It's back to where it was before the buff: hyper-specialized, basically only good on one or two champions. It's definitely dead as an ADC item, even building it on Ezreal these days is tantamount to a surrender if the other team notices you've done it.
You basically build it on Jayce. Maybe. Probably not, but it's still an option. No more building it on Kha'Zix (though that's less the item being worse and more spikespam no longer being the way to play Kha), Ezreal, Ashe, etc.
I was thinking a really weird hypothetical Diana build that I would never even attempt to try in a real match:
EDIT: Some questions:
1. What is viktor like? Worth getting on sale?
2. I am coming up on 4800ip. Might keep saving. Can anyone tell me about:
- Rengar. I'm tempted but I feel like he could be nerfed and gutted before I get to use him
- Swain. Seen some good Swain play mid, seems like a fun champ, but apparently not that strong?
- Xin Zhao. Seems like the worlds easiest jungler.
- An adc of some sort. Slightly worried about getting Jinx because of potential nerfs, and I sort of want an adc with escapes. Maybe Caitlyn? Someone that is safe and has a strong laning phase yet decent late game. I only have Sivir/Ashe/Tristana/Varus at the moment.
- Vi. As well rounded as people say? I main jungle so might be a good idea to add to my champion pool, but then I already have Shyvana/Jarvan/Elise/Lee Sin/Udyr/Volibear/Amumu.