"You always felt he was too strong" how? Strong enough to never be played and never have much of a w/l ratio worth bragging about til 3 months ago? Strong at things (like great pushing/zoning/early game harass) that just didn't matter until now? He's received a small buff/qol fix to his W, his E has no more dr on minions, and his ult mana cost has been lowered at higher levels (I think). That's it! His normal build and everything else have been around for awhile.
winrate doesn't mean much, zed and vayne and shen were always low winrate champions and they were still super duper contested picks for the longest of times. pro pickrate does matter, but the assassin meta just didn't have room for a champion like ziggs. same with a lot of midlaners, really, not just him.
I always felt it was impossible to do bad with ziggs from playing against him and then from experience playing him, I don't understand what you want me to say beyond that
also pushing, zoning and early game harass might've not been too important in pro games (tho orianna, gragas, zed and nidalee were all played before s4 and they all have that) but that doesn't matter in solo q, because not everyone plays assassins. I play mostly mages, and it's just not possible to beat ziggs in lane, and it's been this way before he got his qol buffs.
I don't necessarily care about nerfs as long as they don't totally break him since I've been playing him so long that it'd be hard to drive me away, but I do not want them to go to things that don't actually matter. Ziggs should be allowed to be good if the meta actually shifted to make him a good pick (which it sounds like is the case) especially when so many other mages are frankly just waiting for some pro to pick them up before they are suddenly amazing again, like Syndra.
I have no problems with ziggs being good, which is why those nerfs are just for allowing you to be able to beat him in some way.
and actually I didn't know he had scaling cooldowns on his q so I'm dumb lol. then maybe the passive nerf is just enough. making the passive cd reduction work only on champions might be another nice nerf that doesn't completely break him.
Edit: I don't mean to sound harsh so please don't take it that way and I'm sorry if I'm being whiny, I just want to think of theoretical nerfs/things to suggest since I don't play much ranked. If Ziggs really is too good despite his buff/nerf history I know what must be done. I might be overthinking things, since I don't think I'd mind Ziggs going back to a niche pick.
nah that's alright, you gotta protect your waifus.
the only damage I think might be good for lowering might be passive. all the other things I can think of is the passive reset thingie and maybe nerf his ultimate radious, range or make it's damage a lot more bullseye-focused. q cd I had in mind but I always thought it was a static 4s cd so I guess it's alright.