Damn, I'm found out. I smoke crystal weed and rob grandmothers #turnt #baller #gangster
ori? lizzy? ashy?
also your avatar's hot
Ori's about the only one (somewhat) similar to Karma in the kiting department from those three, and Ashe is too immobile in comparison anyways.
Ooh so what's the best ADC right now? Jinx?
Ooh so what's the best ADC right now? Jinx?
Newt & DeadNames banter
How do you deal with Teemo ... on your team? As a a top? As a mid?
y u do dis
y u do dis
o_oBe glad you weren't around for relationship charts.
OGN Champions Winter 2013-2014 Semifinals
Samsung Galaxy Ozone vs. NaJin White Shield
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You could've skipped Visage and just gotten a second armor item instead since their whole team was AD.I finally had a Vi game where my team didn't completely suck.
Carried with 9-4-18.
Build advice? I went Golem + Randuins + Spirit Vis + Cleaver + Tabi and working towards Frostborn Gauntlet.
I understand that Triforce is popular, but they had quite a bit of ad damage (fed sivir, and ad wukong and khazix) so I wanted a bit of armor.
It seems like she's built for killing Ziggs, I swear most of my kills were on him.
You could've skipped Visage and just gotten a second armor item instead since their whole team was AD.
Also Vi is the best mid lane ganker in the game. Abuse that shit.
Pst.. Hey guys... I think support Alistar might be secretly OP.
That fucking KAYLE, though. Holy SHIT.
Just caught the last 30 minutes of that game. That FUCKING ending holy fuck.
lol. I wish i could refund the IP i spent on him so I don't accidentally pick/ban him.
He'd also be out of my ARAM rotation for the most part then too.
Baron still a noob trap.
But he is free.
Trying Baron while losing can pretty much just cement the loss.I like to go for Baron when we're losing. Usually we can sneak one in to start the comeback train. Players always want the baron buff even when you can just take an inhibitor or even end the game.
Lost so many games in the last two weeks due to the team going for a baron when we don't even have an inhib down. It's fucking embarrassing.
Wasn't there some promo you had to go through to get him for free?
lol. I wish i could refund the IP i spent on him so I don't accidentally pick/ban him.
He'd also be out of my ARAM rotation for the most part then too.
Trying Baron while losing can pretty much just cement the loss.
In Solo Q it's better to just pretend Baron doesn't exist unless you're stomping.