I'm right with you but I'm pretty sure vods will be up on YouTube.I'm so tempted to completely ruin my day tomorrow and screw up my sleep schedule to watch SKT vs KT...
As for the normal matchmaking stuff, my personal experience is that if you form a 4-person premade (or even better, 5) with roughly the same skill level, then you will likely get a good match most of the time. Also, if you're lucky and EVERYONE on each side is solo, then you get a good match too. It seems like Riot assembles the really lopsided teams when you've got 2/3-person premades on one or both sides.
I'm right with you but I'm pretty sure vods will be up on YouTube.
Back to the kog talk, it looks like the q will be a skillshot?
Gotta wait until it's on pbe and play him. I don't really understand it by the tooltip alone. It says first enemy hit. Would minions block it? Excited to check out some Janna and kog on the pbe.Ya I didn't realize that til one of my friends mentioned it to me earlier tonight. I've never played kog though, so I'm not sure how much it would affect him.
Does it take a lot longer to find games when you are low rank? I've been searching now for like 8 minutes and haven't gotten a match on 5v5 draft. Says the average is 1:39. Yesterday I let it search for 15 minutes before quitting out.
Edit Found a game at about 9 minutes.
Usually it's pretty fast at low rank, or at least, it was when I started to play.
Unless you're playing coop vs ai, or dominion.
Reminds me of Riot really liking blue and purple as primary colors on champions. It's well over half of League's current roster.Yeah, there is too much yellow on the common spells.
Instead of copying Dota 2 art they should copy Smite VGS system. Smart ping system is a joke in comparison.Sometimes I really wish this game had voice chat. Sometimes spamming danger pings isn't enough to say don't fight and you can't stop to type or you'll get engaged on.
would also love a "warded" ping so I stop accidentally blowing my ult because I type too fast and press enter before I press R.
The way they're copying Dota 2 style of icons in summoner's spells, items and such is unbelievable. When, who and why decided copying the artistic style of your main competition (when you're more succesful, moreover) was a good idea? It's a terrible idea, and the worst is that it doesn't fit League AT ALL. The pastry, soft drawings feel totally out of place. They fit in Dota 2 because the rest of the game looks like that, it doesn't look sharp and ultra-defined as Lol.
I guess that's the way not to get overthrown, mimicking instead of consolidating your own style. It sure worked good for these games that thrown their personality away in chase of the CoD crowd, didn't it.
Instead of copying Dota 2 art they should copy Smite VGS system. Smart ping system is a joke in comparison.
nami has a mejais w h a t
Yaaay, time for the Diana treatment on Jinx, nerfing her above average base stats that let her do her job until she's trash.
It's a problem because A) laning against Lucian, Sivir and Annie and B) I doubt the nerfs will end there. Plus changing marksmen like that before all the S4 changes are out is way too risky for said characters since there's a good chance her balance might be thrown out of window to either side by the time they get released. Low health Jinx with weak armor runes at level 1? Yeah that will be fun.38 less HP on lvl 1, 4 less HP on lvl 18? I don't think that is unreasonable seeing how strong she is in all stages of the game.
This game, more than any other I can recall, feels like and has become used like a time machine.
Do I need it to be an hour later? League of legends.
It works on up to... Well, as many hours as you need to travel.
It's crazy.
Lucian and sivir pay for it with weaker late game. Jinx has nearly as good early game followed by all game dominance. This slight health change means you will have to be just slightly more careful.It's a problem because A) laning against Lucian, Sivir and Annie and B) I doubt the nerfs will end there. Plus changing marksmen like that before all the S4 changes are out is way too risky for said characters since there's a good chance her balance might be thrown out of window to either side by the time they get released. Low health Jinx with weak armor runes at level 1? Yeah that will be fun.
That said, I like the Flame Chompers buff. It can root more than once now so that's something I guess.
No wonder some of these matches feel like Doctor Who episodes.This game, more than any other I can recall, feels like a time machine.
Do I need it to be an hour later? League of legends.
It works on up to... Well, as many hours as you need to travel.
It's crazy.
Damn, I just got to work and caught the ends of that match. Wish I made it for the others.
Just watched that video of vayne getting thrown around.
Lol, was amazing. I'm glad Khazix is seeing play, I love him.
Lucian and sivir pay for it with weaker late game. Jinx has nearly as good early game followed by all game dominance. This slight health change means you will have to be just slightly more careful.
Guessing further changes won't do any good.
Jinx nerfs make me sadShe's my favorite champ to play right now. It's forced me to try and become a better adc just so I can play her.
I guess she is pretty strong though. I didn't think it was her survivability though. If anything her damage needs a tweak.
Against Jinx, Lucian is definitely weaker late game. Lucian's steroid on his passive has a moderate cooldown.Lucian, weaker late game? I dunno about that one![]()
Uhh, what cooldown? He can use whenever he uses a skill, at max rank his Q has a 5 second CD so he can essentially string together 4 passive shots effortlessly. Jinx has pretty much no chance dueling a Lucian late game, he'll explode her before she can even get enough Pow Pow stacks, she has to poke him far away with Fishbones.Against Jinx, Lucian is definitely weaker late game. Lucian's steroid on his passive has a moderate cooldown.
Jinx has one of the strongest late games for an ADC in terms of damage output. She'd be right up there with Vayne, Kog and Sivir.
But he doesn't have to be gated by his Q. Q > Auto > W > Auto > E > Auto > Q > AutoThat's what I meant. His passive's "cooldown" is limited by the cooldowns of his regular abilities. Strictly in terms of Q usage, his passive would proc more or less as often as Cait's late game.
Lucian, weaker late game? I dunno about that one
I would put the two on par honestly, but their late game is very different. Jinx has insane sustained damage, Lucian insane burst.
If Draven got a buff the role wouldn't be referred to as ADC anymore. Everyone would simply call it "Draven".Jinx didn't need a nerf. Every other ADC but Lucian and Sivir need a buff.
Jinx didn't need a nerf. Every other ADC but Lucian and Sivir need a buff.
Reminds me of Riot really liking blue and purple as primary colors on champions. It's well over half of League's current roster.
Then they changed the HUD colors for the mini-map and champion health bars too to expand their fetish.
Probably to do with how characters need to stand out against the colour palettes of rift, aram and crystal scar? Colour Theory yo!