Jungle Diana is a thing now. I can only imagine the coming fuckery though... Jungle Tank Cass isn't far away brehsI'll Def be trying out some new things as well as seeing how it affects my current favorites.
I really want this damn skarner rework to go live.
Jungle Diana is a thing now. I can only imagine the coming fuckery though... Jungle Tank Cass isn't far away brehs
Damn.. Champions Winter finals aren't til the 25th.
Yeah, Diana jungle was definitely thing at one point last year. I'm still working on my Cass support.
What's this?
Jungle Diana had to go right in a LOT of ways to work well in season 3. You can easily play from behind now. I think a lot of people are just not aware of how different things are in that role still.I think alot of people were jungling Diana in Season 3. Never heard of jungle tank Cass tho.
Long cooldown wall OP.Because his kit is broken and taters all my support plays with that shitty wall. That and to stop baddies.
is lissandra played as a tanky initiator yet
so is riven not permaban status anymore?
so is riven not permaban status anymore?
I really don't find Riven to be that great of a threat in the Gold elo range. Maybe you'll stumble across a Riven main who is truly excellent with her and can do all the auto attack cancels for max dps and can handle all the matchups and ganks she'll get picking Riven but that's few and far in between and chances are someone that good is just moving up through the ranks anyways. The Gold lifers just aren't that good with her.
Name change secured. The most important thing is jungle Wukong will likely be better with the ghetto vamp sustain and so will poppy.
I wonder if it will help jarvan at all. I think I had 50 games in him in season three ranked and haven't played him once in the preseason. Landing the e,q isn't that big of a deal for me it's just his lack of dueling potential and sustain.
Type2 is my name now. He along with nasus were the easiest junglers to gank with in season 3. It wasn't hard landing your wither or knock up and having the laner follow it up.What's your new name?
I hate Jarvan. I know he has massive utility and snowball potential but I always thought his damage output was too low for me and the mana costs were very high. He's not a good fit for my playstyle.
Type2 is my name now. He along with nasus were the easiest junglers to gank with in season 3. It wasn't hard landing your wither or knock up and having the laner follow it up.
I also loved me some nautilus.
It sounds like it'll take a long-ass time though.RIP in pieces Warwick's free Recurve Bows for teammates.
Bonus ASPD may be moved to passive.
Rito pls I need WW VU+rework. My Firefang skin is ready.
your damage output would be really low if you didn't build some offensive stats. there are enough mixed items in the game that offer offensive and defensive stats that you'd probably just want to build those.is lissandra played as a tanky initiator yet
He's right where I want him.edit: How's corki these days? I liked playing him a ways back. Was the Q nerf too hard hitting?
His q sucks, it's like landing a longer range nami bubble. He's just weird to play with his short auto range/e coupled with the longer range q and r. I think his ap scaling got nerfed and so did trinity. I could be mistaken and maybe they just needed his missiles again.Nasus was one of my favorites. Never got into Nautilus. I liked me some Xin, Nasus, Vi, Zac , Sejuani and Elise.
edit: How's corki these days? I liked playing him a ways back. Was the Q nerf too hard hitting?
He's right where I want him.
I don't have anything against yordles, it's specifically Corki. Unoriginal concept, toxic playstyle etc.What do you have against yordles??!?
is lissandra played as a tanky initiator yet
Champions beating the shit out of themselves is amusing within the game, but when you see images like that and imagine that axe halving that girl with blood, guts and flesh everywhere while she shouts of sheer pain, it suddenly isn't as cool.
Imagine a chick like Janna or a "kid" like Lulu getting repeatedly mauled by a rabid werewolf or devoured by a giant alien bug thing. Damn.
I don't have anything against yordles, it's specifically Corki. Unoriginal concept, toxic playstyle etc.
He's right where I want him.
I think this is my favorite lux fanart ever :3
He's right where I want him.
What do you have against yordles??!?
I don't have anything against yordles, it's specifically Corki. Unoriginal concept, toxic playstyle etc.
Lol.Don't lie, it's only because he used to beat draven huh O:
I think this is my favorite lux fanart ever :3
Dat super team doe
edit: also, i know wickd is an amazing top laner, but his builds these past two days...
completely unneededAlso, I forgot to mention this when patch 4.1 came out...but the change on Yasuo's R that gives him maximum flow on use of ult is pretty huge. He's going to be really strong.