yo, let her in your ranked games
your MMR funeral
She's actually one of my favored match-ups given how much experience I have against her with my main champions, no thanks to some of the Diamond-level players I've faced. Some who mained her included. I purposefully leave her open to go after her (much like Zed or Fizz back at the height of their popularity) if I'm the captain and even on a lesser day she's not too troublesome for me given how much of a routine the match-up has become. You'd also be surprised how many aren't any good at trading at all (even with high elo ranks) once you get past the "omg it's Riven" self-mindfuck.
Admittedly I haven't played League in a long while so I'd be rusty if I'd lane against one today, but Riven's only gotten
weaker ever since I took a break from the game whereas Elise / Karma / Yorick have been left alone.
So any thoughts on the Xerath rework? I mucked about in a custom game for about 15 mins and he feels more...dynamic, I guess is the word? Seems more mechanically interesting now, though I'm not sure he's actually any better than he was (not that that was the point of his rework).
Personally I feel it's a little weird that an "artillery" champion as Riot describes him with such range has that long of a cooldown on his ultimate with that few charges. I also hope they left that visual effect for his temporary increased vision intact when he transitions into his ult stance; it looked cool when I tried on PBE a few months but Xelnath viewed it as unnecessary power he didn't need due to his allies also gaining said vision after testing wrapped up.
I used to play him relatively often and liked him a lot, so I hope he still turns out to be good.
whoo lawd this game.
top Lee Sin manages all of 40cs in 24 minutes to. he was against...Darius.
what the fuck am I supposed to do with that kind of talent?
Darius is rough for a lot of melee champions. Not even Riven can't outtrade him in raw damage. Very vulnerable to mobility or range however, and it gets even worse if the jungler camps him.
40 cs in 24 minutes
is pretty inexcusable though.
Should've tried Sunfire to see how it is, anyone try it after the nerf?
It's never been great on Shyvanna. You have two better options for splitpushing (much better ones) never mind the superior defensive items available in the shop.
Now Mundo and Shyvana are where you have a problem. They're simply too tanky. You can catch a Mundo 1v5 and struggle to kill him. Shyvana doesn't need to be ahead to be a nightmare, and does unfairly high damage without building offensive items. Neither champion takes much skill in teamfights, simply ult and if you're Shyvana press w, and then run at the back line. Renekton in that scenario has to work his way there using his e properly, Shyvana just has to run straight.
Shyvanna is tanky, but something's horribly wrong in your games if people literally let her run up to a carry on top of said carries being oblivious to their immediate surroundings.
Both Mundo's and Shyvanna's supposed unkillable status are also vastly overstated, but whatever.