I just want to play Corki, but his new Q makes me so angry.
Almost nothing has changed. In fact if you hit E you'll do more damage than before the nerfs. She was having some mana annoyances early after the mana cost nerfs but she just got buffed on that last patch.
She's less faceroll but you can faceroll just as hard as long as you hit your E first. She's not out of control anymore, yes, but she's still a top tier mid laner.
Spanish speaking players! Are you Latin, zkylon?just won a game 4v5 for lol
dude made his darnest to feed as much as possible before leaving too
some people are really that bad heh
Spanish speaking players! Are you Latin, zkylon?
it could easily be liss support.No way, Voli support is totally viable man. OP even.
I'm not talking about Voli or Liss support, just how strong our champion picks are.No way, Voli support is totally viable man. OP even.
smite the cannons. i ain't scared.I'm learning a lot with this game.
Like ganking Heim mid.
Never do it.
smite the cannons. i ain't scared.
Now I've learned another thing.
I've been going to lolking for my guides and whatnot. Are there better sites out there? I was under the impression that it was the best but after playing a lot more recently I'm not so sure. Again, maybe I'm wrong but from what I can tell building Razors is heresy and anything other than 5 health pots + machete is the mark of a bad jungler in progress. Granted, I've had a lot of success so far but there doesn't seem to be a lot flexibility in some things.
anything other than 5 health pots + machete is the mark of a bad jungler in progress
First I used to go to mobafire, then I found out about solomid. Now I stick with lolking, so I think it's the best right now, unless I'm wrong.
but yea I used to go e>w>q but I found that maxing q simply allows you to get more people dead more often but also peel a lot more in teamfights, specially since it's so easy to land and the mini-reset makes it available all the freaking time
Jinx was the super popular overpowered ADC on release I thought?
doran's start in jungle saves lives. the stats go a long way.
challenge acceptedYou missed a golden opportunity to pad your hook percentage by snagging one of those cell division blobs at the end. Train harder!
I know nothing of this.
Nothing can beat the feeling of winning a game in champ select.
I <3 you.I just want to play Corki, but his new Q makes me so angry.
Oh god the 20 kills Rivenhavent streamed in awhile
come watch if you've forgotten what terrible looks like
yep.Oh god the 20 kills Riven
Congratulations, you just got matched with Lee again.yep.
they went mid riven, top ryze, so renek gave up fb and then asked to switch into riven.
did not work out very well.
Trundle can also open with DBlade + a ward if counter-jungling or counter-ganking seems like a fitting strategy. Even without a leash on your first buff, you'll still stay healthy throughout with the right runes + masteries without sacrificing your duel superiority against most melee junglers.DBlade + Pot is fine on some junglers (eg Udyr, Lee, Olaf, WW, I think Aatrox too), especially if you're aiming for ganks/counterjungles with stronger damage.
Some jungler with really good sustain can start with a ward, machete and pots.
If I'm completely unaware how a champion should be built I just go to probuilds and check several games. It also gives a context on why a champion was build that way. I don't really have the time to read paragraphs.
edit: oh no, its that lee again
This is why you should take a 5 min break if you get someone you really don't want to play with last game.Congratulations, you just got matched with Lee again.
its not that he was a problem, just a sourpuss.This is why you should take a 5 min break if you get someone you really don't want to play with last game.
That's an understatement lolits not that he was a problem, just a sourpuss.
Is there a good youtube guy for jungling?
Counter-jungling stuff is just all over the place... I don't even have a baseline as things are.
Riot servers exploded, Russia suspected.
Draven does it all.
Please tell me this wasn't meant to be a joke.