okay so I just watched this Live match and this is what I was referring to in my Ren observations
Is this atypical? Because this is what I was referring to. The Ren in this high elo match played with one purpose: 100% someone in team fights (Oria or Lucian 100% of the time), then skirt around until the cooldowns were off and go back in with whatever hp he had left. Heavy on the damage, light on the defense. Just enough defense to allow him to get away after murdering someone maybe 50% of the time but not so much defense that he can't 100% someone (or get damn close to it).
Whereas the defensive approach I was referring to makes him look more like Garen (Cleaver + 3 defensive items)...where he's lucky to 50% someone, let alone 100%. Was the early conversation simply a matter of confusion around what defines "going defensive", or is going even more defensive than this recommended/viable? Because in my definitions there's a difference between "getting enough defense to survive while bursting" and "going tank". If that makes sense.

Is this atypical? Because this is what I was referring to. The Ren in this high elo match played with one purpose: 100% someone in team fights (Oria or Lucian 100% of the time), then skirt around until the cooldowns were off and go back in with whatever hp he had left. Heavy on the damage, light on the defense. Just enough defense to allow him to get away after murdering someone maybe 50% of the time but not so much defense that he can't 100% someone (or get damn close to it).
Whereas the defensive approach I was referring to makes him look more like Garen (Cleaver + 3 defensive items)...where he's lucky to 50% someone, let alone 100%. Was the early conversation simply a matter of confusion around what defines "going defensive", or is going even more defensive than this recommended/viable? Because in my definitions there's a difference between "getting enough defense to survive while bursting" and "going tank". If that makes sense.