The one time I played jungle Amumu it was pretty simple.
If you're really looking for easy, go Trundle. Zero damage taken in the jungle, good ganks and disengage potential, and no skills that you can really fuck up. He's strong right now, and his only problem is ganking champs with a hard escape. No ones perfect though.Thanks for these tips. I'll consider picking up Xin, as I don't have him. I could play Amumu, but doesn't he get banned in ranked all the time? My goal is to have a char or two at each position so I can start playing ranked.
If you're really looking for easy, go Trundle. Zero damage taken in the jungle, good ganks and disengage potential, and no skills that you can really fuck up. He's strong right now, and his only problem is ganking champs with a hard escape. No ones perfect though.
Speaking of the jungle, what ever happened to Maokai? Haven't seen him in ages.
Have they said if they're doing a Mao rework soon? He's fun to play and deserves more attention.
Amumu is reliable even in challenger, lol. As long as he survives through his early game 1 ult in lategame can secure a win.Amumu will always be viable in bronze/silver and a bit into gold. People just don't have vision when they are grouped up and it's also usually them being too tight together resulting in a 3-4 man ultimate.
I have 200 normal wins and play premade bot with friends. ADC and Support are my best positions, but I suck at jungle. Any tips or tutorials I can look at to get better at the position? The characters I'm debating using in that role are Jax, Fiddlesticks, or Jarvan IV.
every vi ult starting at six can secure a winAmumu is reliable even in challenger, lol. As long as he survives through his early game 1 ult in lategame can secure a win.
thresh doesn't pull, he just hooks.Why does Blitz keep getting banned? Isn't Thresh the better puller?
Thanks for these tips. I'll consider picking up Xin, as I don't have him. I could play Amumu, but doesn't he get banned in ranked all the time? My goal is to have a char or two at each position so I can start playing ranked.
Xin is a noob-friendly jungler, but I wouldn't call him good. Very binary by design and he has a lot of vulnerabilities. Shouldn't really matter in Bronze - lower ends of Gold though.If you're really looking for easy, go Trundle. Zero damage taken in the jungle, good ganks and disengage potential, and no skills that you can really fuck up. He's strong right now, and his only problem is ganking champs with a hard escape. No ones perfect though.
Speaking of the jungle, what ever happened to Maokai? Haven't seen him in ages.
Mid I Am Oak!Have they said if they're doing a Mao rework soon? He's fun to play and deserves more attention.
The problem with Trundle and Spirit Stone is that none of its upgrades are that good on him. Yeah, you can buy Ancient Golem because every other jungler does it and for the increased gold income, but I really wish they changed around Madreds / Wriggles some more because it's better suited for him overall. The mana regen is good, but he doesn't need the health sustain. The health and tenacity from Ancient Golem are good, but back before its CDR got reduced Spirit Visage was a better item to rush on him for the sheer survivability boost (and increased Pillar spamming) when comparing the two items. His clear doesn't substantially improve with Spirit Stone either next to Madreds, given that he only uses auto-attacks + Q. This is especially apparent when trying to sneak in an early dragon at level 6 - 7. He can't use Elder Lizard effectively either, even before Riot made it trigger off of AD-only spells instead of every skill.I've picked him in a few normal games. The new jungle items definitely compliment him, but haven't tried him with the new spirit stone. I use to go spectral wraith to help him with mana sustain, but now with spirit stone changed, I can go spectral golem.
4 wins 1 loss in ranked so far. Can definitely feel the quality of opponents going up with each game.
Nice. Off to a good start. What lanes have you been going?
I'm worried the khazix changes are going to totally neuter him. All he has is his damage and right now the Q is almost all of it. They are nerfing that and even his E ratio as if the Q Nerf wasn't enough. I know there aren't many khazix lovers in here but the pbe change may kill him![]()
I'm worried the khazix changes are going to totally neuter him. All he has is his damage and right now the Q is almost all of it. They are nerfing that and even his E ratio as if the Q Nerf wasn't enough. I know there aren't many khazix lovers in here but the pbe change may kill him![]()
I'm in the same boat as you. They tried to lower Leap's cooldown like it was going to help or something but he really, really needs that damage from Q - not just to win, but to survive. Maybe if they threw in a bleed damage to mitigate that firepower that was lost I'd be okay with it but as is... yikes
It's reddit, unless you're circlejerking or posting skin ideas you'll get downvoted.I really dont understand reddit. Someone posts something that was extremely exaggerated and false, I call them out for it, and I get downvoted.
Highlights and lowlights of my last Thresh game with Fuzzery. Includes an over-the-wall dragon pit Cho'Gath kill, a failed turn on a 3man Rango gank, an intentional invisible Rango hook to secure the game, and moar.
Not a lot of over flashy plays (except for the Nami hook between minions), mostly just a lot of good peeling.
Also, dat Tristana leap + Lantern synergy tuugud.
Yeah, I let Teemo die to a Caitlyn ult, because FUCK Teemo.
You know if you press Q again after hooking someone, you fly to them, right?
I really dont understand reddit. Someone posts something that was extremely exaggerated and false, I call them out for it, and I get downvoted.
That's what you get for calling someone out.
I think I need to start banning Leona.
If you're really looking for easy, go Trundle...and no skills that you can really fuck up. Speaking of the jungle, what ever happened to Maokai? Haven't seen him in ages.
garathk said:I'm worried the khazix changes are going to totally neuter him. All he has is his damage and right now the Q is almost all of it. They are nerfing that and even his E ratio as if the Q Nerf wasn't enough. I know there aren't many khazix lovers in here but the pbe change may kill him![]()
Why does Blitz keep getting banned? Isn't Thresh the better puller?
Now I'm confused. Some people suggest I learn Xin Zhao for jungling, then I hear he's got problems. Then Trundle, but now he's questionable? Is there a consensus "if you're new to jungling, play X" champ? The champs that I own now who could jungle are: Amumu, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kayle, Lee Sin, Malphite (?), Master Yi, Nunu, Rammus, Shaco, Tryndamere, Warwick. I'm fine with purchasing a champ if there's a clear choice that's better than what I have. The competition I mostly face are silver/gold level in normal. I'd just like this champ to be viable in ranked play later (i.e., doesn't get auto-banned).
You can learn jungle with Warwick,rammus and ammumu. They don't have any problems clearing and you can look up or ask me for rune/mastery advice. From there work on learning and timing buffs and objectives. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of those three champs. Building knowledge of team level one strengths, protecting from/invading yourself, warding against counter jungling, and learning which lanes to gank. Are you familiar with jungle itemization at all?Now I'm confused. Some people suggest I learn Xin Zhao for jungling, then I hear he's got problems. Then Trundle, but now he's questionable? Is there a consensus "if you're new to jungling, play X" champ? The champs that I own now who could jungle are: Amumu, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kayle, Lee Sin, Malphite (?), Master Yi, Nunu, Rammus, Shaco, Tryndamere, Warwick. I'm fine with purchasing a champ if there's a clear choice that's better than what I have. The competition I mostly face are silver/gold level in normal. I'd just like this champ to be viable in ranked play later (i.e., doesn't get auto-banned).
Chalice into normal stuff.Mid malphite? How does that work?
Chalice into normal stuff.
Depends on your picks. You gain a lot of CC and tankiness. If you go in on building Malphite with AP and Mpen he still hurts.Wouldn't that give your team a significant damage loss?
He's got solid dmg on his q with decent scaling, his ult scales for huge burst and e even gets a little bit out of ap.he can also shutdown some mids.Wouldn't that give your team a significant damage loss?