Isn't there going to be a reset of ranked soon, leading to a fresh set of placement matches? I read on reddit that your mmr will get averaged towards 1200.
If that's the case, it seems like a good time to play some ranked before the reset, just to get a sense for it.
Did Yorick ever get that ultimate/rework that gave him a thousand souls or something crazy, I forget. Was that a troll or what?
that katcam guy is amazing lol
kaceytron best streamer 2014 already
fuck you trick2g, bjergsen, rush hour and all that shit
You're letting him play to his hypercarry status. He deserves the late game ass whooping he can do. It's the same thing with other late late game champs (eg Vayne, Poppy, Ryze, etc). Keep forcing 5v4s if he's AFK farming. It can get to a point where a strong Nasus can't carry because his team fell behind way too far in terms of gold and map control.
both good championsI decided to pick up Kayle and Vi today. Good choices? I needed a good jungler with some CC, and Kayle just seems solid all around. I can play her mid or top even (I think).
Not the safest ADC to play though. There's still Ez and Cait.
What do they need to do to Nasus to mitigate that fucking late game ass whooping? My top laner was Riven and couldn't do shit to him because he's still learning her. My jungler was a Xin and built the most fucking weird build ever(Atmas/Wits/Guinsoo's with a Golem/Sunfire). I also hate how he can chain wither...that shit is so fucking broken.
Funnily enough I was asking about Riven as Nasus. Maybe it changes with better players, but Riven and Garen have enough damage at low levels (just getting the ult l6 or lower) to bully Nasus. If Nasus doesn't get enough q stacks, his damage and therefore sustain are dramatically reduced.
That was such an awful Yorick pick in that comp.
What kind of comp dows Yorick work best in? I've genuinely never seen a good one and I've never played the champ, so I have no clue. I know he can be quite the best for certain melee champs top, but I'm not really clear on how he team fights. He did buy me 10 extra seconds of life in one of the team fights which I thought was pretty cool because I killed Kha with that time and forced them to back. Never seen that before..I always thought he could only ult himself like that because that's all I've ever seen Yorick players do.
*takes notes*One common role for Yorick is to use his ult, which at rank 3 gives him a ghost that deals 75% of the target's damage, on some carry like Vayne, Caitlyn, etc. That way, the ghost can deal damage while the target is alive, and when the target dies it gets some seconds extra when it can just focus on dealing more damage. Cassiopeia is one of the common targets for his ult as well, due to her very good sustained damage. You only need to ult her just before she dies, then, since the ghost only deals auto attacks.
Yorick's ult is really dependent on the team as such. 175% damage from your carry is only worth something if the carry actually has items.
In 3v3, I've seen some gimmick builds like Yorick + Tryndamere. You focus Tryndamere but due to his ultimate and later Yorick ult he will get loads of time when he can hit freely.
Oh man, my buddies and I have a 3s team that we mess around on. Might have to try a Yorick/Zilean/Tryndamere comp
Got myself from Silver V to Silver II the past couple of days. Hoping to Get into Gold V before the soft reset. Won the last 7 games I played, so hoping to continue my winning streak later tonight.
My lolking profile:
They went back on the Kassadin nerfs, booo
Oh wow, you pulled out the Ryze. I've duo'd with a few of my Silver friends and I've seen a couple matches where mid laners pulled the old book keeper out.
What's wrong with Ryze?
I was actually planning to go ADC, but there was a duo q who were complaining as they demanded bot lane. I ended up going mid. My best role is ADC but I'm able to keep myself safe in mid. I was planning to pick Katarina, but they picked Riven and olaf so I decided it would be better to go for something a little bit tankier then her![]()
I actually don't know what's wrong with him or if there is anything wrong with him. All I know is that his main spell had its range reduced and it's pretty clear that people haven't been picking him(from where I'm at, I don't see him at all).
Was it Brand?
Yes! I kept telling myself during the match "heh, just like Firebrand from Gargoyle's Quest and Ghosts&Goblins" and as I closed the window my memory got wiped clean.
I also tried Leona (I guess?) and some sort of fire sorceress transforming into a dragon but I got boo'd from my random teammates![]()
People booing one of the strongest champions in the game at this time?
according to urban dictionary youre saying she got a bunch of swastika tattoosLooks like RiotMsPudding got SWATted while streaming last night/early this morning. She's not even a top streamer, idiots just wanted to piss with a riot member I guess.
Am I the only one driven nuts by these?
When the TP icon is set on the HUD I don't even know what I'm looking at. It just looks like some jumbled violet swirl.
according to urban dictionary youre saying she got a bunch of swastika tattoos
I personally don't care, since i probably never used a champion that builds Ghostblade. Which champions even use it?When the TP icon is set on the HUD I don't even know what I'm looking at. It just looks like some jumbled violet swirl.
I personally don't care, since i probably never used a champion that builds Ghostblade. Which champions even use it?
ghostblade is a good pick up on loads of melee champs from noct to xin to rengar.
Saw it on a Hecarim once. It was pretty badass.ghostblade is a good pick up on loads of melee champs from noct to xin to rengar.