plus spellcast range is measured differently from auto attack range anyway, so that 650 is more like 550.
Nah, 650 spell range is the same as a 630 auto range.
plus spellcast range is measured differently from auto attack range anyway, so that 650 is more like 550.
Nah, 650 spell range is the same as a 630 auto range.
Most abilities have their origination point set as the dead center of the champion's model, whereas autoattacks are ranged from the edge of the model. As a result, you basically get to add the radius of your champion's ground circle to their AA range, but not to (most) spell ranges.
yea and it's $10 worth. Big ol ripoff.
she doesn't have to she will outscale you and shoot for all ins. on its own glitterlance is really weak. support on support harass in bot lane is not very strong with hp regen so high. annie also doesn't have the mana problems that lulu does.
idc. it's just annoying to see people that don't play or understand the champ say she's super strong and that her worst matchups are her best.
you don't play harass lanes against annie.
Nope, I'm better.Fuck off, you're not boken.
Wombo combo is hilarious. I just played Leo support on a team with Fiddle mid, Vlad top, and Amumu jungle. Jinx adc. We were outplayed constantly, but won baron fights and late teamfights with our ridiculous cc and aoe damage. Was kinda unfair. Their fed Jax got stunned by me, then me again, then amumu, then feared.
I honestly feel like we deserved to lose. I was horrible, went 0-10-25.
How is Ashe these days?
She's okay but being okay in bot lane right now just isn't enough, and her worst match up is vs the strongest carry.How is Ashe these days?
Basically leona in a nutshell.
For me there's no reason to pick her. I'd learn Varus instead as he has a cc ult and decent to good matchups against every good adc right now aside from Lucian.
I was hoping that maybe she'd be some sort of super-moneyhat adc now that there are more options for gold income.She's okay but being okay in bot lane right now just isn't enough, and her worst match up is vs the strongest carry.
It's basically Season 2 all over again but with Lucian in Graves' place.
Jinx/Leo is the real killer combo. Tether and stun and then the traps. Run ignite on Leo and it is all over.
eh I think we'll have to call it a disagreeEh, 10 seconds still isn't a lot for a champion that'll eventually get around to having some CDR, never mind the range on that max rank ult. Without some it doesn't make too much of a difference either, except now she has to put some thought into the timing of her full spell rotation rather than throwing everything out there willy-nilly until something sticks by chance or not like a makeshift Nidalee with rainbows. Her being able to shoot less lasers over time is only a nagging issue in prolonged teamfights that last over two minutes roughly speaking and I haven't seen those with high frequency after Season 2 ended.
Some of those match-ups you mentioned aren't actually even bad for her. Gragas, Ahri, Orianna and Fizz in particular, their previous states prior to their respective nerfs included. Zed is walking a fine line; since his early laning phase isn't good there's room to outplay him and to effectively put him in his place, but I do agree with everyone else. Riven's a moot point though, 'cause she messes up a big chunk of AP champions regardless. If you're looking for a raw damage dealer then yes, Lux isn't the most reliable of choices (and Karma performs a similar role to some extent with less difficulty) but she still has her place in the game with numerous strengths even in the headless chicken arena dubbed as solo queue. Just not "instapick or -lock" for reasons we've already detailed.
(P.S.: have her partner up with motherfuckin' Trundle)
=( Is it just me or does Nami Q -> Cait W not work?
I'm more partial to Jinx/Nami. People know to watch the bubble but never expect the speed.Jinx/Leo is the real killer combo. Tether and stun and then the traps. Run ignite on Leo and it is all over.
You can trap and bubble someone, yes, if that's what you mean?
Other way around. Nami lands bubble, put trap underneath. I thought it was gonna trigger the trap after the bubble ends but no. We tried many times in one match. I ended up just putting a trap slightly behind the enemy to cutoff the obvious escape path.
I suppose it's just a matter of team comps. With our lineup...and with his lack of damage output, we could simply ignore him and blow up the 2 glass cannons in Kha and Brand. So thats what we did. It took a long time to kill Mundo to be sure...but he would die eventually. He had no real peeling power for his glass cannons, and he didn't have the damage output to force anyone to respect him.I wouldn't really classify Brand or Kha'Zix as lacking damage. I personally think that's Mundo's build was fine.
She's okay but being okay in bot lane right now just isn't enough, and her worst match up is vs the strongest carry.
It's basically Season 2 all over again but with Lucian in Graves' place.
Yeah fuck Lucian. And Jinx to a lesser extent.
I think Ashe is pretty good, but Varus outclasses her. She's so strong at level one. I love cheesing squishy supports like Sona with Ashe and Annie/Leona with their level one stun. Just wait in the enemy bot lane bush and wait for a face check to stun-passive-w-auto and then win the lane!
Is jungle Blitz a thing? Or is this guy just being silly.
Is jungle Blitz a thing? Or is this guy just being silly.
Yea he just afk'd
Other way around. Nami lands bubble, put trap underneath. I thought it was gonna trigger the trap after the bubble ends but no. We tried many times in one match. I ended up just putting a trap slightly behind the enemy to cutoff the obvious escape path.
There's more to range than just auto attack range. What's stopping someone like Lucian from dashing in your face and instantly exploding you, or any bruiser with a gap closer for that matter?
You can only whimsy one guy.
usually burst damage is the deterrent.What's stopping a Lucian from doing that to ANY AP mid? Or a bruiser?
That feeling when you have great synergy as support with your adc (truth be told, the opposing team actually went duo mid, so I roamed back and forth from mid and bot), The adc then writes to me afterwards for another game, and turns out adc is Silver 1, I'm bronze 2, and he's like "Oh you deserve much higher rank than that" ... <3
sounds hot
It's pretty gud. There's not much anyone can do about that range, Morello's is extremely cost efficient and has a pretty useful passive (depending on who the support is/how highly the ADC prioritized lifesteal), you get some free armor from his passive, a fairly reliable stun, and ridiculous burst for a support at 6. Only problem is that his harass almost always ends in the minions waves getting pushed. Just have to be careful about that. Max W first to ensure a steady stream of harass and that you'll be able to get a stun off at max range when you need to.Just got my ass handed to me by Xerath support. Holy crap I have got to try that out. He built Athene's and Morello's and just spammed, and there's no hiding behind minions.
is this the famous roaming you were talking about in your previous postYou should have seen me giving first blood in mid, then going straight to bot afterwards and give another kill, it was pretty intense![]()
is this the famous roaming you were talking about in your previous post
also overall yea, gotta love a good adc. they come really far in between but sometimes you get one of these batshit crazy dravens that just win lanes by sheer overpowering manlihood that just make you happy they chose to make you their wives
Way more effective range and actual burst. Most skillshot AP mid CC skills range around 800 units upwards and they do way more damage if you actually hit them because they have skills to follow through, Lulu has two damage skills that don't even scale that well, she's not killing any squishies with EQ and will probably die in the process.What's stopping a Lucian from doing that to ANY AP mid? Or a bruiser?
Yep. You got clamped and you'll have to deal with that shit until you get gold.+5 for wins and -4 for losses. Is that how Silver 1 works?
Yep. You got clamped and you'll have to deal with that shit until you get gold.
The real fun begins when those 5 and 4s become 2s at around 90 LP.
Also, is the Manamune dead?
Yep. You got clamped and you'll have to deal with that shit until you get gold.
The real fun begins when those 5 and 4s become 2s at around 90 LP.