Blade of the Ruined King rush happened. People still think Quinn is a good fit for that regardless of lane.Why does everyone hate Quinn?
They could do something, like, actually doing something with the Honor system. RiotLyte put it out a year ago (if not longer), proclaimed he has "experimentation" up ahead of him for the plans he "envisioned" and shortly thereafter radio silence about the matter to this very day.that happened for like a month and it was great
then everybody forgot they even existed
they could do something like 50 more ip on first win of the day for people with ribbons and I bet people would go back to fake nice mode, which is great. you can then make ribbons easier to lose so people have to continue being nice to keep them and everyone's happy.
How's yi after the nerfs?
do something like what?They could do something, like, actually doing something with the Honor system. RiotLyte put it out a year ago (if not longer), proclaimed he has "experimentation" up ahead of him for the plans he "envisioned" and shortly thereafter radio silence about the matter to this very day.
this thread...
teemo is like ten times the top laner quinn is.
I wouldn't say that, but it is kinda weird seeing posts calling him useless and others wanting him nerfed simultaneously.
Not as godly in teamfights as before, but still murderizes anyone mid-lategame
For one thing, it doesn't look like you were quite evenly fed. Irelia had 50+ more CS and 2000 more gold.
Yep. In that one loss I had with him, I just couldn't out-carry an equally fed Irela. I tried my damndest. In fact, I should ask GAF. I may have itemized poorly to deal with her but I'm not sure.
We really did a lot of trading killing each other towards the end. Never did get an honest 1v1 to see if I could really stand with her and I had to see. They had 2 AP with Lux and Heimer (so 3 disables). I felt like I needed to MR without sacrificing offense, and I needed the QSS to get out of the inevitable disable. Then I felt like I needed armor to deal with Irela because she was hurting a lot...and the crit, which is a must. Ghostblade I maybe could have sold at the end for some lifesteal of some kind, but I think I was distracted by the fact that our hard disabler (Mal) went afk for the last 5 minutes.
How would you long-time players would have itemized differently as Yi to deal with late-game Irela + Lux + Heimer? Lifesteal instead of LW or Frozen Heart? Mecurial, crit (any), and Maw felt like musts. Ghostblade felt like a must early-mid/late. I felt like I needed something to cut through all Ireila's armor, but I'm not sure if I went about it right. I just don't know. I'll never know for sure if it was enough because it was 2v3 in end, but I just don't feel like it was. Shit, maybe a warmog would have been better for the true damage. idk.
edit: I did have 6% lifesteal from my quints, so I wasn't completely lacking LS...but yea.
Yep. In that one loss I had with him, I just couldn't out-carry an equally fed Irela. I tried my damndest. In fact, I should ask GAF. I may have itemized poorly to deal with her but I'm not sure.
We really did a lot of trading killing each other towards the end. Never did get an honest 1v1 to see if I could really stand with her and I had to see. They had 2 AP with Lux and Heimer (so 3 disables). I felt like I needed to MR without sacrificing offense, and I needed the QSS to get out of the inevitable disable. Then I felt like I needed armor to deal with Irela because she was hurting a lot...and the crit, which is a must. Ghostblade I maybe could have sold at the end for some lifesteal of some kind, but I think I was distracted by the fact that our hard disabler (Mal) went afk for the last 5 minutes.
How would you long-time players would have itemized differently as Yi to deal with late-game Irela + Lux + Heimer? Lifesteal instead of LW or Frozen Heart? Mecurial, crit (any), and Maw felt like musts. Ghostblade felt like a must early-mid/late. I felt like I needed something to cut through all Ireila's armor, but I'm not sure if I went about it right. I just don't know. I'll never know for sure if it was enough because it was 2v3 in end, but I just don't feel like it was. Shit, maybe a warmog would have been better for the true damage. idk.
edit: I did have 6% lifesteal from my quints, so I wasn't completely lacking LS...but yea.
My bad aside from elixirs. I don't know if she was ahead in CS earlier in the game though, which maybe could have affected part of it.I actually had a more complete inventory. Everyone was max level. Gold after you're 6-slotted doesn't matter anyway. You know that.
*takes notes*Yeah...Frozen Heart wasn't the greatest choice for armor there. Randuins is waaaaay better due to the HP alone. Also, you should've sold the Ghostblade and gotten a IE. She or they didn't have thornmail so you were good to go on that.
