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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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why would you but Atma's and Warmogs? And BotRK first? :/

Just buy Shiv and IE.

So I don't get blown up immediately. And people are saying Atma's is good on him due to x2 crit chance. I was testing Bork. I think I might trade it out and replace it with Hydra and SS. I was thinking of incorporating IE, but end game I want to have Boots/Hydra/SS/Warmogs/Spirit Visage/Randuins


ziggs and nidalee

with the sustain kings nerfed poke comps might turn impossible to deal with and we'll be crying for assassin buffs lol
The king of sustain kings is at his strongest point right now...
Nothing can stop him from doing what he pleases.


The king of sustain kings is at his strongest point right now...
Nothing can stop him from doing what he pleases.

U enjoying Draven right now? I need a backup for when Lucian gets banned. Varus and Corki haven't been able to do it for me lately.


Draven is a really strong adc right now.

But I was talking about Mundo in my other post :p.

Protip: Asking someone about the quality of a champion that they use as an avatar is like asking an over-involved parent how great their child is.
They better not nerf Elise, I'm only just starting to get the hang of her.

Won a promo series today, so back into silver 3 after dropping out. First game in promos, their vayne bot is afk. I get first blood and then I get the second kill not long after getting back into lane playing as top Shyvana against an Olaf. Then their Olaf says just push and finish, leaving lane and not doing anything. So it's a 5v3. Game ended at I think around 15 minutes somewhere. That was a shame to be honest, I had such a good start and then they just didn't want to play. Their vayne even connected eventually.

Second game as Elise jungle, had another good game with her going 13-5-14. Game dragged a bit but was still reasonably comfortable, me and our Riven carrying. Our Warwick top wasn't that bad and Leona was decent, but our adc Sivir was just abysmal.

Typically with Elise jungle I just build AP tank. I went Ancient Golem>Liandries>Rylais>Sorc Boots>Frozen Heart and was building Abyssal before the game ended. I'm yet to really build purely tanky or purely ap. Usually in fights I'm just sitting at the back trying to protect my carries, taking advantage of elise's kit being pretty effective and dealing with high hp targets. I'm somewhat interested in playing an ap assassin orientated Elise but I'm sort of waiting for a game where we have a tanky top, tanky support, and semi tanky mid (riven/swain/ryze).

Lissandra sale coming up, this is brilliant, will definitely pick her up.


Protip: Asking someone about the quality of a champion that they use as an avatar is like asking an over-involved parent how great their child is.
As soon as Draven becomes a weak champion, I'll change my avatar to something else. That's never going to happen though because he has only gotten 1 nerf after being out, and it's hard to have a weak champion that starts out with basically a free BF sword.
like seriously

like with everything in this game people for some reason are incapable of not ruining it so they just push you and fear you every time you try to fight and win by tower damage

like seriously

I won by tower damage once.
With Teemo. And lot of AS.


So I'm playing normals with my level 20 friend and go Ashe jungle cuz Yolo. I was having fun and was 4/5 after two double kills bot lane. The enemy Jinx makes a remark about my 500+ Ashe games and how I sucked. By the end Jinx who was silver 4 was 20/10 and kept talking trash all have. We were 20 kills down but ended up winning because of a fed Nasus and I kept ulting jinx in team fights. Felt so good to say "you have 20 kills, learn to use them" while taking the nexus.

Also it's becoming a problem where every game it's "woah Ashe you have 500 games" and they use that to talk shit


So I'm playing normals with my level 20 friend and go Ashe jungle cuz Yolo. I was having fun and was 4/5 after two double kills bot lane. The enemy Jinx makes a remark about my 500+ Ashe games and how I sucked. By the end Jinx who was silver 4 was 20/10 and kept talking trash all have. We were 20 kills down but ended up winning because of a fed Nasus and I kept ulting jinx in team fights. Felt so good to say "you have 20 kills, learn to use them" while taking the event nexus.

Also it's becoming a problem where every game it's "woah Ashe you have 500 games" and they use that to talk shit
Believe it or not, but I have the same issue.


So I'm playing normals with my level 20 friend and go Ashe jungle cuz Yolo. I was having fun and was 4/5 after two double kills bot lane. The enemy Jinx makes a remark about my 500+ Ashe games and how I sucked. By the end Jinx who was silver 4 was 20/10 and kept talking trash all have. We were 20 kills down but ended up winning because of a fed Nasus and I kept ulting jinx in team fights. Felt so good to say "you have 20 kills, learn to use them" while taking the nexus.

Also it's becoming a problem where every game it's "woah Ashe you have 500 games" and they use that to talk shit
play mid

tons of waifus to choose from

no need to settle for just one


holy shit dat lulu splash art man



Why can't people have fun in preseason? Why's it so hard for some people? :\
no one can ever have fun in league of legends



Some people are dicks, lol.

I personally like to make a fancy play and then make some champion quote to piss them off even more.

Example: "The 'best' is wherever I decide to set the bar each day." After ult across the map or something. Ashe has a better ult than Draven, so it shouldn't be too hard for you.
surely it was an autopathing problem. surely he just clicked and opened the store assuming he was going around.


He headgamed himself. He was like, "Shit, I haven't seen their jungler on the map in over a minute and top's warded, he must be coming up the river ramp to cut me off! My only chance is to cut through tower and make a brilliant escape!"

Or maybe he forgot what team he was on.


I feel bad...

I have more fun smurfing on my brother's bronze account :|

What am i turning into?

The 10 ping on the oceania server is nice as well.. I can actually play gragas and lux properly


Maybe you haven't been exaggerating about your shitty teammates after all.

The sad thing is, we were bullying the lane REALLY hard. I was up in CS, had 3 assists and Vayne had a death... then that happened. And right after that Soraka ran back into lane and charged them 1v2 and died again, giving Vayne 3 kills and a bork.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
that soraka play is actually really close to being a brilliant bait. just didn't work out.


that soraka play is actually really close to being a brilliant bait. just didn't work out.
I might be misinterpreting the video, but it almost looked like Sivir hit Nunu once or twice, and if she had only hit Vayne as quickly as possible she might have been able to get a kill and possibly finish Nunu or escape.

I'm probably being too optimistic though.


I might be misinterpreting the video, but it almost looked like Sivir hit Nunu once or twice, and if she had only hit Vayne as quickly as possible she might have been able to get a kill and possibly finish Nunu or escape.

I'm probably being too optimistic though.

You're probably right. I was too dumbfounded at what had just happened to even think straight though.

Edit: First time Volibear jungle, LETS DO THIS

mmff, they have frostbutt irelia.
that soraka play is actually really close to being a brilliant bait. just didn't work out.

To be fair, she only even got out from under tower to begin with because Vayne was hilariously slow on dropping a Tumble + Condemn to bury her. (Though, I suppose Vayne was probably just as surprised as everyone else at that point.)
Played a game of dota 2 to see how it is. Nope I don't think I like it. Its all a bit busy for my tastes visually (makes it harder to tell what's going on) and just can't be bothered to start from the bottom in another moba. (Won the game but as my first it was a mess with no real structure to the flow at all).

So back to lol I go. Decide on trying my old fav janna out again. Won 1 and lost 2 but a
Had fun in all three as I like that champ so much. Got my self the frost queen skin as its on sale then picked up the frost fire Annie skin and decided to see what all the fuss was about her as support. So played normal draft and I have to say she is pretty nuts simply from her stun and damage output from early on. Set up so many kills and countered so many attacks with it. Might have to use her more often.

So I'm gonna keep playing ranked but try not to worry so much about the rank itself. Just play my best and have fun. Try and stick with janna taric and Annie support as I really enjoy all three.
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