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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I remember when I could play nasus whenever i wanted and people were always like: wtf, how are you just 1v5ing us when our jungle camped you?

I miss those days :(


"(...)enhancing his ability power, armor, magic resistance, flat movement speed, and health and mana regeneration per 5 seconds for 25 seconds."

it seems they nerf both during that change.

Ah, right, I see. That was nerfing his split push. I suppose you don't autohit much as Singed anyway unless it is at a tower.


to be fair I dunno how hard it is to play yasuo, but playing against him is pretty easy

like you start autoing with ori in level 1 and he can't do shit lol

also and unrelated I've realized I get really mad (like the u mad kind) playing arams these days. like I used to have a lot of fun but now I just find it frustrating. so remind me never to play adc or aram again tyty

What's so frustrating about arams? I've had 2-3 bad experiences at most and I've clocked in quite a few games by now.


I remember when I could play nasus whenever i wanted and people were always like: wtf, how are you just 1v5ing us when our jungle camped you?

I miss those days :(
I don't like people playing with my avatars but I'll forgive it this time

but yea the face is still kind of totally hilarious

ARAM is only frustrating when the enemy team has like a Nidalee, Sona, Varus, and Jayce.

Which I had last night.
last game they were sona, blitz, teemo, ap ww and sivir

it was frustrating

What's so frustrating about arams? I've had 2-3 bad experiences at most and I've clocked in quite a few games by now.
I dunno, but I've grown to hate it

got lux last night, managed to get 20 kills (botched a guaranteed penta by forgetting about seraph's :/) but still ended up ughh

I think it's more to do with me playing alone than anything else


I saw your avatar and imagined smiley on it and just cracked up for a good minute.

Just imagining a guy looking down with a fringe hiding his face then lifting it all up and having a face like that on it.


I dunno, but I've grown to hate it

got lux last night, managed to get 20 kills (botched a guaranteed penta by forgetting about seraph's :/) but still ended up ughh

I think it's more to do with me playing alone than anything else

It could also be that Lux just isn't that fun in Aram despite being super strong. I always try to swap her if possible. Same goes for Nidalee.


Since I've started, pretty much every champion has had a first week or so where people flip-flopped on how good or bad they were. There's only a few exceptions (Zyra, Thresh, Zac) that were generally well received (aka, "OMG SO OP") in their first week. The harder the champion (e.g., Zed, Syndra), the more likely that people just kind of figured the champ horrible by virtue of people making mechanical errors.

Generally speaking, everyone just kind of fucks up with new champions which masks any problems (both good and bad) with their design. Riven, for instance, had a long stretch of time where nobody maxed her Q first which made her lane revolve around her W use so she didn't have as explosive of an early game for awhile.
While this may be true of Riven in general (and now there's the upcoming possible Q change in PBE), didn't Riven's W get nerfed once if not twice? I seem to remember reading Riot explicitly saying that they wanted to move power from her W to her Q.

It might not have been a huge numerical change, but if Riot did it a couple of times and mentioned their reasoning, that might have helped people start using Q instead/as well.


How's the pre-season Live patch feeling? Starting to seem a bit more solid, or still feel like there's going to be another seismic shift before it locks down?


Ow man, and here we go again. Ranked game, last pick is crying that he demands mid, then picks ADC even though we already had one. Then all he does is steal cs from the real adc and run straight into the enemy just standing there to get killed.

They really need to fix this match making for ranked.
Ow man, and here we go again. Ranked game, last pick is crying that he demands mid, then picks ADC even though we already had one. Then all he does is steal cs from the real adc and run straight into the enemy just standing there to get killed.

They really need to fix this match making for ranked.

I hope they will do this thing where you wueue for a specific role. I think they talked about it before
ARAM is fun in short spurs but this community always somehow manages to touch things and ruin them. A mode that is supposed to be fun and silly? Let's rage and bitch and moan and dodge because I didn't get a champ I like.


