Mister Negative
just finished my placements 7-3 and got put in silver v. nothing has changed.
Same situation here, I was placed basically where I started. The system is kinda harsh, but I think it placed a lot of players at the V divisions that shouldn't be there where they deserved to be.just finished my placements 7-3 and got put in silver v. nothing has changed.
Same situation here, I was placed basically where I started. The system is kinda harsh, but I think it placed a lot of players at the V divisions that shouldn't be there where they deserved to be.
Europe showed him off, but that won't last long since he's on the chopping block.Also seeing a lot of Khazix lately.
Drone, to me!
This is probably in poor taste, but if they did do that I think Harrier procs should damage units around the target too.
Same situation here, I was placed basically where I started. The system is kinda harsh, but I think it placed a lot of players at the V divisions that shouldn't be there where they deserved to be.
So I just started to play toplane.
It seems to be ok -results-wise- so far but I'm still not the carry I want to be. What would you guys advise on item building?
I always rush Botrk then boots (armor or MR depending on situation) but after that... what?
Should I build Trinity or BT?
Also as a toplaner should I take the all AD route or am I expected to buy tankyness (in chich case I would go randuin + spirit visage)?
I do not play much, but I really do not care for ranked. Mainly as I cannot play it, being under 30. This was a helpful opinion I feel.
As general consensus here seems to be to not touch ranked for a bit till 30, I cannot wait for team builder. No more dubious match making with massive parties I hope. Just singles and if I lose, I will not be able to blame the gold people on the other team.
It is what makes it so tempted to just dive into ranked straight away.
Against most teams with jax you will want botrk, triforce, randuins, spirit visage, boots, ga. Obviously change your defensive items against a team that is all ad. Usually I'll go botrk first, or at least go bilgewater, then if I'm doing well I go triforce second, if I'm feeding I get armour.
oh godThis is probably in poor taste, but if they did do that I think Harrier procs should damage units around the target too.
I'm coming to accept that Vi might be OP as I've started playing her. She does so much damage, even if you build pretty tanky. Her level 6 ganks are stupidly good.
I agree with this. Renekton does tend to fall off late game, and his early game is probably one of the strongest at the top lane.
No, but just the proc, the damage from your third auto itself can still crit.Can silver bolts crit?
No, but just the proc, the damage from your third auto itself can still crit.
b-b-b-buh she uses so much mana!
next thing you'll say is that elise is OP
I agree with this. Renekton does tend to fall off late game, and his early game is probably one of the strongest at the top lane.
I agree with this. Renekton does tend to fall off late game, and his early game is probably one of the strongest at the top lane.
Question: Got Silver 3 for team 3v3. Will I get the banner at the end of the season if we finish here or do I have to do solos to get it?
that wouldn't be badI don't know why every champ has to have a flat power scale across a match.
At this rate, LeBlanc's is pretty much guaranteed to be on the chopping block. Watch as Riot gives her the Ahri treatment: gut base damages, increase ratios by a tiny amount (+10% AP) then adding a DFG damage amp on targets rooted by E. This will "separate the good LeBlancs from the great LeBlancs".
I don't know why every champ has to have a flat power scale across a match.
At this rate, LeBlanc's is pretty much guaranteed to be on the chopping block. Watch as Riot gives her something similar to the Ahri treatment: gut base damages, increase ratios by a tiny amount (+10% AP) then adding a DFG damage amp on targets rooted by E. This will "separate the good LeBlancs from the great LeBlancs".
quick ideas for team name
gg sona mid reportquick ideas for team name
Soraka's Cavaliersquick ideas for team name
I'm coming to accept that Vi might be OP as I've started playing her. She does so much damage, even if you build pretty tanky. Her level 6 ganks are stupidly good.
Tips please. Build order, skill leveling order, and so forth.
Well I suppose they want wins and losses to be determined as much as possible by pure skill and the ability to execute, rather than being able to brute force through to a win. I guess?
Odd Future.
I lost my first placement.
Feels bad, my worst lanes are top and jungle, and I and my duo where left with only... top and jungle, leona said at first she would fill, so I was happy because I would play support, before she locked Leona, (won my first placement as support) and just nope.
It didn't help I had more cs than our Kassadin. And I wasted a lot of time trying to keep bot from falling apart.
If your guy opened up kassadin, atleast ask him if he knows how to play him lol, also surprised he wasn't banned out.
I lost my first placement.
Feels bad, my worst lanes are top and jungle, and I and my duo where left with only... top and jungle, leona said at first she would fill, so I was happy because I would play support, then she locked Leona, (won my first placement as support) and just nope.
It didn't help I had more cs than our Kassadin. And I wasted a lot of time trying to keep bot from falling apart.
I had a Panth jungle in one of my placements. Dude was so boss and ganked very well with his ult.
What's your in game name? You're not on the spreadsheet!