tear was actually really good on her prior to the nerfs as an alternative to a nerfed athene's. I forgot who gave me the idea to try it in this thread and I blindly ignored it for a long while and actually it was a great idea. tear+morello was just amazing for a while, and yea they killed it for everyone, for lux it's terrible as she's a champion pretty much that revolves around one of those two items. getting any of those is so bad on her right now I just rush deathcap+void staff and yolo. if my blue buff gets stolen it's gg but at least I deal damage this way.Tear was usually a trap on Lux and those item nerfs affected everyone anyways. Lux' match-ups and scaling are nowhere near as bad you make them out to be. The 10 reduced movement speed is the only meaningful nerf, so I agree with your comment on that. The shield one is up for debate, given how much more potent and easier Karma's is. And don't give me inflated percentages. 25%? She lost 10 seconds on her flat cooldowns at max rank; that's miniscule. It'd almost be like saying that Jinx' 130% attack speed buff on her max rank Q is ridiculously OP... even though she has some of the worst innate attack speed stats in the game (also Tristana's Q laughs at her) for an ADC.
I don't play her very often anymore either so I understand where you're coming from, but for me it's due to other reasons and far from her supposedly being "bottom tier" or anything like that.
and 10 seconds is a lot as it's a low-cooldown ultimate. saying 10 seconds without context doesn't really mean anything for the champion. she can shoot noticeably less lasers she could shoot before, I'm not trying to dress it up, now she comes up empty when she could pull some crazy spell rotations before.
as for matchups, it's always skill based and stuff but other than that I'd say she's bad against pretty much everyone: gragas, orianna, ziggs, zed, fizz, leblanc, syndra, ahri, riven, kass, all the good mids just shit on her (well to be fair she obviously does well against some of these pre-6). plus all these champions all have better late game than her.
seriously dude my mousepad has lux's face in it and I've played a good couple hundred games with her, but she has no place in mid lane right now, everything she does any good mid does better and whether she's one step or two above the shittiest mids doesn't really matter, she's still pretty much irrelevant.