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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Damn, this game's endgame is fascinating. I just lost a game where at one point, we were one wave away from destroying the enemy's base, my Wukong is kinda dominating (was 25/1/1 at that point), and we are at least 3+ levels ahead of the enemy...

...and then they survive wave after wave, two of our members disconnect/quit, and suddenly, a few more minutes later, they are all equal level to us, it is 4v3 or 5v3 (I cant remember if they had a disconnect or not as well), but we are definitely behind. And then, a few minutes later, it is over - we lost.

I thought that this game has a pure slippery slope-type balance, but it is a bit more nuanced than that.


Damn, this game's endgame is fascinating. I just lost a game where at one point, we were one wave away from destroying the enemy's base, my Wukong is kinda dominating (was 25/1/1 at that point), and we are at least 3+ levels ahead of the enemy...

...and then they survive wave after wave, two of our members disconnect/quit, and suddenly, a few more minutes later, they are all equal level to us, it is 4v3 or 5v3 (I cant remember if they had a disconnect or not as well), but we are definitely behind. And then, a few minutes later, it is over - we lost.

I thought that this game has a pure slippery slope-type balance, but it is a bit more nuanced than that.
Normally games are over because people assume at the 5-10-15 minute mark that they lost. They give up, say "gg" (presumably sarcasm since they don't mean it's a good game at all), start spamming surrender votes, stop trying, start raging, and so forth.

What I think people rarely do is adjust their playstyle to compensate for being behind, maintain a positive attitude, and keep working to level up and farm. Games can definitely be thrown if the losing team wouldn't give up so easily.

*edit* The elophant website claims out of 220 games (I have no idea what sort of games), Nasus had a 48% win rate against Jax, so it does sound like Jax has the edge. Of course individual skill may decide it even in a counter situation.


Let me tell you about assholes who run hp regen Nasus...

It's still the same thing that Nasus isn't really able to use his Q for CS trading (though he can auto you -> Q minion with the reset). But yeah, that (+ Doran's Shield) really makes the kill just dumb to reach. Especially for people who will just end up running out of Mana trying to kill him eventually.
Damn, this game's endgame is fascinating. I just lost a game where at one point, we were one wave away from destroying the enemy's base, my Wukong is kinda dominating (was 25/1/1 at that point), and we are at least 3+ levels ahead of the enemy...

...and then they survive wave after wave, two of our members disconnect/quit, and suddenly, a few more minutes later, they are all equal level to us, it is 4v3 or 5v3 (I cant remember if they had a disconnect or not as well), but we are definitely behind. And then, a few minutes later, it is over - we lost.

I thought that this game has a pure slippery slope-type balance, but it is a bit more nuanced than that.

There are essentially 3 phases of the game; early game, mid game and late game.

Winning the early game doesn't necessarily mean you will win the whole match. Often you'll see people opt to farm after killing a champion in lane instead of taking towers or objectives like Dragon/red buff/blue buff/Baron.

If you squander your early lead it will come to bite you later on in the late game when the enemy team has caught up to you through farming.


Who is actually good versus Nasus top lane?

Not including Teemo.

Manaless or spammy ap champion.

A team will good slow, root or mobility will also made nasus useless.

Or you can turtle to late game with hyper carry that can murder nasus before he can get close. It is not like he had any good poke or gap closer, he is forced to run toward your team.
Got our Leb first blood to 3/0 early on against Annie.

Still goes 4/10 even if she was never ganked.

You disappoint me Leb. I put my eggs in your basket to get your snowball rolling.



Yup. Jax now on permaban list.

Wrecked him in lane, hahahahhah jk tanky as hell and doing tons of damage while taking objectives fast as hell.
Just curious, who is a strong counter against Kassadin? Was having this conversation earlier with a few friends but we couldn't decide on a champion because we rarely lane against him.


Just curious, who is a strong counter against Kassadin? Was having this conversation earlier with a few friends but we couldn't decide on a champion because we rarely lane against him.

I kinda want to say someone who's not reliant on their spells, someone who is more of an autoattacker, and that can follow up after Kassadins jump/silence.

I have no idea lol.

Edit: Relies more on your team than yourself. Chain CC is what I would try to have.
Just curious, who is a strong counter against Kassadin? Was having this conversation earlier with a few friends but we couldn't decide on a champion because we rarely lane against him.
Laning: Pantheon, Talon, Soraka
Late game: ADCs with some MR

Diana does well against Kass too.


So how's Pokemon going? Do I board the hype train? My local gamestop says that have a bit of their Pokemon 3DS XLs left. I think I might, can finally catch up on all those 3DS games that I haven't had the opportunity to play.
Yes! It's very, very good.


Knew I shouldn't have turned my PC when I went out.

Dat login queue.

dat EUW



Laning: Pantheon, Talon, Soraka
Late game: ADCs with some MR

Diana does well against Kass too.

Pretty good suggestions. I definitely run talon if I ever have to mid against kassadin. Any long range poke ADC can work too. Caitlyn would give him fits if she freezes properly.

Heimer is a bitch too. You take so much turret damage trying to cs. And can't kill them fast enough.
Normally games are over because people assume at the 5-10-15 minute mark that they lost. They give up, say "gg" (presumably sarcasm since they don't mean it's a good game at all), start spamming surrender votes, stop trying, start raging, and so forth.

What I think people rarely do is adjust their playstyle to compensate for being behind, maintain a positive attitude, and keep working to level up and farm. Games can definitely be thrown if the losing team wouldn't give up so easily.

Even at the highest levels of play, people in solo queue absolutely love to go for needlessly risky Baron attempts that have the potential to completely throw a game. I have no idea why, it just seems like most people have gotten it ingrained into them that you can't possibly win the game without Baron, so if you're far enough ahead you should definitely go try to take it even though the entire enemy team is alive and they have a godlike Baron pit engage. (Amumu, Gragas, Zyra, Varus, and Renekton? Yeah, let's just blind Baron against them, what's the worst that could happen?)
<----- Reached plat doing that :D:D:D:D:D

Just tried it.


felt like cheating.

edit: another question about junglers - I mostly play Vi, J4, Sej, Udyr, Diana, and Kayle (I know, I know) in the jungle (in that order, more or less). Would I benefit more from picking up AS quints or Move Speed quints next to further increase my jungle effectiveness? I know Diana benefits a lot from AS quints, and Udyr likes move speed...but I'm not really sure about the others. My goal would be to pick up the quints that would give me more out of the junglers I play the most often. I'll get the other set of quints later.
How about Lee? I noticed that if I go straight for a tanky route(wriggles/sighstone/locket/major tank item depending on enemy),I do a lot better than gong a hybrid route.. AS runes still worth it on him?
I'd use full AD to make his ganks stronger, to be honest.

Clear times aren't a problem with him.
Rumble is the perfect counter to Nasus, Renekton counter him too (hyper aggressive lvl 1-6).

Rumble does not counter any decent Nasus. The only way Rumble wins is if he is able to get an early kill with jungle help. Otherwise, Nasus will just pick up Spirit Visage and farm.
I'm in Dublin for the weekend. I need to sleep 'cos I have to be up early tomorrow, but I miss LoL. :(

Sivir changes sound interesting. Maybe I'll finally get to break out the PAX Sivir. New model looks pretty beast.
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