Which, again, is more because it's a lot harder to play Yasuo correctly than it is to play against one right now. He's a very mechanically demanding champion that literally explodes on impact. People are playing him with little-to-no regard to how to properly enter fights with him so "countering" him is pretty much just killing him before he actually does anything of note.

It's like the situation with Quinn where people just ult into the middle of a team because, hey, that's a thing you can do.

Edit: Ultimately, I wouldn't put much stock in how balanced a champion is during their first week or so.

The bolded is the reason everyone views him as weak right now. Most champs you're like "wtf does he do??" Yasuo doesn't do anything particularly surprising, especially if you don't know what you are doing with him.

But really I don't view him as too weak. He is squishy and a melee. That alone means you need to play him with a degree of respect. So many people just ult in at the first knockup and get exploded. (I got yelled at by an Ezreal because I wasn't doing exactly that.. sigh)

I have had a good time with him. He does a surprising amount of damage, especially early and midgame when he has his shiv and IE.

I find his laning phase to be pretty good with most matchups. Again, he's a melee against a range in a lot of cases, but his Q has a pretty good range and he should be able to cs pretty well. In a good creep wave he also has good mobility to get in, poke with his shield, and get out again. Yasuo players need to use that shield to get the most out of him.

My toughest matchup so far has been Vlad. That lane sucked. Like really sucked. I rushed a hexdrinker and Vlad rushed an armguard. I could do almost nothing against him. His skills were too low of a cooldown for shield, Q wasn't affected by windwall, he could pool the knockup. It was ugly.

Other than that, I haven't felt outmatched in lane very much. Teamfights are tougher but it's basically playing like an assassin. You wait for your moment. Or you go in with an immediate escape plan to get back to the edges of the fight. He does very well picking on a single target.
They're nerfing flat armor runes. That's pretty much the only info we have on rune rebalancing.
Someone from Riot also commented on how they're contemplating making runes more categorized; i.e. yellows could be strictly defensive, reds might be purely offensive and blues could offer increased utility like CDR or gold generation. This would also supposedly give them more leeway to remove unpopular or statistically underwhelming runes while introducing new ones. It's been a while since a designer last spoke about this though, similarly to the end game Wriggles upgrade path.


Everything is moe to me
"pref lee jungle"
*checks lolking, he has 75% winrate with lee over 50+ games.
he then picks yi
21% winrate.

this is one of those morality tests or something...
Someone from Riot also commented on how they're contemplating making runes more categorized; i.e. yellows could be strictly defensive, reds might be purely offensive and blues could offer increased utility like CDR or gold generation. This would also supposedly give them more leeway to remove unpopular or statistically underwhelming runes while introducing new ones. It's been a while since a designer last spoke about this though, similarly to the end game Wriggles upgrade path.

That would be so damn great. Runes can be awkward right now. Red is supposed to be physical, but it also has better MPen than blue.


Made silver 4 in my first set of promos. Sivir, let's never break up. Unless you get nerfed more, then your bitchass is to the curb.

edit: Yi quadra into an ace. Yes, carried. :D

edit again: lol that trading turret hits at the end.


Where is my 975 rp, riot?

edit: nm quick googling reveal that they won't refund snowdays skin from last year even though they are re-releasing them :(

riot pls


While this may be true of Riven in general (and now there's the upcoming possible Q change in PBE), didn't Riven's W get nerfed once if not twice? I seem to remember reading Riot explicitly saying that they wanted to move power from her W to her Q.

It might not have been a huge numerical change, but if Riot did it a couple of times and mentioned their reasoning, that might have helped people start using Q instead/as well.

Riven's W / Q were rebalanced once and it still took ~6-8 months before people maxed Q first. The current PBE changes won't change this either: Maxing Q first is just the best way to play Riven.

The bolded is the reason everyone views him as weak right now. Most champs you're like "wtf does he do??" Yasuo doesn't do anything particularly surprising, especially if you don't know what you are doing with him.

True. I'm just saying that I wouldn't use current results with him to indicate much besides a lot of his problems are that people piloting him are failing all over themselves. Which, unfortunately, would also hide any actual problems in his kit design / kit numbers.
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