I don't even have anything left to buy with IP, I just want more IP.smatt jelly
I don't even have anything left to buy with IP, I just want more IP.smatt jelly
You can learn jungle with Warwick,rammus and ammumu. They don't have any problems clearing and you can look up or ask me for rune/mastery advice. From there work on learning and timing buffs and objectives. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of those three champs. Building knowledge of team level one strengths, protecting from/invading yourself, warding against counter jungling, and learning which lanes to gank. Are you familiar with jungle itemization at all?
The most viable champs right now in ranked are: amumu,vi,nocturne,shyvana,olaf,lee sin and elise.
Yeah. If you send Malphite mid you'll probably also send damage dealers elsewhere, like a bruiser with a lot of damage top or a carry-ish jungler.Depends on your picks. You gain a lot of CC and tankiness. If you go in on building Malphite with AP and Mpen he still hurts.
Not Maokai...Yeah. If you send Maokai mid you'll probably also send damage dealers elsewhere, like a bruiser with a lot of damage top or a carry-ish jungler.
Does lolpro really have sufficient guides, updated recently enough for general use? Amumu for example appears to have only 1-2 Amumu guides, and the most recent was updated 2 months ago, unless I just can't figure out both navigating their site and googling for their guides.Don't use mobafire. Use Lolpro.
Don't use mobafire. Use Lolpro.
Mid malphite? How does that work?
I meant Malphite, d'oh.Not Maokai...
Don't we have a thread for that so people can come here spoiler free?Is it safe to talk about lcs?
Don't we have a thread for that so people can come here spoiler free? we? I have no idea, haha.
Do we? I have no idea, haha.
You don't really learn anything substantial about the role when using Warwick though. He's beginner-friendly in the sense that he's safe if left alone because he'll endlessly clear camps (albeit not very fast), but that's not really what you want him to do at all even with the increased gold income. His ancient kit design hasn't kept up with how the jungle changed over the years, which means that he isn't a good champion to help newcomers understand (and act on) the various intricacies unique to what part the jungler plays on any given team.You can learn jungle with Warwick,rammus and ammumu. They don't have any problems clearing and you can look up or ask me for rune/mastery advice. From there work on learning and timing buffs and objectives. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of those three champs. Building knowledge of team level one strengths, protecting from/invading yourself, warding against counter jungling, and learning which lanes to gank. Are you familiar with jungle itemization at all?
The most viable champs right now in ranked are: amumu,vi,nocturne,shyvana,olaf,lee sin and elise.
I'm going to echo the "don't use Mobafire" posts here. Too many outdated or generally poorly constructed guides available there, including the top rated ones.Thanks, I'm going to work on Amumu. I'll build him according to the top rated Mobafire guide, which is how I usually go for itemization/runes/mastery. If I lock him in as my main jungler, I'll check out builds on I'm not that familiar with jungle itemization, particularly season 4. Any tips for an Amumu player?
To be fair, you were in the 5th division right?Now this is what you call a balanced system!
I so obviously became a Silver 4 player in the span of two days! AREN'T PROVISIONAL GAMES GREAT GUYS
edit: if someone explains to me how i can go 23 wins with 12 losses in my "Recent Statistics" and still lose 300+ elo ill be content
i definitely noticed the quality of players deteriorating, but so was my mental health by the end of this d:
To be fair, you were in the 5th division right?
I'm buying Tristana for you, GAF
It's a soft reset, and the "lolking score" have nothing to do with elo/mmr.Now this is what you call a balanced system!
I so obviously became a Silver 4 player in the span of two days! AREN'T PROVISIONAL GAMES GREAT GUYS
edit: if someone explains to me how i can go 23 wins with 12 losses in my "Recent Statistics" and still lose 300+ elo ill be content
i definitely noticed the quality of players deteriorating, but so was my mental health by the end of this d:
It's a soft reset, and the "lolking score" have nothing to do with elo/mmr.
I always thought that Lolking Score was really close to your elo/mmr?
I feel like ahri without dfg is basically pretty shit now so dunno if delaying it so much would be worth it (since you have to rush jungle item).Do you guys think that Jungle Ahri can work now?
It wouldn't work even if it was release Ahri.Do you guys think that Jungle Ahri can work now?
Do you guys think that Jungle Ahri can work now?
I feel like ahri without dfg is basically pretty shit now so dunno if delaying it so much would be worth it (since you have to rush jungle item).
elise feels to me like an already good catch+mobility champion that has built-in sustain and gets her full power at level 3-4 instead of 6, so if you haven't played her, I dunno, if you already have ahri you can always try but if not elise pretty does a similar job well
and like I just played with a friend that went jungle karthus and it was alright
I feel like you can throw pretty much everything there nowadays
just say it's for me bby.I'm buying Tristana for you, GAF
4-0 as top laner.
0-4 as everything else.
Those games I lost, we needed a tank which I could've done easily if I gotten that role. Instead they go Aatrox top as a
What was his build?
R.I.P Unicorn's Cavaliers
So I like armor quints, mpen reds , armor yellows and Mr blues. 0/21/9 masteries . Starting either w or e is acceptable. Get q at level 3 and max E. You can q to jungle camps and clear like a beast. The extra armor protects you from any cheese invades and prevents top Lakers from turning on you in ganks. Ancient golem is the best jungle item for amumu but spectral wraith is a possible pickup. After getting golem you should focus on building your first tank item based on those comp. For most junglers after starting machete and 5 pots you'd farm or gank until about 1000g and pick up spirit stone,boots, a ward and pots.Thanks, I'm going to work on Amumu. I'll build him according to the top rated Mobafire guide, which is how I usually go for itemization/runes/mastery. If I lock him in as my main jungler, I'll check out builds on I'm not that familiar with jungle itemization, particularly season 4. Any tips for an Amumu player?