That's the reason not to buy now.You don't know what will be good or bad anyways.
That's the reason not to buy now.You don't know what will be good or bad anyways.
I'm maxing Q->W->E when i'm playing her as a Gank Police jungle. Q is the skill to engage and to chase enemies. If you can land it on a champion it does a lot of dmg while knocking them a bit, and if the fight's long enough cd will end and you'll have it again to catch a fleeing opponent. Sometimes it just melts low hp characters, and that's fun.
W is next, to peel off that tanky champions, and E is basically an AA resetter.
When I'm playing her on the top lane my skill choice depend on the enemy, but it's mostly E->W->Q.
Would it be worth it to get runes now? Or should I wait for the upcoming patch? Don't want to spend the IP for nothing.
Armor Yellows will probably get hit, because they're mandatory on everyone.
Personally, I'm fine with runes. However, I think rune pages are waaay overpriced. They cost as much as the most expensive basic champion tier. 6300 per rune page, wtf. Therefore, it is so that I only have two rune pages, one for AD, one for AP. Fuck buying more. I'll do that when I no longer have champions I want to buy.
Yeah, the way runes are right now is horrible. I know they wouldn't take them out completely or make them free so alteast cut the price significantly. 3 quints cost as much as a full champion price. I wonder what Riot has planned for this.
Smart thing to do. Two pages:
2 LS Quints, 1 AD Quint. 9 AD Reds, 9 Flat Armor Yellows, 9 Flat MR Blues
3 AP Quints, 9 Magic Pen Reds, 9 Flat Armor Yellows, 9 Flat MR Blues.
All you need realistically unless you want a tiny bump in your ability to play this game more effectively.
I have like 20 pages, a whole bunch of runes I never use and 20k IP (and all champions of course). Having IP and not knowing what to do with it feels good and bad at the same time.
i still like my gold per ten quints.
you gotta go back and buy that blasting wand. pew pew.I remember when I bought the gold per ten quints I was able to go back to buy things like sightstone a little bit earlier. I always had the gold at the time that I wanted to B. I feel like if I switch them out it'll throw this off a bit.
I'm sorry this thread lead you down this path.First game as Quinn top vs a Jax in ranked. I also just woke up. Gonna have fun.
Climbing the elo ladder. 67 LP so far. Oh baby.
How much are you getting each win?
Bronze 1, 4 or 5.
Also newt, I've stopped playing yasuo in favor of zac. Are you happy now?!![]()
Valor, to me! Think I could've swapped out the shiv for something with more damage on it.At that point though I was dropping tanks pretty quickly with the cleaver. I died once in lane to Jax, the rest of the time I played somewhat passively but still snagged kills here and there on him.
Bonus: teamchat during champ select: "i hate quinn. she brings nothing to end game".
I give you shit for playing Yasuo, but, it's a game. Play whatever is fun to you, don't listen to what shitheads like us say.
Just don't bring that scrubshit into ranked >:3
Kha'Zingle jungle is the new thing now
they said the idea is to besides killing armor blues (which is perfectly reasonable) they also want to make yellows focused on defense, reds on offense, blues on utility and quints are just everything.
so predictions:
* quints: more or less stay the same, they might get some number changes but functionally the same
* reds: also the same but no more armor reds for supports. maybe adding ap+ad runes for akali/kayle/jax? or maybe take it on all mids that can harass with autos. sounds more straightforward than double pen and also nice for them last hits and taking down turrets. if they remove mr blues you might not miss the mpen so much
* yellows: armor yellows nerfed, addition of mr yellows and hybrid resistances yellows
* blues: mr blues removed, ap/lvl removed, mp5 and gp10 moved here.
Kha'Zingle jungle is the new thing now
I give you shit for playing Yasuo, but, it's a game. Play whatever is fun to you, don't listen to what shitheads like us say.
Just don't bring that scrubshit into ranked >:3
I've known the strength of Kha'zix jungle for ages now. Finally the pros are catching on![]()
My friend is in lower Silver and I've seen his $tat$ on his profile. He usually wrecks face but usually loses game lol.Kha'Zingle jungle is the new thing now
Khazix is everywhere nowadays
Not just me, you've made the whole world a better place.Bronze 1, 4 or 5.
Also newt, I've stopped playing yasuo in favor of zac. Are you happy now?!![]()
Were you on the leaked list of names/passwords maybe?Queue up for ranked.
"Your account has been logged in elsewhere"
I lost 3 lp![]()
Were you on the leaked list of names/passwords maybe?
Taking people's opinions seriously for a champion that takes a while to figure out when you enjoy 'mastering' him is silly anyways, when he might not actually be weak in the first place. Lucian is another one of those instances where some of the regulars in this thread were convinced he was terrible for a long time, and suddenly changed their stance over a small (relatively speaking) tweak on his Q.I give you shit for playing Yasuo, but, it's a game. Play whatever is fun to you, don't listen to what shitheads like us say.
Just don't bring that scrubshit into ranked >:3
You get used to memorizing or having a feel for her cooldowns in both stances.Does transforming with Elise have kind of a high learning curve, or is it like Udyr where you just kind of get used to it after a little?
you probably weren'tWhat?! Where is this list
not really, you turn spider to bail out or when your human spells are on cooldown. I mean it's a bit more complicated than that but it's not too crazyDoes transforming with Elise have kind of a high learning curve, or is it like Udyr where you just kind of get used to it after a little?
Taking people's opinions seriously for a champion that takes a while to figure out when you enjoy 'mastering' him is silly anyways, when he might not actually be weak in the first place. Lucian is another one of those instances where some of the regulars in this thread were convinced he was terrible for a long time, and suddenly changed their stance over a small (relatively speaking) tweak on his Q.
You get used to memorizing or having a feel for her cooldowns in both stances.
you probably weren't
not really, you turn spider to bail out or when your human spells are on cooldown. I mean it's a bit more complicated than that but it's not too crazy
Lucian WAS shit until that "small" tweak.
can't really talk for her jungle since I only play her top (imma try her mid today maybe) but yea, in teamfights you blow all your cooldowns, then jump at someone with spidey q and keep biting them until your cocoon is again off cd. use rappel to dodge big aoe thingies like fizz sharkIt just seems like switching in the jungle could take some getting used to. It seems like (from watching streams) in fights you should be in spider form most of the time except for throwing some cocoons. Maybe it depends on build though. I'll buy her and get a feel for her. Might pick up Vi too since she's on sale.