it's cold as shit here
why isn't it snowday
it's gotta be snowing some goddamn where
-31 where I'm living.about 75 here in Miami.
what is this snowday you speak of
Where the hell are you?-31 where I'm living.
In other news, botlane is fixed yay! Though Leona probably needs some nerfs.
Alberta, Canada.Where the hell are you?
Alberta, Canada.
ouch. I'm looking out my window at palm trees softly blowing in the afternoon breeze.
nopeIs the championship Thresh skin still available to buy?
-31 where I'm living.
In other news, botlane is fixed yay! Though Leona probably needs some nerfs.
reporting wind chill is for losers
Is the championship Thresh skin still available to buy?
The stuff people do in ranked... Looking at this Cho'Gath's build gave me a migraine.
I'm a mediocre player, but so far I've had no real issues laning against anyone. Even against the know-it-alls who actually know how to pop his shield.his laning is pretty shit though
Played the new Diana skin on PBE.
Really great. the particles are gorgeous. 975RP Diana skin confirmed better than 1350 RP Riven skin (seriously that Riven skin shouldn't be 1350 RP :/)
Wow, it's 1350? I know a Riven diehard who thinks it's great and will buy it at a high price, but that seems a bit out of place. Does the Riven skin have any new particles?
it has some new particles yeah, but it's just not impressive.
The Diana skin is gorgeous though. amazing particles.
was playing with scy and he didn't seem too impressed either.
The stuff people do in ranked... Looking at this Cho'Gath's build gave me a migraine.
I'm down to play Friday. I'm in pst time.EST.
My time is generally very limited. It's why losing streaks frustrate me
I get a game or two on Monday - one at 5:30 and one at ~7pm, 1-2 on Wed similar times. Generally I'll get a few more Friday night from 4:30 till around 9:30. From there it's just whenever I get some time away from the wife and kid
I'd definitely be down to play a few games. I'll be on Friday evening if you're around.
edit: uuuuughh. I can't even catch a break. Play Vi, crush the early game. Feed our rengar and our Ziggs. Get fed myself. Buy a little damage. I'm crushing people, wer'e getting every dragon and most of the buffs but our Cait just suicides all over the place and the rengar just stops farming and roams. Eventually we lose an inhib but so what, the game is still really really even. Team surrenders. Are you kidding me??? Fucking premades.
Played the new Diana skin on PBE.
Really great. the particles are gorgeous. 975RP Diana skin confirmed better than 1350 RP Riven skin (seriously that Riven skin shouldn't be 1350 RP :/)
edit: nooo the store
I'm down to play Friday. I'm in pst time.
big ip banking. generous rito.wooo, easy peasy.
is the diana skin totally wonderful for reals?
Highest base ad so you build attack speed to get more autos off what's the problem...![]()
I hate when I forget to ban Riven. I absolutely hate it, especially when I'm first timing a champ.
Wish me luck guys. Trying my top lane Yasuo build.
So who're gonna be the next bans after the next patch of "everyone considered OP gets touched in some form"
probably mundo and elise personally
So I really like Yasuo. That was such an intense game. Every time I was fighting I felt like I was mechanically better than Riven. Pulled off some sick dunks (seriously, you can make plays so awesome with Yasuo) and dodged many a Nunu snowball.
I don't know if I like BORK on him. It gives nice AS/Sustain, but I can just get a vamp scepter and then get SS/Atma's. I wanted to finish my Warmogs, but we stomped them too hard. Shyvana was AFK for a while in the beginning too.
So who're gonna be the next bans after the next patch of "everyone considered OP gets touched in some form"
probably mundo and elise personally