What really chaffs my ass is that lots of the changes and AP utility scaling require the purchase of a big ticket AP item (Deathcap, Zhonya's, etc.) just to get the power I used to get for free.
basically ranged supports are worse off than before because these changes made thresh and leona even more dominant, while annie's still on her rampage (which I love because I can finally get my revenge). I mean I never intended to buy more ap with sona, so maybe don't take my shitty ratios away for the bit of ap I get off athene's maybe? although mikael's is so much better for saving adcs lives that you don't even get that. and like mikael's awesome, why can't you give it some ap so it's more useful for sona and nami and all of them cool cats while not doing anything really for leona? or maybe give twin shadows some love, or spellthief, or whatever.
it boggles my mind that riot actually thought that anyone was gonna be pleased with a 0.02 ratio on a spell.
Anyone have good resources for learning Nami? She's the support I'm currently playing during my marathon and I haven't really "got" her yet.
the way I play nami is that basically for the first 8 or so minutes of the game I'm just throwing warm-up bubbles
I try and try and try and end up with like 23% accuracy.
then as the game goes on and I'm in the zone it'll go up to like 89%.
but basically treat it like a blitz grab, sometimes the danger of the off-cooldown bubble is even better than actually casting it. also try casting e on yourself, hit them once, then shoot bubble to make it easier to land/force a flash. and when your adc's harassing cast your e while he's mid-animation and you'll get pretty good poke. I love doing that with cait.
and uh, I dunno about most people, but I tend to max spells pretty differently each game. sometimes it's e>w>q, sometimes it's w>q>e, etc. mostly depending on how much hard engage vs poke the lane is.
build is 90% of the times shurelyas into mikael into tankiness while maxing cdr with spirit visage, frozen heart, randuins or maybe morellos. I start doran's ring or doran's shield most of the time because I wanna murder fools
Even up to low tier diamond she is probably still damned good in the right hands.
LCS picks are not the only good picks they just set trends.
Her speedboost scaling with AP is not that bad because in regular soloqueue or normals you will actually get to build some items. Chase comps are pretty crazy. I was on a team with Olaf jungle, karma mid, sivir and sona bot. Once you got the enemy to waste an Ult you could run them down across the map.
I'm sure you chasing people had a lot more to do with the 40% speed buffs from sivir and karma and shurelyas than sona's flat 4+4%+2 per 100 ap. sure it's a spammable skill but why even give it a scaling if it's gonna be so shit.
but yeah she's not totally awful because her kit is great but they've chipped away so much of it that for me she feels really meh.