What don't you like, that he isn't a pretty lady support?You see me play every support except Cow. I'll never do cow. I'll do LB support before Cow. I'll Elise support before Cow. No Cow. Ever.
well I just played with a hec that ran cleanse instead of ghost because he mixed the icons up
Sydney is pretty boring compared to jp/koreaI had a hecarim tell me flash was better than ghost yesterday. He missed so many kills because he couldn't catch upto anyone to spam Q.
I feel like every gold player that was plat last season is brain dead. They all think their top shit and refuse to group until its too late (when i say this, i mean at the 30-40minute mark). Every single one split pushes even though I get such a big lead by pushing down all 3 outer turrets and the first dragon.
I'm just amazed at the arrogance of these players
Been trying out Riven for my first time in 3s and getting my ass kicked. My build is good so it must just be me. Though I've gone positive in my last two games (both losses), I've died like 8-10 times too :/
Sydney is pretty boring compared to jp/korea
It's always been like this to be honest. Side lanes and jungle will always be FOTM fiesta.im tired of seeing the same sets of champs
adc: jinx, lucien, cait
top: shyv, mundo, nasus
jungle: shyv/vi/elise
sup: nothing but leona and threshes
ranked is just an exercise in repetition atm
at least mid is kinda varied (outside of ziggs)
It depends on how high your normal MMR is. Back in season 3 the quality of my games in normal draft was much higher than ranked (Gold I after placements), so I had little to no reason to bother with the latter. Meaningless lolking number doesn't count.Are ranked matches more enjoyable or less enjoyable than normal draft? On one hand, everyone should be matched with similar players. On the other hand, I'd imagine the demotion/promotion stuff could get stressful.
You see me play every support except Cow. I'll never do cow. I'll do LB support before Cow. I'll Elise support before Cow. No Cow. Ever.
It also doesn't help that most competitive teams foolishy believe that playing whatever everyone else is playing will get them very far in tournaments. It's not even as if there are only a handful of 'viable' champions either, unless they're more concerned about their job security (given how LCS is structured) based on how predictable their picks usually are. Boring matches all-around, often with questionable itemization too.It's always been like this to be honest. Side lanes and jungle will always be FOTM fiesta.
Mid is only varied because it's the best designed lane in the game, but all it takes is one assassin to be OP to fuck everything.
Jungle Leona is a thing, and it's good.
idk, this is the most opressive the jungle meta has ever felt to me.It's always been like this to be honest. Side lanes and jungle will always be FOTM fiesta.
Considering we still see some odd picks here and there, it's still not as bad as say, late season 2 jungle meta.idk, this is the most opressive the jungle meta has ever felt to me.
Itemization is where the game is it's weakest.
Has anyone ever been on such a losing streak that they want to never, ever play this stupid game again? Yeah.
I don't think there's ever been only three jungle picks. Like, in the past there were bigger issues with popular champs being overly prevalent, but right now it feels more like unconventional picks are kind of just incapable compared to their counterparts that scale. Before it was about gold efficiency, but now it's about gold scaling, and that cuts off way more junglers because they were often designed without scaling in mind.Considering we still see some odd picks here and there, it's still not as bad as say, late season 2 jungle meta.
Still, we went from like 3 jungle picks to 5-ish. Not much of a difference in the end.
Jungle Leona is a thing, and it's good. Also @above, what's a build path for jungle Panth?
Jungle Leona is a thing, and it's good. Also @above, what's a build path for jungle Panth?
What don't you like, that he isn't a pretty lady support?
I was so intent on playing properly that I didn't even spam the MESS WITH THE BULL line the entire match.
