I've seen a lot of it last season all through plat.
I'm convinced it's a nice solo queue thing.
Oh, I see. I thought it was due to LCS, they played jungle Panth in a game there.
I've seen a lot of it last season all through plat.
I'm convinced it's a nice solo queue thing.
apparently some people are just tanking games to fuck people overI'm 2/4 in my placements. 2 losses because of afks. I've never played ranked before this but for some reason I assumed things like this didn't happen there. Silly naive me.
Hecarim is back, praise to the spirit stone!
Thoughts on Kog Maw?
Decent pickup?
he has a unique play style and can get real strong, but he doesn't have a trick that can turn a fight for him if things go wrong. passive kind of sucks too.Thoughts on Kog Maw?
Decent pickup?
I really like him, but I don't think he's in too great a spot right now, what with all them vis and shyvannas and elises jumping aroundThoughts on Kog Maw?
Decent pickup?
yeah I'd say the same thing but you know if you get fucked in placements you really shouldn't have much problem climbing back upSaid it, dont play ranked now..
he has a unique play style and can get real strong, but he doesn't have a trick that can turn a fight for him if things go wrong. passive kind of sucks too.
Thoughts on Kog Maw?
Decent pickup?
*takes notes*
hmmmm. was thinking of picking him up now since Skarner is free this week. By the time Skarner is out of the free rotation, I should have enough IP to pick him up too. But Kog never interested me. Probably because he's fugly.
Wait for his Q change to go through and see if you like him. I like his artillery playstyle.Thoughts on Kog Maw?
Decent pickup?
did you try poopy
her Q's hp% is nice
Lv1 Q against golem with spirit stone = (20 + 80 + 120)*1.2 = 240 damage
200 * 0.8 = 19 health and mana
her Qs only cost 36 mana now
whatProbably because he's fugly.
I tried Brand but I'm probably missing something. He felt pretty squishy on the first clears, even if I made sure his passive was always ticking with QW->E combo. I felt mana starved too. Maybe I maxed the wrong skills / wrong rune setup? I went RWQE. I don't know what to put on reds so I went with ASPD just to help with the clears.Brand,Darius,lissandra,malzahar, maokai,wukong, pantheon, volibear and xin feel a better in the jungle with these changes.
I wanna give sion a try one of these days.
butterfly kogmaw is my 3rd favorite skin
Ranked is such a mess right now. Getting matched with people with such lopsided skill levels it ain't even funny.
I guess I'll just wait a month or so before stuff settles down.
The Karma rework turned out to be fantastic one patch after her release. It's hilarious that there is still a large amount of players who are under the impression that she needs even more buffs that improve her numbers. You've kind of read it all when there are some who earnestly believe that Karma's Mantra'd E is underwhelming, even though it's a Shurelya's + Locket x 1,5 that scales with AP and also deals damage. Bad skill.Mannnn, I'm afraid of what they might do to him after the Karma rework. I play him all the time and although I'm not good at this game, he's one of the few champions that I can enjoy even the most awful games with. Eliminating hidden power like his extra gold from Parrrley and Grog-Soaked Blade's slow/damage is fair enough, but I feel like he's not even THAT easy to do well with now, and they're going to make it harder. :/ They're already going to wreck his wave clear by nerfing Statikk Shiv, if recent posts are to be believed. I wonder if they'll try to eliminate crits from his kit - that would be pretty sickening after releasing Yasuo who gets 100% extra free crit.
Several legitimately good champions have less than 50% win rate. Also doesn't help that lolking's stat tracking is (or has been, not sure how they are now with the released API tools) inaccurate according to Riot.Well, Yasuo finally hit a positive winrate in solo q.
DOTA 2's tutorials are supposed to be good and thorough last I heard, so if you'd rather just read walls of text...I ain't playing no tutorial that's for sure
DOTA 2's tutorials are supposed to be good and thorough last I heard, so if you'd rather just read walls of text...
