Is dominion fun? It seems like a good gamemode to practice champion mechanics.
Yes, it's really fun. Short games, always fighting, other viable champs.
Is dominion fun? It seems like a good gamemode to practice champion mechanics.
his laning is pretty shit thoughafter a few days of yasuoing, yeah he's in a pretty good spot
just really needs the right team to function after laning
it's really not. His laning is pretty strong. It's his mid game that's possibly his weakest point.
I feel like wings is the first streamer to really "get" Yasuo. You should all watch him:
Yes, it's really fun. Short games, always fighting, other viable champs.
Mister Negative said:For a rune page for Rumble/Singed, what would be better? Mpen reds or Hybrid Pen reds?
I'm thinking Mpen/Hybrid pen reds, armor yellows, scaling MR blues, AP quints.
For a rune page for Rumble/Singed, what would be better? Mpen reds or Hybrid Pen reds?
I'm thinking Mpen/Hybrid pen reds, armor yellows, scaling MR blues, AP quints.
Another advantage I learned of playing lots of Dominion in the Spring and early Summer is that because the gold and XP flow are more or less even throughout the match, you can neither depend on being overly fed, nor are you forced to play safely because you're overly behind - this lets you really focus on your champion mechanics.
I'd play either with straight magic pen runes. I find hybrid runes are mostly useless on either ranged champions who AA a lot or champions who truly do have mixed damaged types (Mundo, Shyv, Udyr depending on build).
magic pen. You don't really get anything from the armour pen with rumble/singed.
Other than that it's fine.
Hm, alright. I was thinking hybrid pen for Rumble especially since he has an AD buff from being overheated. I guess this way saves me a ton of IP too.
Rumble's AA bonus damage when overheated is magic damage. Singed does get bonus AD from his ult however but still not worth it, particularly since you don't seem to have hybrod pen runes anyways.
I think that change removed the attack speed.I think Riot nerfed the bonus AD increase during his ult long time ago. Did they buff it again?
Eve's E still doing physical damage? Fuck that.
I think that change removed the attack speed.
"(...)enhancing his ability power, armor, magic resistance, flat movement speed, and health and mana regeneration per 5 seconds for 25 seconds."
it seems they nerf both during that change.
Is dominion fun? It seems like a good gamemode to practice champion mechanics.
Rumble's AA bonus damage when overheated is magic damage. Singed does get bonus AD from his ult however but still not worth it, particularly since you don't seem to have hybrod pen runes anyways.
What time zone are you in? I want to get some games in with you.7 normal game losses in a row. Almost all were complete stomps from the get go too. So tough to shake off.
At least it wasn't ranked. Then I'd feel even worse. Still it sucks looking back at that match history. I didn't play very well in a lot of them but really almost all were completely lopsided.
And it never helps when people are being miserable about it. Both teammates and opponents alike. League is a horrible place sometimes.
Gotta get a win under my belt soon. Losing my mind.
What time zone are you in? I want to get some games in with you.
Why don't I play Sona more often?
It's quite fun. I'd be happy to play some games with you, but your summoner name as listed on the spreadsheet does not seem to be correct.
You must really like aatroxYeah, I changed my name. My new name is TheDarklnBlade. (No i's, just l's.)
You must really like aatrox
What a bad day...
I was on a 4 win streak when I got an AP tris mid and a troll support tf...
Time to call it a day I guess.
So how to win ranked atm.
1. Have enemy pick Yasuo.
2. Win.
Dude Ap Trist mid is legit.
ap trist is the most depressing shit ever
she lands one jump on you and you lost the lane and you're probably gonna be miserable for the next 20 minutes
So how to win ranked atm.
1. Have enemy pick Yasuo.
2. Win.
Usually there's a factor to people not knowing how to play against a champion as well as people not knowing how to play the champion. I've been playing since the release of Nami, and it has never been this bad. It's literally become the team with Yasuo is fighting a 4v5 battle.It's a new champion with a high skill floor, what do you expect? Bad players picking a champion with no real clue how to build (or play) him and nobody to tell them how to do it.
Rinse repeat this for every champion release.
Or logarithms.
I love that shit. Even funnier when they don't know what AP Trist can do in low elo and stay around at around half hp.
Usually there's a factor to people not knowing how to play against a champion as well as people not knowing how to play the champion. I've been playing since the release of Nami, and it has never been this bad. It's literally become the team with Yasuo is fighting a 4v5 battle.
It seems he's very team composition oriented...Which, again, is more because it's a lot harder to play Yasuo correctly than it is to play against one right now. He's a very mechanically demanding champion that literally explodes on impact. People are playing him with little-to-no regard to how to properly enter fights with him so "countering" him is pretty much just killing him before he actually does anything of note.
It's like the situation with Quinn where people just ult into the middle of a team because, hey, that's a thing you can do.
Edit: Ultimately, I wouldn't put much stock in how balanced a champion is during their first week or so.
Usually there's a factor to people not knowing how to play against a champion as well as people not knowing how to play the champion. I've been playing since the release of Nami, and it has never been this bad. It's literally become the team with Yasuo is fighting a 4v5 battle.
There's also the other end of the spectrum, where a champ is so broken the team who has it is winning a 1v5 (Rengar and remake Eve).
ap trist should probably be destroyed the same way ap tryndamere and ap yi were
I dunno why riot takes so long with things like those
Started playing when Zyra was the new champion, don't remember it being this bad as well. Perhaps I just have a bad memory though.
Actually, everyone thought Rengar sucked when he was released LOL. I remember there being threads saying AP Rengar was more viable than AD, before Riot nerfed his AP ratio or something. I believe Rengar right now is weaker or around the same strength as when he was initially released, iirc.