So an item that silences the enemy, like Orchid Malevolence in Dota 2? That would be kinda neat.On itemization, I feel like ad assassins have it pretty rough. Someone like Zed is basically useless at killing enemy ap carries once they get Zhonyas. It would be nice if there was an AD item that prevented opponents using active items for 3s or something.
The active isn't the problem with Zhonya's, or that there isn't a counter to it, it's that the item itself is way too strong in what it offers in AP and it's extremely low CD. Personally I feel if they nerfed the CD it would make the item less OP. At the minute it scales way too well from lane into late game.On itemization, I feel like ad assassins have it pretty rough. Someone like Zed is basically useless at killing enemy ap carries once they get Zhonyas. It would be nice if there was an AD item that prevented opponents using active items for 3s or something.
The active isn't the problem with Zhonya's, or that there isn't a counter to it, it's that the item itself is way too strong in what it offers in AP and it's extremely low CD. Personally I feel if they nerfed the CD it would make the item less OP. At the minute it scales way too well from lane into late game.
That's my point, it always seems to be up. Edit: Yeah, actually using it for maximum effect requirtes some thought, but it is still too safe as an item. You can at least avoid some abilities and AOE even if you mess up trying to avoid being nuked by a Zed etc.90 seconds is a fair cooldown. Late game, it'll be almost always up in teamfights. The active itself can be bungled, and you'll be forced in a bad spot if you had to use it that time.
I'd personally just hit its AP. It still has one of the highest base AP in the game for the safety it provides. My problem is that it's difficult to do so. Zhonya upgrade itself only adds 5AP. Making it build with a Blasting Wand is part buff because it's a lot easier to purchase than having to wait for 1600g to get AP.
gold always matters, and having the same number of items isn't always a very meaningful metric. just eyeballing the items reveals that you have some cheap items or gold inefficient ones (brutalizer, ghostblade) while irelia is sitting on some of the most expensive items in the game (triforce, botrk).I actually had a more complete inventory. Everyone was max level. Gold after you're 6-slotted doesn't matter anyway. You know that.
Spent all my IP on wukong and runes but as soon as I have 3150 I'm going to give pantheon jungle a go.
There needs to be a solo-only queue. Bot lane premade always, always baddies.
Last game, Lucien 1/10 and "support" Morg 2/10, the latter which didn't even buy a sighstone or wards. Genuine despair.
The active isn't the problem with Zhonya's, or that there isn't a counter to it, it's that the item itself is way too strong in what it offers in AP and it's extremely low CD. Personally I feel if they nerfed the CD it would make the item less OP. At the minute it scales way too well from lane into late game.
hmm, I dunno, I think the idea of shaving cdr off the item is meant for it to focus its identity on the extra heal. I think they should even maybe cut some mr from it too if that doesn't work. I feel like it would be cooler if visage was an item you should only buy if you're capable of self-healing somewayYeah AP mages have a lot of good choices.
ADCs are still just: BoRK/BT, PD/SS/TF.
Supports are sightstone, talisman, crucible, then utility AP or tank.
Janglers are still golem + tabi.
Meatshield laners are sunfire, visage and randuin.
I dont think they're nerfing sunfire and visage properly, especially visage. Riot removed FoN, because it was too good as an ultimate MR item, but Visage is now better than it. Visage's identity isnt even the extra heal, but as THE item for MR. The best resist items also gave HP so it was a no brainer to stack them together.
I think they should shave the HP bonus from Randuin and Visage. Make Warmogs the HP item again.
in his defense troll picks are often really hard to play againstOur Tryndamere getting absolutely crushed by Sona top.
Oh ranked, how I've missed you.
in his defense troll picks are often really hard to play against
I find the itemization in LoL kinda boring across all roles. They could fix the rarely used items and add 25% more Legendary tier items and still have niches to fill. Then there's other issues like some items have crappy build paths (Atma's, Frozen Mallet) no build path (Executioner's Calling) or restricted build paths (Phage, Haunting Guise, Hexdrinker). The itemization is just so...crappy.
The problem with this is it comes with the assumption that the added items are only good for their niches without stepping on the toes of other areas and are fully balanced.