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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Just played a Christmas ranked game to put myself into promos.
Had a great game on Vi leading us into a level one invade and we had a fed Jinx on our team throughout the game.
The bot lane duo on my team actually did well!
Elise is OP now? Lol ok....

She's a strong champ when played well but it's not due to her damage or her tankiness. She's pretty mediocre in both areas. She's good at peeling for carries due to her ability to kill high hp targets with her %hp damage, she is good at cleaning up low hp targets with her rappel/cocoon and q, she has potential to outplay enemies with rappel dodging the other teams initiate etc.

But you have to play smart with Elise or she's useless. She's not really that viable as a pure tank or as an assassin either. She doesn't scale amazingly well (although she is always relevant if you are playing her right) and I would consider her one of the most balanced champions I've played, along with Jarvan.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I specced for jungle, had to play the first part of the lane with a f'n machete against akali

don't care if their team was put together horribly and that none of them built armor because they were so sure they'd roll us all simultaneously

this win means a lot to ME

edit: are we sure that Atma's is terrible? because I'm not so sure sometimes


I specced for jungle, had to play the first part of the lane with a f'n machete against akali

don't care if their team was put together horribly and that none of them built armor because they were so sure they'd roll us all simultaneously

this win means a lot to ME

edit: are we sure that Atma's is terrible? because I'm not so sure sometimes

I think it has to do something with the stats being terribad. I'm not so sure, but they should do something about it because noone builds that item.


I specced for jungle, had to play the first part of the lane with a f'n machete against akali

don't care if their team was put together horribly and that none of them built armor because they were so sure they'd roll us all simultaneously

this win means a lot to ME

edit: are we sure that Atma's is terrible? because I'm not so sure sometimes

Miss fortune built ravenous hydra.



The return on investment is low as you're getting stats you don't necessarily need (the stats on the item only cover ~1650g of the total cost before the passive). Armor with Crit% aren't stats that you really look for together and you get more benefit from a pure Armor or pure AD item rather than trying to hybrid it out through this. There's practically no* situation that this item is the best possible choice for doing whatever it is you're trying to do.

*Honestly, there's probably not any situation but someone probably has some weird gimmicky one in mind so I'm hedging my bets here.

Edit: Put another way, this is a situation of it being an item that many champions could use (hey, it has Armor AND gives AD!) but it becomes a case of just not being gold or slot efficient at all. It's not that the item doesn't work for some champions, just that it is not an ideal way of using your gold. You're ultimately just worse off compared to someone using their gold on better items.

Miss fortune built ravenous hydra.


Screenshots of Bronze/sub-30/etc. games are like those "Can you spot the 10 mistakes?" puzzles.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The return on investment is low as you're getting stats you don't necessarily need (the stats on the item only cover ~1650g of the total cost before the passive). Armor with Crit% aren't stats that you really look for together and you get more benefit from a pure Armor or pure AD item rather than trying to hybrid it out through this. There's practically no* situation that this item is the best possible choice for doing whatever it is you're trying to do.

*Honestly, there's probably not any situation but someone probably has some weird gimmicky one in mind so I'm hedging my bets here.

Edit: Put another way, this is a situation of it being an item that many champions could use (hey, it has Armor AND gives AD!) but it becomes a case of just not being gold or slot efficient at all. It's not that the item doesn't work for some champions, just that it is not an ideal way of using your gold. You're ultimately just worse off compared to someone using their gold on better items.

Screenshots of Bronze/sub-30/etc. games are like those "Can you spot the 10 mistakes?" puzzles.

That's fair. I often end up in a predicament after buying gottagofast boots where I'm in the need of something quick to deal with late game damage making things a bit rougher than they should be. I don't like building Randuin's on Kha but I may need to consider it in the future.


I think my problem with showdown is that it's basically all red potted bruisers

I wish there were groups for practicing mid champions or something
I mean, out of all items that provide armor and attack damage there's not too much... AP, there's plenty to chose from.

The gold efficiency per stats is poor, and the passive is actually pretty terrible outside of maybe a six item Mundo. If you want the stats it gives, you also probably want the better passive/active effects from items that give those stats.

If you're looking at an AD caster like Kha'Zix, you want a Black Cleaver and/or Ravenous Hydra and a Guardian Angel. The same if you're doing an "offensive build" on a CD-bound top like Renekton, except a Randuin's or Sunfire Cape and Spirit Visage in place of the GA (unless it's Riven, then stick with the GA). Shyvana you want a BotRK for the active, and even if you didn't Ravenous Hydra would still take priority over Atma's. Most other tanks actually don't have much in the way of AD scaling at all.

