no I mean
like if you value "good play" or whatever NA LCS isn't exactly where it's at; every good play is an unexpected treat(?), every time TSM actually wins is coupled with the question of how did they win?
but NAs value for me is totally in the weird spectacle of it, the reality TV, every team being distinct in the characters of their rosters, it's status as the moneymaker of esports, etc.
like rekkles tried to be like dblift and also to create his own hashtag but no one cares anymore.
at least 310,000 were watching THAT game; I think that's amazing and hilarious and totally worthwhile
I have no meaningful criticism for any of the scenes, it is what it is, and they appeal to different demographics, and I'm sure Riot is aware of this.
ALSO, zkylon can totally bitch about NA Lcs, like that is an integral part of the na lcs, plus he is a human bean who can do what he wants duh, and u can bitch him out for bitching about it, ugh this is so wonderful