Kass buffed?
I'm late to the party but I never thought Leona was that easy to carry your ADC with until now.
Think I'm gonna stick to her only for the placements. It's Annie-Retarded good.
Somewhat. His R got buffed but the ratio when down .1 which isn't big.Kass is basically getting a mini rework.
And aww yiss Gragas nerfs.
if we are talking about gragas, the nerf is pretty big to the ultimate damage. it has higher base damage late in the game, but that's only to account for the damage lost from the ap scaling change. early on it does significantly less damage on the pbe.Somewhat. His R got buffed but the ratio when down .1 which isn't big.
For those of us who didn't know, how did you disable the peer to peer default?I've been temp banned by the leaverbuster before. My internet is pretty bad and I didn't realize there was a peer to peer default on, which wrecked havoc on my connection. Still get the occasional dc and crash, but it has been a considerably more stable after disabling that.
probably uninstalling pando media booster.For those of us who didn't know, how did you disable the peer to peer default?
Hmmm, I just bought him too...if we are talking about gragas, the nerf is pretty big to the ultimate damage. it has higher base damage late in the game, but that's only to account for the damage lost from the ap scaling change. early on it does significantly less damage on the pbe.
probably uninstalling pando media booster.
Here:For those of us who didn't know, how did you disable the peer to peer default?
probably uninstalling pando media booster.
Yeah. A big part about Gragas is his level 6 spike and that just got gutted big time.if we are talking about gragas, the nerf is pretty big to the ultimate damage. it has higher base damage late in the game, but that's only to account for the damage lost from the ap scaling change. early on it does significantly less damage on the pbe.
Went 5-5. Back to silver 5. How many loses can I get before they kick me back to bronze 1?
I think I have 160cs by 30 minutes when I jungle without taxing lanes. I'll only take cs if they need to push after a gank to reset or late game covering/pushing. I'd like to think I'm pretty efficient. Of course I'll take much more in some games but that's an average. The new jungle passives are awesome and it looks like all the stats are getting buffed on pbe. 50 more health on golem and 5 extra ad on lizard. Thanks you riot.Practicing efficient jungling. Never let conservation get to 80 (I failed quite a bit but I'm getting much better), always be doing something - ganking, farming, getting objectives.
A couple times my team was just hanging around mid in a mexican standoff, I almost joined them then realized what a waste of time it was considering how close of a game it was. I cautioned them to not engage and kept farming. Kept blue timers (most of the time) and after losing one dragon, kept the timer and was there for each spawn.
The biggest issue was giving up a double kill and double buffs to Ahri early in the game. Yasuo went hard and I followed - Xin shows up and Ahri gets a double. I'll take the blame, shouldn't have followed it. But kept at it.
Most gold in the game, highest level - tied with Shyvana, 2 levels and 3k gold over their jungler, second highest damage dealt. I didn't do half bad.
I think I have 160cs by 30 minutes when I jungle without taxing lanes. I'll only take cs if they need to push after a gank to reset or late game covering/pushing. I'd like to think I'm pretty efficient. Of course I'll take much more in some games but that's an average. The new jungle passives are awesome and it looks like all the stats are getting buffed on pbe. 50 more health on golem and 5 extra ad on lizard. Thanks you riot.
Also good job coming back after that. It's hard when something like that happens to khaz. If I were xin I would've stayed in your jungle with wards and put more deaths on you.
Edit: I think I have some kind of sickness because I actually want go see dig play.
Jax is not a very good jungler. Fiddlesticks can do well but requires more advanced decision making because he is pretty squishy. Of those Jarvan is probably the best choice, but he's also a little out of style.I have 200 normal wins and play premade bot with friends. ADC and Support are my best positions, but I suck at jungle. Any tips or tutorials I can look at to get better at the position? The characters I'm debating using in that role are Jax, Fiddlesticks, or Jarvan IV.
Only my last placement match with a record of 5-4! Silver something here I come.
I have 200 normal wins and play premade bot with friends. ADC and Support are my best positions, but I suck at jungle. Any tips or tutorials I can look at to get better at the position? The characters I'm debating using in that role are Jax, Fiddlesticks, or Jarvan IV.
"Only positive comments allowed!" is equally "insufferable" on a discussion forum.People like reading posts from people along the lines of "wah this is so boring to watch, all teams are awful, etc"? It makes him sound like a wet rag.
You're right. He can post about whatever he wants to post about .... but it begins to get pretty insufferable when you have a choice to tune in or tune out of all these boring matches.
You can call it selective memory, but whenever I see a post-game lobby screenshot in here or when I look through any given person's match history, ARAM's regularly seem to be longer on average than Dominion matches or even some Summoner's Rift games. Often also way too much downtime for my liking in between teamfights compared to Twisted Treeline or Dominion. "It's a nice looking map" is the only compliment I can give it, not to imply others aren't allowed to enjoy it.I disagree about ARAM -- primary appeal is not "excitement" from map configuration or random champions, primary appeal factors include a fast game with constant teamfighting and a variety of champions without having to worry about which champion you pick or whether you are a pro at that champion.
If the enemy grabs Leona, pick Alistar to be a big ol' nuisance.I'm late to the party but I never thought Leona was that easy to carry your ADC with until now.
Think I'm gonna stick to her only for the placements. It's Annie-Retarded good.
Electro farts. Nothing like flatulence to get players hyped.i really dislike it when it gets weird. like electronic sounding
How did this happen?I don't think I've ever won so much IP in a single game.
I don't think I've ever won so much IP in a single game.
Grats! I think..
How did this happen?
Stacked double IP boosts can do work.
I remember during the early times of LoL when we got a double IP weekend. Stack with double IP boosts for quadruple IP bonus!
Jax is not a very good jungler. Fiddlesticks can do well but requires more advanced decision making because he is pretty squishy. Of those Jarvan is probably the best choice, but he's also a little out of style.
At the very start of the game just start at the jungle buff near your bot lane and ping for them to help. Clear that, do the small wolf or wraith camp (whichever is nearer) and then just go to your other buff once smite is back up. I think if you're still starting it's easier to play something more oriented around farming, and look for gank opportunities when they're available. Try to watch the mini map a lot and think about where the enemy jungler might be. Try to control objectives and get an idea for when they spawn.
I think some of the best junglers for someone just starting out would be Xin Zaho, Nocturne, and Amumu. It's also kind of unconventional but Malphite is beginner friendly and effective. Rush Spirit of the Ancient Golem and life is good.
I would agree that Xin Zhao is the easiest jungle champion to start with. Just incredibly simple ganks. Jarvan is a solid jungler, I learned jungling using him. I really like Elise and Vi at the moment.
Some things to learn:
Objective timers: buffs - 5 mins, dragon - 6 mins, baron - 7 mins. You're in charge of these as the jungler. This means usually the buff you start at will respawn at ~7:10, and then at around 12:30, etc, assuming you do it straight away.
Protect your jungle. It can be a good idea to put a pink ward by one of your buffs since it's unlikely it will be destroyed unless they invade you. Also, you generally want to start red as most invades happen at the red buff by the other jungler, so if you've already done red it takes that possibility away.
For ganking, think about the best way to use your cooldowns between your laner, and try to keep track of the enemy's wards and their cooldowns.