That Vi build is extremely aggressive haha.
I'm not sure if it's just matchmaking or what at the moment, but my last few games I've either stomped the enemy team and carried most of our lanes, or I've played terrible and fed and our team has lost.
Look at this stuff. In my last 10 games I'm 5-5. In the 5 wins I've gone 44-8-45. In the 5 losses I've gone 15-36-45.
I'm maining Vi and Elise at this point. Elise only when we need ap or when I think the team comp calls for it.
I saw a Nightblue Elise game where he built 100% tanky: Golem, Sorc Boots, then Sunfire/Randuins/Spirit (game ended before he got the last item I think). I tried that earlier today and to be honest I wasn't feeling it that much. I understand it's probably a good idea when you're ahead, but when you're as fed as he was I usually go Golem->Sorcs->Liandries->Rylais/Abyssal/Void before getting a couple tank items. It seemed weird to see an Elise building pure tank. I realize her base damages are strong, but I feel like building Liandries early really helps me melt tanks in the mid-late game which is great since I typically try to peel for carries a lot of the time in teamfights when I'm playing Elise.