happen. Randomness tends to be clumpy.

I'm assuming "ELO hell" refers to more than just "I had bad games this last week." I assume it's a persistent condition and not a temporary string of losses or a sudden drop in ELO.

Ah, this got edited in. We generally agree, but we might disagree on how large "veeeeery large" is. I would say that randomness tends to even out within 150-200 games with small margins of error.

Your statistical analysis is spot on. I think your analysis of those who blame ELO hell overestimates their understanding of any statistical analysis.


Right, sure, in a sample size of 10 or 20 or even 40 games, weird things can happen. Randomness tends to be clumpy.

I'm assuming "ELO hell" refers to more than just "I had bad games this last week." I assume it's a persistent condition and not a temporary string of losses or a sudden drop in ELO.

I felt like I was in elo hell with winning 23/62(?) games during season 3. I could in theory have carried myself out of my situation by playing an actual carry champ (vs maining support) and being more aggressive with my ping's and commands in general to make up for my teammate's lack of awareness or not paying attention to my warding, but I only just realized that after the fact. I won't act like I didn't mess up too though!

I also used to get "stuck" on support a lot since all the other roles would get called before it was my turn, and in S3 with some roles/champs being drastically different than others at carrying (plus my own personal flaw of needing to spend more time with a champ to get acceptable with them, so I can't take advantage of sudden nerfs/buffs/freelo champs like some can), learning that and then figuring out how to deal with it isn't something you can learn from a tutorial or even by playing normals. I do realize that I can always just play better and help be the deciding factor (especially now in threatening-support-age), but I also totally understand the frustration someone can have with expecting anything whatsoever from their teammates and it just not happening.

I also still don't understand a lot of things. I don't really get how the mmr/elo system works with paurings, things like setting my whole team up vs higher elo players because I randomly got grouped with a duo. I don't understand why I still have a green ribbon as many times as I get cussed out in places like ARAM if I don't play the champ I've never played before flawlessly. I don't understand why I got repeatedly set up against higher Silvers during my placement when my team was a collection of Bronze players. I don't even understand why I get "punished" so harshly for a leaver/disconnect on my team, or rewarded for the same on an enemy team. And yet I keep playing :)


I hope it's the spell cast. Tibbers the shortest, Disintegrate longest.

It might makes sense considering they also lowered the higher level Tibbers CD, but I also wouldn't be surprised if the stun duration was the same as now at higher levels to not sh*it all over Annie mid.


I feel this is gonna shit all over annie mid

I really like the changes to the diana skin tho

So why don't they roll out these changes all at once instead of piece meal?

because it's pbe and they're trying them out as they get approved internally plus it gives people time to test each change out


I feel this is gonna shit all over annie mid

If they don't touch the stun duration of Disintegrate early on it should be about the same as before, just Disintegrate first in her burst combo. I'm more worried about lategame stun durations because nerfing any of those due to Annie support would not be ok imo.

To be fair though, Annie mid isn't really played much. I'd just rather it not be made worse.


not that worried about laning, since stun doesn't really matter for in lane other than for lvl 1 or maybe defusing a gank, but in teamfights having a sick aoe 1.75s stun is pretty boss, specially since it's in a very short cooldown.

but maybe with more tibbers you are overall more useful and it ends up working out

I kinda lost interest in annie support after people picked up on it so I just hope she's still fun to play mid and top


meddler on it:
We're currently testing 1.25/1.5/1.75s (increasing at levels 1/6/11). That's a nerf to Annie's early game and one that affects duo lane Annie a bit more than solo lane Annie, since she'll be leveling slower. The ult CD reduction is intended to add power to the later part of her power curve, in recognition that the early part's getting reduced.
that's nice, I can appreciate that though I don't think it'll be enough to nerf annie support

I mean by the time you get tibbers it's pretty much the same thing


That's a significant dominion buff for Annie. By level 16, that's 40s off the base Tibbers cooldown with no change in stun duration.
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