There's just no real use case scenario for it. The scenario used to be, "I've built tanky and have a ton of Health but the game's gone late and everyone has defensive items. I need some quick damage to still be a threat to carries." Unfortunately, they nerfed the passive into the ground (and six feet under), so it can only really pull that off in the (extremely) rare cases where you're looking at the Full Giant's Belt build - basically, six item Mundo and nothing else.

The fact that Warmog's and Sunfire have also been nerfed isn't going to do it any favors, either. Any other health item getting worse makes Atma's worse by association.


There's just no real use case scenario for it.

Admittedly, the one case I can think of is if you have exactly 2300 Gold and one item slot and trying to decide between a damage item (BF/Brutalizer) or some EHP item (be it Warden's Mail or Giant's Belt) for the final push of the game.

...though, honestly, I'd probably still not buy it over some other item and potting up.



yay I think found the secret to first picking syndra

just ban fizz

game was pretty hilarious, thresh, jarvan and pant kept shouting at everyone for totally different reasons (mostly because jarvan liked to throw a lot and I threw like twice) and I can sense their vi's pain as we just kept invading her over and over.at one point me and j4 were trying to give the kill to the other so we just pressed s and waited there for like 3 seconds with vi waiting with like 20 health until I finally caved in and killed her with one auto lol

also bought cass. and I have no idea what I'm doing lol

I picked cait my last few showdown games and had a pretty good time
cait is another almost permaban from my short experience. people always ban cait and riven.

my bans are teemo, lee sin and nunu lol

so far I've only played 3 games, all with ori, and won 2, once against zed and the other against rengar (I shat on the poor cat lol). I lost to an ad annie of all things, but I can trace that to not being smart enough to buy mana potions. if I did I could've just poked away and while keeping vision control on the brush.

Leona or Lee Sin? I'm at 4800 IP.
well that's hard

on one hand I hate lee sin and on the other it's my obligation as a hipster to tell you that being late to the party and getting on the freelo bandwagon is not too cool


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I love Cass

Even when you're behind people have such an outrageous fear of the gas... you get away with a lot more than you should.

And her ult is amazing.
So, I was doing Christmasy stuff and didn't see this OGN game earlier. I'm joining halfway through, can anyone explain to me how SKT managed to get Kassadin and Shyvana without actually giving up any major picks? Did Blue just not ban anything as a Christmas present to them?
Yeah. I understand the need for it, mathematically, but changing an ADC's animation delay for auto-attacks like they did with Graves and Caitlyn really sucks if you're well-practiced on them. Almost as much as all the ham-fisting they've done trying to get Elise's Rappel into a more balanced place.
I've always wanted to try top Elise. It seems really fun.
I can help you with that if you want.

it really doesn't matter, she wins fights over time and if her enemy didn't build anything tanky she'll end up killing them (unless it's renek or ribbon i guess). her escape and stun basically ensures she can escape and/or re-engage whenever she likes. shyvana is a bitch due to sheer unkillability, elise is a bitch because she can pick and choose whatever fights she wants as long as she spider/stun her way out

i'm waiting to see who becomes the new perma-ban after this patch hits, if elise isn't public enemy #1 again i'll just jungle her and abuse dat freelo
Not that it's entirely relevant to what you wrote, but Renekton is a non-threat for her the longer a match drags on (since he needs to win that lane fast) and if played correctly Elise has the potential to put Riven significantly behind at all times.

my bans are teemo, lee sin and nunu lol
Pains me to say this since he used to be my main for top and jungling back in the good ol' days, but don't ban the worst champion of pre-season 4.


I can help you with that if you want.

Not that it's entirely relevant to what you wrote, but Renekton is a non-threat for her the longer a match drags on (since he needs to win that lane fast) and if played correctly Elise has the potential to put Riven significantly behind at all times.

Pains me to say this since he used to be my main for top and jungling back in the good ol' days, but don't ban the worst champion of pre-season 4.

Going into a normals game right now, what's a good build? I'll also stream it.

Testing my internet, let's see if I can stream, lol.


edit: done, aside from a few moments where I got heavy lag, (ping of over 250), most of the time was in 150, good enough, i guess.
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