Stone Ocean
You make life hell for the other top laner and hope your team can actually work around does that champ work. he seems so damn weird.
Oh and your adc absolutely needs to be good/get fed/farm a lot.
You make life hell for the other top laner and hope your team can actually work around does that champ work. he seems so damn weird.
"Tristana is such a crappy ADC".
- Plat 1 ARAM Tristana who rushed Hurricane then Entropy.
well, i did ask him to go tanky a few times.
but i was being polite about it.
turns out tankiness is an iceborn gauntlet.
Sorry bud, going to have to disagree on that one.
Lizard/sheen is a perfectly viable early item build on Hecarim. He needs the mana because he's one of the most mana hungry champs in the game and sheen turns his ignorable damage into a viable threat for cheap. And of course iceborn gauntlet is a great build path for sheen because building a triforce would be investing too much into damage. IG has a great mix of damage, armor, mama,cool down reduction, and utility to remain a threat in all stages of the game.
Now granted, if he rushed then IG, I wouldn't have called that the best choice. I usually go giants belt into sunfire/randuins or Spector's into spirit visage first.
Saying lizard/sheen isn't tanky enough for you lol dude it's the early game. You don't need that much early tankness. He's got his w for that.
i have no objections to sheen on pony, im not saying he should never even try to build damage and just go tank all the time. im saying that player in that game should never have rushed lizard, should never have built sheen immediately after lizard and would have atleast been useful building tanky early [and would have had a better chance of catching up if he did]He certainly could, those items are cheap. It's not that hard to farm enough tankyness to be relevant after that. The lizard is debatable but IMO the sheen is not, hecarim needs sheen period. I'd say The issue was one of not farming enough in the jungle, not item choice, but obviously I can't say for sure.
i havent played hecarim in season 4, so i wasn't going to say lizard sucks period, but yeahs thats the impression i have.S4 Elder Lizard is completely pointless on Hecarim IMO. It used to be good because W used to proc it, but now it's eh, just get Golem instead.
watched some of your stream yesterday, it made me appreciate how much more well behaved people are in high silver/low gold.On my 4th promo series to Silver IV, I've actually gotten Silver IV, then gotten knocked back down to Silver V 3 times.
i havent played hecarim in season 4, so i wasn't going to say lizard sucks period, but yeahs thats the impression i have.
watched some of your stream yesterday, it made me appreciate how much more well behaved people are in high silver/low gold.
Does anyone have suggestion on which runes to use on Yasuo? I've read different guides but I can't find an agreement on which runes to use
She slaps with a rulerI want to love Fiora but there's nothing she does better than Kha'Z
i make plays on udyr all day. league of legends is a big game. people should find the champions that they enjoy playing, because those usually fit their playstyle better.My main recommendation as far as junglers go would be to pick up using at least one jungler with the potential to hard engage. Vi, Jarvan, maybe even a Malphite for now since he's actually pretty easy to jungle with without full runes/masteries. Nunu, Udyr, and Mundo can all be okay jungle picks, but to be honest if you decide to play ranked you're probably going to want to focus more on play-making junglers.
If you're looking more at the low IP cost end of the scale, aside from Malphite you could also try Rammus. He's OK.
Yorick won't make life hell for anyone with a Tear though.You make life hell for the other top laner and hope your team can actually work around that.
Oh and your adc absolutely needs to be good/get fed/farm a lot.
Does anyone have suggestion on which runes to use on Yasuo? I've read different guides but I can't find an agreement on which runes to use
Good idea, lol.oh god
why didn't i name my smurf Insane Clown Poppy and use the Noxus Poppy skin
This is the first time I've ever seen anyone roleplay in this game.
wait wat syndra with an executioner
All this Hecarim talk made me want to play him with his Arcade Skin.
Now does anyone want to elaborate to me why people are selling those for like 30 bucks on eBay while I could buy the champ + skin separately for less than that? And where do they come from anyways!
I understand it comes with Riot Blitzcrank if I cared about that, but eh. You'd think these people would sell it on the cheap.
This just in: a Riven and Nasus on the enemy team just claimed Shyvanna is OP.
This just in: a Riven and Nasus on the enemy team just claimed Shyvanna is OP.
Lol, what scrubs.This just in: a Riven and Nasus on the enemy team just claimed Shyvanna is OP.
You need to play with Mundo players more.This is the first time I've ever seen anyone roleplay in this game.
Both W and E make for a decent (not fantastic) engage/disengage/peel, and his passive and auto attack range in addition to his Q make for potentially amazing poke. Once he and his ADC hit 6, it would probably be a guaranteed kill with mega inferno bomb.
I'm sure there are downsides I don't see to it (maybe super squishy, but his range should keep him out of trouble). I really want to try it.
Hmm. Dunno how I feel about Rumble.
He's SO hard to last-hit with early. I'm tempted to get a dorans blade or something just so he can get a fair amount of cs early. He's like trying to last-hit with a typical AP mid, but without the benefit abilities that most AP mids have to buff the right-click to compensate for low base attack damage. It's a scary proposition against bruiser tops, imo, because for at least the first few levels they can pretty effectively punish you trying to wait in melee range for a minion to be close enough to dying that a right-click will actually finish them. Feels that way, anyway.
Doesn't help that I lost the lane to Jax thanks to ganks. Still finished 10/4/something in a win, but it wasn't a good-feeling 10/4/something, you know? I just don't think DoT champs are for me. I'm not a fan of Singed, I didn't like Cass when I tried her, and I'm apathetic towards Rumble. I like seeing chunks of life disappear. I like direct conflict and direct damage dealing. It's just clearer to me that damage I'm doing is hurting when I see the HP drop. In my last I wasn't sure how much of it was me or not. I did the second most damage in the game, but it never felt like it. I did 1v1 a fairly stacked Ezreal which felt good, but I had no real confidence I could when I started the fight. idk.
FWIW, I went sorcs --> Liandry's --> Ryali's --> Rabb. I would have gone Void after, but they quit.
why do you guys stream anyway
like you get like 3 views at a time so I imagine you don't get a lot of money out of it :/
why do you guys stream anyway
like you get like 3 views at a time so I imagine you don't get a lot of money out of it :/
I want to love Fiora but there's nothing she does better than Kha'Z
she's completely different to Kha'Zix :/ Like practically incomparable.