Also whenever you want to be silly go play Sona in blind pick. They wouldn't let me go mid, so I did support Sona with the AP items/masteries etc. from Subtle's Sona mid guide. The mid laner fed (Talon against Kassadin), but we won the lane with Sona + Miss Fortune and we both had the most damage to enemies on the team with lots of kills. I was only 300 damage behind her.![]()
Yeah, the game struggled with itemization back in Season 2 already and while Riot has improved it with varying degrees of success, there still isn't enough overall variety to speak of to cover certain strategic niches that are currently lacking. That's excluding other problems (specific to pre-season 4) such as them ignoring the state of Madreds / Wriggles, and instead continuing to finetune the Spirit Stone line even though these items (for the most part) weren't in a truly bad spot in the first place. Outside of Ancient Golem still being the safest of the three, I mean.As far as the jungle meta goes I'm also finding it a bit stale. I keep trying new things in testing but they don't work too well.
Itemization is where the game is it's weakest.
I don't even know what to do anymore. Just lost my second 4v5 in three days where my team had 5.
Had a guy, last pick, say he would fill, and then proceeds to go, "Well, I don't ADC, so I guess I'll just play Thresh." We actually get out of lane alright, and their Lucian at this point isn't even ahead, let alone fed. We haven't killed him much (instead taking down his support a few times), but he does have more farm than Thresh, especially when considering Taric's Targon farm. The game goes on, our Kayle is fed, and then my team just throws fight after fight. Their Yasuo leaves, and we end up grabbing a Baron, so we think we are pretty set. Unfortunately, not a single person gets onto Lucian in our fights, and he proceeds to get kill... after kill... after kill. We get 5-0 aced 45 minutes into the game, and that's that.
I don't know what I could have done differently that game other than land a better tibbers stun in team fights. I realize that is important, and may have cost us the game, but I had a good laning phase, got my ADC 2-3 kills, took there tower down and I was 2/0/2. roamed, kept my wards up on drag/baron, kept timers, and then we just throw it.
Sorry, I know most of my posts here are stories about games I play, but I need to vent somewhere. A place where people can just skip the posts if they don't want to read it seems to be the place.
Someone told me to go hurricane but I feel like in most cases, you will not get a chance to sit there with your short attack range and chain combos on the team, and instead someone is going to dive you. If you had a J4 or Galio maybe.
Don't buy Hurricane on anyone ever.Someone told me to go hurricane but I feel like in most cases, you will not get a chance to sit there with your short attack range and chain combos on the team, and instead someone is going to dive you. If you had a J4 or Galio maybe.
An Urgot/Soraka lane in this LCS game that's gonna start soon.
Gonna be interesting.
An Urgot/Soraka lane in this LCS game that's gonna start soon.
Gonna be interesting.
huhI bought Varus a while back, maybe the last time I had enough IP, since I liked him in ARAM so much. I tried him in some SR games and weirdly I like him there too.
I've just been going doran's blade, brutalizer, vamp stick, last whisper, shootfast shoes, bloodthirster, maybe furor enchantment, black cleaver, and defense item. The sixth item could probably be attack speed or infinity edge.
Someone told me to go hurricane but I feel like in most cases, you will not get a chance to sit there with your short attack range and chain combos on the team, and instead someone is going to dive you. If you had a J4 or Galio maybe.
Maybe hurricane is still good though. If so I'm not sure where in the build order it would go.
I bought Varus a while back, maybe the last time I had enough IP, since I liked him in ARAM so much. I tried him in some SR games and weirdly I like him there too.
I've just been going doran's blade, brutalizer, vamp stick, last whisper, shootfast shoes, bloodthirster, maybe furor enchantment, black cleaver, and defense item. The sixth item could probably be attack speed or infinity edge.
Someone told me to go hurricane but I feel like in most cases, you will not get a chance to sit there with your short attack range and chain combos on the team, and instead someone is going to dive you. If you had a J4 or Galio maybe.
Maybe hurricane is still good though. If so I'm not sure where in the build order it would go.
3rd longest range lvl 1.doesnt varus have one of the longer attack ranges for ADCs
3rd longest range lvl 1.
Who takes the second spot? Jinx?
Jinx is tied with Ashe at lvl 1Who takes the second spot? Jinx?