Oh, okay. Haven't checked them out myself, only recalled some acquaintances being content with them (after chiming in that they supposedly covered essential basics + some personalized 'quests') for what little that's worth.Dota 2's tutorial was really terrible from what I played. It was just so boring and made even worse by there not being a simple "skip the tutorial" option. Now, it is skippable by messing with some files, but those first few levels were just bad.
The Karma rework turned out to be fantastic one patch after her release. It's hilarious that there is still a large amount of players who are under the impression that she needs even more buffs that improve her numbers. You've kind of read it all when there are some who earnestly believe that Karma's Mantra's E is underwhelming, even though it's a Shurelya's + Locket x 1,5 that scales with AP and also deals damage. Bad skill.
That said, not expecting much from Gangplank's rework even though he used to be one of my favorites. If it's a succesful design, he'll be strong but deemed overpowered thanks to the knee-jerk community, which'll result into him being nerfed into redundancy again like Xin Zhao or Gangplank's current iteration.
playing jungle panth right now
holy shit he's fun
fotm after kha callin it nao
It's not that I think she's bad, just that I don't like playing her any more. I have been hardcore beasted by Karmas before. God she hurts. But I don't find her fun. It's cool that she's a fair bit more popular after the rework, but I enjoyed the old Karma a lot more. I don't play the OP/FOTM champions, I play the ones I like. (Gangplank a pretty obvious example.)
Nah she was doomed. With the new support changes she would've been acceptable, but with the previous support system she was just worthless because she had no cc, which was the must have for any support considering they wouldn't be getting any real item which could make their abilities scale.
*takes notes*
thanks for the thoughts guys. as always. I'll give him a whirl. I like a challenge.
Fiora isn't really difficult to play though. Anyways, if you want a new ADC there's no reason to mess around with champs like Kog. Draven is where it's at.You want a challenge? Play Fiora.
Winning with her eez a real challenge.Fiora isn't really difficult to play though.
She's like the adc version of Nasus. If you don't pressure her early...she can delete your team.Winning with her eez a real challenge.
Fiora isn't really difficult to play though. Anyways, if you want a new ADC there's no reason to mess around with champs like Kog. Draven is where it's at.
She's like the adc version of Nasus. If you don't pressure her early...she can delete your team.
ADC Kog bad.
AP Kog gud.
People underestimate Fiora so hard.
"if she's fed"People underestimate Fiora so hard.
Oh, okay. Haven't checked them out myself, only recalled some acquaintances being content with them (after chiming in that they supposedly covered essential basics + some personalized 'quests') for what little that's worth.
I tried it for a little bitDOTA 2's tutorials are supposed to be good and thorough last I heard, so if you'd rather just read walls of text...
yea, that's a fairly accurate description of it. It teaches the basics. Drills in the importance of last hitting, how to use your skills, how to use the shop, and how to buy and combine parts of items to make bigger items. Not sure if one can ask it to do a lot more than that.It's bad in the sense that it doesn't really teach you how to play DotA, more like how to control you champion in DotA. The first few tutorial "levels" even give a false impression that the game might be some sort of RTS or even an action RPG. It's very good in the sense that it's well put together and more entertaining to go through than LoL's tutorial.
I mean...it's a MOBA. I'm not sure how you make a proper tutorial for game type that takes upwards of 100 hours to really understand.
it'd be really cool, for both doto and lol, to have very brief noob friendly champion descriptions during loading screens or whatnot.
like say for blitzcrank it could say something like: "Tanky robot that can pull enemies to him from afar. Beware of when he runs towards you or when you lose sight of him!".
like make it toggleable so it's not annoying for experienced players. you don't really learn blitz' whole kit or whatever but at least you're not in the complete dark when you play against them for the first few times. like I have no idea how I learned to play lol, I play doto and I keep getting spells cast on me and I have no idea what these buffs do or why the enemies turn invisible or whatever. and the only way to learn is through experience (unless you're in the mood of memorizing 112 champs), but I feel like having something like that might help you notice the right things about champions and learn about them instead of being endlessly frustrated because fuck if I know what just happened![]()